My New V4 Log!


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan City, IN 46360
Well, it's been some time since i last posted a log here or anywhere else for that matter! "Why?" is what your probably thinking right? well... aren't you?!?!? How should i know... i can't read minds (yet). Well for the longest time i had no thought about my little virtual friends and who would of thought my good friend mike would get me interested in them again!

This afternoon he found my V4 i got durring the superbowl this year and asked if he could care for it, well i thought it would be better if this one had a friend of its own and decided to buy another one^-^ So this afternoon we both went to Wal-Mart and this time they accualy had V4's in stock! So after looking i bought one design i really liked most over all.


Well, there he is! :angry: After much effort though to get both a boy and girl we both ended up with boys so they won't be mating. His name by the way is Haku (as usual) and my friends is named Butch. I would type more about them tonight but after they changed they went straight to bed so i'll post more about them tomorrow.


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