My Music Star Log


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan City, IN 46360
Well, for the last week or so i've been caring for my music star, i started with a boy who i named Haku. His life was like any other tama, he started as a petitchi, then evolved into a kuchitamatchi, then into a kikitchi and finally into a Mametchi. He formed a band with a Kuromametchi and a Makiko named Daneil and Jenny and they did very well earning trophies in both jazz and rock before getting married to a Memetchi and having a baby girl.

Well this morning Haku was gone so iw as left with the chance to care for his little girl who i've named Chiro, her first hour on earth was spent watching my annoy my sis while she surfed 4thkingdom and myspace for a bit (she started something called "Your Healed!" where you smack someone on the forehead with your palm while yelling YOUR HEALED!!!!, it's quite funny)

Well after a hour or so (and taking a nice walk in the frigged temp) she changed into her child form of hitodetchi :mametchi: . Right now her toy is a duck and her instrument is a keyboard and she loves rock but i hop to get her to like another genre of music sometime soon so i can get a few more trophies.

I'll post again later after she's been accepted into pre-school.

Update: Chiro is now in pre-school and doing just great^-^ She should be changing sometime tomorrow morning into her teen form and i'll post again when she does. Also if anyone wants to see pictures of her drop me a pm and i'll send you a link to see pictures of her and her dad haku.

Well, this afternoon Chiro changed into her teen form of Chamametchi^-^ Afterwards she met her band members and there now called PB&J! Her band mates are named Jenny and Colleen and she now has a trumpet for her instrument. I'll post again later if anything else happens.
