my loved one


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Jul 29, 2008
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well to start of abbie is a v3.

ok abbie is a mom right now she is currently sleeping with her daughter. i still dont know what abbies daughters name will be i will miss abbie sooo much. now abbies stats


happy♥♥♥ (i didnt have time to fix it)




name abbie

gender girl

generation 1

point 4304

well ok tomorrow im taking abbie to tamatown.i want to go to walmart to get my tamagotchi v5 well got to go talk tomorrow bye

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ok so here are abbies stats






name abbie

gender girl

generation 1

point 5388

ok now abbie still hasnt left she will probably be leaving tonight :kuribotchi: :puroperatchi:

im gonna name abbies daughter cati! i just took abbie to tamatown probably for her last time ever but you still had some fun right abbie

abbie:yup i had lots of fun oh and by the way thats not the last time im ever going there for one your taking me again before i leave and two my house is in tamatown

oh yea i forgot that your house is in tamatown and ok ill take again before you leave i will miss you when you leave will you miss me

abbie:yes you are the best caretaker i will miss you soo much treat my baby like you treated me but better oh and come visit me in tamatown well i want to say bye to all of you people reading this BYE!

ok tomorrow this blog will be catis blog so bye until tomorrow

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ok now abbie has left :( *sigh* ok well me and cati are going to go visit her in tamatown. im sad because i forgot to take her to tamatown but i did see her leaving her baby and me i was soo sad anyway this is now going to be catis blog now catis still asleep right now.i will probably make a blog for my v4 to but later on ok i hope cati wont cyr too much that her mommy left.well ill write more today when cati is awake until the BYE!

ok so now cati has just evolved into a child about an hour ago.i dont know what she evolved to.

cati:hi i made a new friend named oreo!

ok so as you just heard cati made a new friend named oreo1. oreo! is my v4 tamagotchi i will probably be making a blog about that but later going to be saving up for a tamagotchi v5. right now i only have 3 dollars :D so i still have a long way to go. well here are catis stats






name cati

gender girl

generation 2

points 6099

well theres nothing really anything that has happened ill right if something exiting happns or tomorrow

so cati woke up about an hour ago here are her stats






name cati

gender girl

generation 2

point 5358

cati should be turning ito a teenager well got 2 go post back later

ok well cati and my othe tamagotchi oreo(v4) are both grounded for one week from snacks because everytime they visited each other they would give each other poop nothing or a snake.

well anyways cati! evolved to a teenager about an hour after she woke up well thats pretty much it so BYE!


well i wanted to play my v4.5 i had no extra batteries so i took catis battery and put it in my v4.5

i hatched the about an hour ago it was a girl but about just one minute ago it evolved into a child i dont know what it is

well i named it extra because when it hatched i was watching extra with my mom and my sister

this will be extras blog from now on unless i get another battery than it will be catis blog again

so right now extra is asleep but im going to show you her sats anyway ok here they are




face 7

star 15

other face 8



name extra

gender girl

generation 1

780(i spent most of it)

well sorry i didnt know what the whole face star and other face meant but ill try to figure it out somewhere on tamatalk

ok well thats pretty much it since extras asleep


ok well extra just got back from tamatown.

extra:i had so much fun could we go back later on mommy

ok well im not sure if i mentioned in my last blog that extra evolved into a child last night i made extra and oreo!(other tama v4) a bed they each have their own bed i thought it was pretty hard i made it out of toilet paper but now they have a bed to sleep on instead of the floor "sorry about that guys"

extra:its ok

oreo:yea whatever oh and hey mom can you make us a tama house and i have my own room instead of sharing it with extra no offense extra but im almost an adult and a mom and i just dont want to be sleeping in the same room as my mom or sister again no offense so could you plz make me a tamahouse plz plz plz...

extra:non taken and again non taken :)

ok ill make you a tamahouse but you and your sister are gonna have to share a house until i make one for your sister ok

oreo!:eek:k mom but make them quick

ok so here are extras stats






other face14



name extra

gender girl

generation 1

points 2480

ok well thats pretty much it for right now ill write back if something happens




ok so extra just evolved into a teenager how do you feel extra

extra:really happy im soo pretty

ok ok we get it so here are extras stats




face 21

star 25

other face 20



name extra

gender girl

generation 1

points 1620

ok well thats pretty much it so post back later if anything good happens sooo


ok well first of all omg omg omg i finally got my tamagotchi v5 first one ever its the fish on ok back to extra

extra what do you think of my new tamagochi

extra:i think that its really cool but i wish i could connect to it oh and by the way im still better than it

no you are not you guys are all the same no ones better than no one ok

extra:eek:k whatever

ok so here are extras stats




face 35

star 31

other face 21



name extra

generation 1

gender girl

point 2460

ok so i might make a blog for my v5 not to sure and i still never made a blog for my v4 so well see what happens

ok well


extra: BYE!

ok so here are extras stats




face 47

star 31

other face 35



name extra

gender girl

generation 1



ok so extra should be evolving into an adult today im very exited i wonder what she will be

ok so instead of making another log for my v4 and then another one for my v5 i will just make this log for all of them

so my v4 named oreo! should be getting the matchmaker today which means i have to pay more attention on him because the matchmaker leaves about 15 seconds after she comes

now i named my v5 the pena! family

i have a girl named skittles

a boy named m&ms

another boy named snickers

all of their names are based on candies ill let them talk now

skittles:hi im skittles i was the second one born i was born about 30 seconds after my brother oh and im also the prettiest

m&m:hi im m&m i was the first one to be born mom could we go to tamatown oh and skittles your not the prettiest one i am oh wait im a boy ok im the hottest one

snicker:hi im snickers i was the last one born i was born 30 seconds after skittles

right now they are singing its so cute :D

ok ill let extra talk now

extra:hi i cant wait to turn into an adult today i wish i could have the dating show so then i could actually pick who i want to but then ahain i cant

now oreo! will talk

oreo!:hi today im going to have a child im soo excited i hope i get a boy i have never had a boy well thats probably beacause im on the first generation ok well BYE!





mmm.. ok i thought that i should let you guys no that i switched my battery frome oreo!(my v4)to a different v4 he is a baby boy i named him andy right now he is a child he evolved about an hour ago ok i just thought that i would let you guys no that so BYE!


ok so the pena family still hasnt evolved into teenager ill let them talk

m&m: :hitodetchi: i want to be a teenager sooo bad hopefully we evolve today if not than im a young mimitchi in my mind im soo hot

skittles:umm... no your not m&m its the real world and your still a child oh and by the way you still act like a child if you want to act like a teenager than act like it and dont pretend oh and i want to be an itchigotchi :pochitchi:

m&m:whatever :hitodetchi:

snickers:hi i want to be a young mametch :mametchi:

ok so there you have it the pena! family now lets move on to andy

andy:hi mom can you take me to tamatown plz plz plz ok well BYE

ok ok but later on


now extra

extra:yay yay yay yay yay yay yay ok so guess what what what i turned into an adult this morning yay yay yay yay yay exept i dont know who i am well who cares im an adult yay yay in your face andy

m&m skittles and snickers im an adult YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok im done :nyatchi: :blink: :wacko: :p

ok so my v5 finally evolved so here they are

m&m: :( im not a mametchi :) m a korokotchi

skittles:yay im a shelltchi :D

snickers:im a mamekatchi im gonna be smart yay yay yay yay yay yay :D


snickers:hey dont call me a dork your the one who wanted to be a young amaetchi and hes smart so IN YOUR FACE :p :p :p :p :p HHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

ok so thats all i wanted to tell you oh and im almost finished my tamagotchi house all i have to add is a sink for the kitchin i hope that i can ill try my best ive put paper to seperate the room from the living room ok in the room i put 2 beds and in the middle of the beds a night table in the living room a couch and a t.v. in the kitchen a micerwave a fridge a table 3 chairs a cabnet with food(its made out of paper i folded it so it has 2 flaps and on the inside i drew food)and soon to be kitchen :D :) :p

ok so i changed my battery from extra to my v3 named karen she evolved inyo a kid about 30 minutes ago

i think that the pena! family will evolve today but im not sure now andy is still a :wacko:

ill post back later oh and im now working on my second house hope it comes out the same or better than the other one ok so bye

ok so pm me if you know this but how long do you have to wait after you turn into an adult to go on the dating show(v5)cause skittles snickers and m&m just turned into and adult and i tried going on the dating show but the matchmaker got mad???

!well they evolved!

they grew up so fast ill miss you guys :D :lol: :D :( :nazotchi: :( :nyatchi: :(

ok well still pm me if you know thanks

yay i did the dating show today and i picked skittles i dont know who she got married to but i just wanted her to get married she had 2 boys and 1 girl the first one born was the boy

i named him hershy(still doing the whole candy thing)the second one born was my little girl

i named her orbit(agian still folowing the whole candy thing)and last but not least the third one born was a boy

i named him trident

ok so andy ran out of batteries so im probably going to get some today or tomorrow hopefully today i used the love potion on him and extra they have 4 heart when andy is going to leave they kiss its soo cute they have 4 hearts umm karen(v3) evolved into a child in think yesterday thats it so


ok so i know i just posted about what 10 minutes ago but the pena! family just evolved into children i got the same characters i got last time but who cares ill let them talk

orbit:hi im a belltchi just like my mom when she was a toddler im soo pretty i hope im the one whos going to get married i mean trident and hershy wouldnt be able to take care of any kids!

hershy:actually since mom picked a girl last time she will probably pick me since im a boy and mom will want to pick someone mature and since your not really mature she wont pick you

orbit:how am i noy mature

hershy:because you always think your the best when !YOU ARE NOT!

orbit:whatever oh and bye the way i am the best !NO QUESTION ASKED!

hershy:!THER YOU GO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

orbit:!STOP TALKING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!

hershy:!FINE!!!!!!!! THEN YOU STOP TALKING TO ME TO!!!!!!!!!!!

hershy:eek:h and by the way im a ahirukutchi

trident:gald i wasnt part of that fight hop i dont get grounded(but i hope they do :angry: :angry: :angry: ^_^ )

anyway im a ............

mousetchi just like my uncle

trident you are not grounded and you know what

trident:what what tell me i need to know!!!!

i might consider on you getting married unless these two satrt shaping up and acting more mature and yes im saying that both !BOTH! of you are not mature look at yourself you look ridiculas(i think thats how you spell it)

ok thats it



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