My New V5 Tama!


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Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score

This is my first time using my TamaTalk account!

I found it because I just got a new V5 Tamagotchi! Love it!

This site is so cool.

Anyway .. I was searching other peoples logs and I thought 'Hmm.. I think I should make one!'

I'm probably boring you out aren't I?

Well then. Moving onto Tamagotchi related things now!

The Stats Are Now :

The 'Angel' Family

1st Generation

20% Bonded

Money : 4470 (I don't know how else to write it.)

Son : Mattari-tchi

Daughter : Bell-tchi

Son : Mouse-chi

And Nobody's maried yet! Just three little children running around!

It's quite frustrating their lack of progress! :lol:

Hopefully that 'emotion' came out ok. All I see is writing. Maybe I'm jut weird..

Omg, I look down to look at my Tamagotchi and I see the three lil children going crazy with the fridge!


Well, I guess I should go now.

This has been a LONGG post.

I should probably go quickly in case I'm tempted to write more! :eek: :lol:

Bye 4 Now! :lol:

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Yes I'm back again!

I just wanted to do a really quick update cos I was bored!

Ok, how are my tama's ?

Well havent really changed that much, i have more money now!

Thanks 2 binary! i added 4000 (I dunno how 2 do the money thing as i said before :mellow: )

Well, I guess thats it!

Bye For Now!

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I never stop writing! :mimitchi:

I'm bored! :mellow:

I've decided to name them after all!

I'm gonna think of some cute baby names.

Mattarichi : Ryan ( I can't think of anything else and he looks like a 'Ryan')

(Ew, he just pooped. Maybe he doesnt like the name after all.)

Changed it! Eric. So, starting over!

Mattaritchi : Eric (I think he likes it ;) )

Belltchi : Bella ( So she doesnt get confused :D )

Mousetchi : Corbin (He looks like Corbin Bleu :mimitchi: )

Ok, so finally, now I have three children : Eric, Bella & Corbin.

I found out that when I press the 'C' button (further right), Eric comes up close to the screen and makes a reallyy cute face then goes back again ;) .

Before they would all just stop and start dancing! But now.. aww. Love 'em!

I dont want to go to school tomorrow! Waking up at 7am!!!

Wish me luck!


[SIZE=14pt] :p Hello there![/SIZE]

Eric, Bella & Corbin have just fallen asleep ;) . (Aww..)

So, that means that their bedtime is 9.00pm apparently.

And there was no struggle to get them in bed this time :D .

Their Stats Now:

The 'Angel' Family

1st Generation

20% Bonded

Money: 16470

Son : Eric (Mattaritchi)

Daughter : Bella (Belltchi)

Son : Corbin (Mousetchi)

Being a Tama parent is soo cool!

You get to learn responsibility and how to look after children without the actual struggles of a real parent!

Love my children.

Miss them now :(

Like I said before, I don't want to go to school tomorrow!!! So badly!

At least Bella, Eric & Corbin will get to see my school but still..

They'll probably still be asleep when I wake up at 7am. (Like any normal person who doesnt have to go to school. )

Bye For Now! I'll Write Back Soon! (After school :( )

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[SIZE=11pt]Hello hello there..[/SIZE]

School's over! B)

Wa-hey! :p


Bella, Eric & Corbin got to see my school!

I found out that they go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 7am!

They were a bit worried about all the big people. (Aw..)

I had to leave them in my pocket during class.

I think they got jelous cos everytime I looked at them they had done like two poops and were really hungry and unhappy!

I felt really bad :(

Love 'em! :nazotchi:

They're so cute! ^_^

Forgot to tell you I got the 'Love My Family' design.

It has a Furawatchi :) dangling on it.

Nothin else has really changed..

Bye For Now!

I'll Keep Ya Updated!

See Ya! :hitodetchi: :hitodetchi: ^_^

:D xoxo :nazotchi:

[SIZE=11pt]Back Again!![/SIZE]

My Tama's have evolved!!

I have to change there names now they look nothing like Eric, Bella & Corbin now :( .

Anyway still :D !!!

Now their stats are..

Hungry : *****

Happy : *****

Bonded : 20%

The 'Angel' Family

1st Generation

22700 Gotchi points (You see I know the name of the money now :p )

Bakutchi Son

Ichigotchi :ichigotchi: Daughter

Mamekatchi Son

Now what the heck do I name them!

I'm thinking of some names..

Bakutchi; Tony

Ichigotchi; Angela

Mamekatchi; Mike

Ok, I have No I idea why I thought of those names but whatever..

They Fell Asleep!

Well, it is their bedtime..

Sleep Tight Lil Tamas!

Bye For Now!

I'll Keep Ya Updated!

xoxo :wub:

:unsure: :hitodetchi:


Tony, Angela & Mike are doing fine.

Still absolutely NO progress :angry:

But what can I do, they're my children and I love them no matter what!

Aww.. they're hoppin about their lil screen.

Hoppity hoppity hop!

I dont know why, but I miss Eric, Bella & Corbin.

Even thought they still are the same, but not EXACTLY the same!

I grew fond of them..

Well, I guess I should go.

Byee xoxo Cya :unsure: ^_^ :wub: :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :D
