My music star log! :)


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Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
I know this is a bad time to start a log but still


Name: Kotchi

Gender: Male

Age: 4 yrs

Weight: 60lb

Hunger: 4/4






Genre:pop music

Hang on one second, Kotchi wants to introduce himself.

Hi, I'm Kotchi! I am SO happy right now! Just got through the judges!!! Me and my band were soooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!! Whoops :/ just pooped! Anyway, back to the subject, im going to tell you about my band :)

Band Name: Beans (Random, i know, DeeDaa* chose it)

Band member 1: Kotchi (me), Shimashimatchi, Harp

Band member 2: Dino, Gozarutchi, Mic

Band member 3: Lisa, Onputchi, Violin

*DeeDaa is my owners nickname

Anyway, tomorrow is an important day! My manager is going to come and ask if I want to marry the tama he brings with him.. oh I hope its Memetchi :) *blushes* ... DeeDaa says I have to go now, bye bye B)

Meh, Kotchi woke up before me at 7.45 today so I dont know exactly what he did before 9.00am, anyway I fed him but all his happy hearts were full so there was no need for snacks.We went to the shop and bought a pencil and a chest then tried them out at home, Kotchi will tell you about that. Yes, well DeeDaa bought me this MAHOOSIVE looking pencil fromt the store but it turned out to be way smaller... OH! And she also got me a little chest and when I opened it POOF!!! A giant pizza came to greet me and I was happy :) anyway, back to DeeDaaAt 9.15 am Guitaritchi came and gave him 20,000 gotchi points and yeah.. thats all that happened today B)


Age:5 yrs

Weight: 66lb

Hungry: 4/4

Happy 4/4

Stress: 22

Genre: Pop

Gen: 1

Gotchi points: 29470

Byeeee B) Byeeee B)

Ok, today I got some new batteries for my other music star so I'm going to add her to this log. So, at first she was like shakira, shaking about with a musical note coming out of the egg THEN...KAPOW!! A lil' crying petitchi exploded out of the egg!


Name: Amy

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 5lb

Hunger: 1/4 (gonna feed her, dont worry!)

Happiness: 0/4 (FAIL)

Stress: 19

Tone: 30


Origianl: 42 (I've been playing)

Genre: Rock 'n' Roll

Toy: Koala

Instrument: Mic

So yeah... Ok, she's gonna try and introduce herself

Ello, I is Amy, I and Lala* play and WIN ALL!! Yeh!! Sound bock WIN! Sin a son WIN! Muzy note WIN! Yeh :D I needed potty and Lala help me and yeh! I am wock and woll.. yeh! Yeh yeh yeh!

*Lala is her nickname for me because I was singing when she hatched lol :)

Awww, she so cute!! I bet you can guess what her fav word is... WOAH!!! YEAH!!! SHE JUST EVOLVED!!! HITODETCHI!!

OMG! I is not very cute no more man!

Your going to be a gorgous teen though!

Tell me something I dont know Lala :blink:

Hopefully your going to turn into a Chamametchi...


Then into a Mimitchi...

YE- hang on, what? Mimitchi isn't as pretty as Memetchi! I wanna be Memetchi!!

Ok Ok! But Mimitchi is a better care character, dont you want good care?

Course I want good care but I dont need PERFECT care, dont you know anything Lala?

-.- Enough of the cheek, missy!

Fine -.-

... :rolleyes: Lala?


Can I go on Tamatown?

Ok then, you have to say bye now, nicely please!

Byeeeee suckers hehe :)

I said nicely!

Fine -.- Byee <_<


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As you saw before, I told you about my other tama, Amy so now I'm going to update you on Kotchi. After my previous post on Kotchi nothing has happened much, he did some poo's, he practised, he played and all that blah. Nazotchi :nazotchi: came and gave him a present from the king which was a melon then he came again and some rude thingy just sent him some poo! RUDE!!


Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 73lb.. WHAT?! Gonna get him to play some games soon.

Hunger: 4/4

Happiness: 4/4

Stress: 41

You dont really need to know the rest because it's the same as last time.

Ok, that was just a quick update for ya, just gonna go to tamatown with Kotchi now

Byyeeee B)
