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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Today Sopie was born, these are her stats she was born

Name: Sopie

Age: 0

Points: 0

Friends: 4

Gen: 2

No much has happend so far, she has doe 1 poop, and she has been sick.

Yeah! I was just looking though my shop and I have a pot plant! Now I

have been playing jump a few times and I have 90pts, so I bought the

plant and I got..... a happyness

After 5 minutes she went to sleep.......and she just woke up, she is growing

up in 20 minutes or so

She just connected with my brothers tama Jim :) (He is a bit to old for her)

Well I will update soon

Yay! Sopie just evolved! She is now a marutchi!

She isnt doing anything, just bobbing along, I havent been paying attension to her for a bit, she is sick and 2 poops, no happy hearts, opps
