My Music Star


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
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I am back to TamaTalk! I forgot my password and everything... so... yeah. You get my point. I lost my Music Star temporarily and then I found it again. For those of you TamaTalk members who don't know me, I am kickthekan123. I had a Tama blog but it's all outdated and everything. Eww, it's so obsolete! But now I have a Nonopotchi named Ace. He's in a band called Kings and he's so excited. The problem: His band isn't very good. He plays the Guitar and he's sort of good. Here are his skill points!

Tone: 317

Rhythm: 339

Original: 244

Ace's instrument is now a trumpet! Yesterday the Tamagotchi King brought me a steak, and this morning I woke up to find that Ace had zero hungry and zero happy hearts! I fed him a steak and instantly all the hearts were filled. The skill points have changed!

Tone: 456

Rhythm: 472

Original: 340

Please keep reading My Music Star by Kickthekan123. There will be more interesting things to come!

Some guitar-looking guy came and gave Ace 70,000 points--Ace is rich! and he is loving it.

Tone: 601

Rhythm: 712

Original: 572

And I'd like to say something...

[SIZE=21pt]Happy 5th Birthday, TamaTalk![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=21pt]A Marriage And A Baby[/SIZE]

The guitar guy brought me someone that looks like a female Gozaruchi/cat and asked 'Marry?' I selected 'Yes' and now... *tears up, blinks tears away*... I'm a grandma! I'm so proud! This cat-chick who I named Deedee and Ace had a child and it's a boy. What should I name it? I'm thinking about naming him Spades =) Get it? 'Cause of Ace and then he's Spades... =D I'm so randomly weird. I thought this was so important it deserved a post! That's all, and I decided to start titling my posts. That's all, bye!

[SIZE=21pt]Sound Off[/SIZE]

The result to sound off on a Music Star for 2 hours: Ace, Deedee and Spades had poo, a skull and they were starving and dying of boredom! Ace was paid 2,000,000 or 200,000 (not quite sure) points this morning by Mr Guitar, so they will NOT (they better not!) go hungry!

[SIZE=21pt]The Son of Ace, the Good Tarakotchi[/SIZE]

I named Ace's son 'Spade', not Spades. I sort of forgot the 's' so now Ace's son is Spade. Have you been reading Music Star Girl? Ha, caught you there didn't I? The link is in my signature and it will be filled with all the info I put on TamaTalk. Yesterday the battery ran out so I got a new battery for Spade and put them in. (WARNING: I'll probably be calling Spade 'Spades' sometimes, but you'll know who I mean. So I don't want a bunch of PMs saying 'You said his name wrong' or anything, okay?) He is a Kuchitamatchi and that is under 'Bad Care'. How is it bad care? Stress is at 18 and I haven't fed him any snacks since his naming (I cannot say 'since his birth' because he was with Ace and Ace ate many snacks!). I'm going to go post on Music Star Girl, so go check that out later. Check out Music Star Girl and make it your number one Music Star info blog! Later!

[SIZE=17pt]Ace Returns[/SIZE]

Today, :) (The mailman) came and a speech bubble came up with a picture of Ace. Spade was like, "Daddy? Is that you?"

:huh: : Hello, Spades, son of Ace the Tarakotchi.

Spade: Hi, Mister Mailman.

:huh: : I received an amount of Points from your father telling me to give them to you. I also agreed to pass on his message: Hello, Spades, it's your daddy. I've been watching you play and live your life, and I miss you terribly. Deedee, your mother, and I want you to remember we love you. I know I left a large amount of Points for you to buy groceries or anything you like, but remember to save some money so you don't run out. Here's an extra 10,000 Points, just because. Sincerely, Ace. Here you go, and I'm going to be leaving. Bye, Spades.

That means that it's time for a Shopping Spree! I bought Spades a plant and that's all. In a couple minutes or so I'll be updating Music Star Girl so remember to check it out. Make it your #1 blog for Music Star info. Thanks and keep on reading both logs, TamaTalk and Blogagotchi. Bye!

Instead of talking in pink, I will be talking in plum! So Spades grew into a Nonopotchi! Did I say that already? I think I said that already. I'm deciding that my current Tama will have a DIARY! In My Music Star it'll be Spade's (or whoever my current Tama is)'s diary. In Music Star Girl it will be my actual Tama's stats so make sure to check out both, okay? Because I noticed that people haven't been reading Music Star Girl because I HAVE A COUNTER! I also accept Fan Mail by PM and it will be inserted in MSG (Music Star Girl) and in MMS (My Music Star). I bought him a pencil and a journal, so he's ready to write! =)

To My Journal,

Kickthekan is here, and she nods encouragingly at me when I pick up my pencil and begin writing. Then I stop and it freaks me out. I was playing my guitar earlier, practicing. David and Ryo are here, practicing with me. I'm not sure if Kickthekan told you, but it's like, I'm in a band called Colorz. David is a Kikitchi and Ryo is a Hinotamatchi. I hate being in a band with them--I want to go solo. I play guitar, Ryo has headphones and Kikitchi is trumpet. I deserve to be the lead! I love my band!!!! Did you read the crossed out stuff? That's the stuff that I don't want people to read! H--oh--noooooo!!! NO! NO! NO! NO! Kickthekan says that she is going to read my entries of the diary and she's really smart and that means she's going to read the crossed out stuff and I'm going to get in trouble because I'm using a pen and I wish I was using a pencil because I'll be in SO SO SO much trouble! =( Goodbye, journal.


To My Journal,

Busted. Kickthekan read it and is mad at me right now. I'll be an adult today and I'm so excited! I want to get married and have a baby girl and name her Taylor, after Taylor Swift because Taylor Swift is... so Swifty. I'm going to go to Music City in a second, right after Kickthekan updates Music Star Girl. I hate having a journal--they're for girls!


=( Too sad to use colors. Too sad to talk in full sentences. Spades grew to :) Androtchi. Spades bad care Tama. I was too upset with myself. I reset my Tama. To read more on my Music Star... click on 'Music Star Stories' under 'Tama Logs'. That will be new log. Don't know what to do with this one. So I'm closing it. Well not really but I won't post again in here. So goodbye my friends.

But my blogagotchi will still be posted in, same link thats in siggy. so im not rly leavin u cuz ill still b on TT. just leaving my music star.

wat do i do, say 'can someone close this?' b-cuz i wont write in it anymore. okay. CAN SUM1 CLOSE THIS PLZ? IM SURE I WANT IT CLOSED

c ya l8r, my music star readers.

