My Osutchi and Mesutchi blog!


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mimitchi ^o^

Well-known member
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
Yesterday I got my Osutchi and Mesutchi in the mail. I put batteries in them and started them up. After a minute or so they hatched into kuritchi. It was late at night and they wouldnt evolve yet and so i went to sleep with them awake :eek: But when i woke up, they both only had two happy and hungry hearts gone, and they were mohi-tamatchi! So today they have been well, and they only asked for discipline twice. for food they have a rice bowl, and for snack they have a peice of candy. then the game is you have to hit the A or B button on which flag to press. The A button is the white flag and the B button is the black flag. These tama's are needy! they need you in about every 5-10 minutes! :eek: I think this is enough for today. Goodbye!

Osutchi: Lb 84, Age 1.

Mesutchi: Lb 12, Age 1.

:furawatchi: :huh: :huh:

Hello hello and welcome :D Over awhile my osutchi and mesutchi evolved :D ! I've been trying to get them to different characters, so i gave osutchi half discipline, and mesutchi full discipline, but back to the evolve tamas. The boy turned into obotchi, and the girl turned into hawaikotchi :D this is awesome! only a few more days untill they evolve into adults!! :D :lol: Well i guess thats all! Bye!

Osutchi: Lb 91 : 5 yrs

Mesutchi: Lb 25 : 5 yrs

:furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

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:( :eek: :( I got grounded and my tamas died! oh well, I restarted them and now they are mohitamatchi again. Today they will turn into the teens again :D Not alot has happened lately. Im in school, I dont go places that much anymore. Im going to start a log on my music star twins, so be sure to check it out :D Well thats enough for today :eek: bye!

Osutchi: Lb 61, age 5

Mesutchi: Lb 61, age 5

See you later for more posts!

:( :eek: :eek:

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My Osutchi and mesutchi evolved into hawainotchi and hawaikotchi! hawaikotchi turned into debutchi and i desperately tried to get her wait down, so she turned back into hawaikotchi, phew. i played a couple of games with them, and they won each one. I will post on easter, because I need a break.

Osutchi: lb 84, yr 7.

Mesutchi lb 88, yr 7.

:chohimetchi: :mimitchi: :chohimetchi:

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Hello everyone! I havent posted in awhile, so im going to today.mesutchi turned into bunkotchi :D , and osutchi turned into megatchi :eek: , they had teletchi babies :D . Everytime its an ending of a generation I do a chart.

Osutchi: Kuritchi - MohiTamatchi - hawainotchi - megatchi 99 lb, 14 yr.

Mesutchi: Kuritchi - MohiTamatchi - hawaikotchi - bunkotchi 99 lb, 14 yr.

Well see you later!

:rolleyes: :D ;)

Last night the parents left the babies. Wow :eek: These teletchi babies are easier than the kuritchi babies! I mean, they arent as needy. and they are cuter than the kuritchi babies :wub: Well my cousins are over for a visit, see you later!

Osutchi:8 lb, 2 yr.

Mesutchi:8 lb, 2 yr.

;) :mimitchi: :p

Okay Im back! The teletchi's evolved into petitchis, And I have to say they are pretty easy to take care of, Also I have good news and bad news. The bad news is im sick. :( The good news is my aunt sent me tamagotchi corner shop 1,2 and 3 for DS! One and three are boring, but two is pretty fun. okay back to the blog. I was starting to panic because they were already 4 years and wouldnt evolve, but today they finally evolved into petitchis. ( and i also might get a P2 tamagotchi!) Well see you later!

Osutchi : lb 55, 5 yrs

Mesutchi : lb 55, 5 yrs

:( :( :(

Well this is weird! The babies turned into toddlers after four years, and the toddlers evolved into teens in one day! This is so weird! The boy turned into moritchi, and the girl turned into morutchi.

(just a quick reminder, check out my other blogs too!)

See you guys later!

Osutchi : lb 70, yr 7

Mesutchi : lb 71, yr 7

:( :p :D

I have almost one million things to talk about.Read below. :pochitchi:

morutchi-mimikotchi-debutchi-dead-gen1-age 36-lb 99.

moritchi-dead-kuritchi-Mohitamatchi-hawainotchi-dead-gen1- age 16-lb 61.

I will restart them tomorrow, im kinda tired.( By the way, the reason they died is I forgot to feed them and I went to baseball practice, then when I cane back and checked them they were dead.)

See you soon for more posts...

:D :chohimetchi: :p

I just rehatched the osu mesu! They are kuritchi. Im fired up on caring for them well! I almost got out of tamas but then I dove back in, phew, a close one. I love tama's :D ! But back to the post.I have my chart all listed out in my tama book. I plan to save up money - go to toys 'R' us - Buy a necklace and tama or - /Tama and Tama\. This book has gone well! and another thing, im glad these kuritchi dont go over weight, im feeding them junk :lol: .

See you soon for more posts!

Osu-5 lb, 0 yr.

Mesu-5 lb, 0 yr.

:( :lol: :ph34r:

Sorry its been soo long! i got out of tamas! :( :( but back to osutchi and mesutchi! they are on the 2nd gen and are teletchis!! again.... hmm well nothing new except i ordered a tamagotchi hexagontchi + color for my birthday!! AWESOMENESS!!! :( :( :( well i guess see you later!

Osutchi:3 yr, Lb 81.

Mesutchi:3 yr, Lb 86.

:D :D :D
