My log about my tama


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Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
:D I went to Ace Hardware and got a battery and placed it in my v4 tamagotchi. I pushed the button on the back and it made a loud beep. An egg appeared on the screen. I watched it pondering. "I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl?," I thought. After a few moments it cracked open! A little girl bobbled around on the screen. I decided to name it Cindy(I am on the 3rd generation). I fed it some ice cream and scones and played jump rope with it a few times. It took a nap after we played. When it woke up it turned into Mohitamatchi. I connected with my friend pinkness41296. We played flag together. Pinkness41296 is right. It must be hard to play flag without any arms! When I returned I awaited the letter saying I was exepted into pre-school. But alas it was time for her to go to sleep.

Check back later to see if she turns into a teenager!


sunnygal4321 and Cindy :D

nuuuummm ok jillianne i hav jst one thing 2 say " BOO 2 THAT, BOO"! im gonna hav 2 give u a big 0 for that one but i'll giv u an e for eeewwww i mean effort urs truly kaii boose

ps this is not jillianne this is mrs. boose i could only reply 2 this depressing blog by logging on 2 her account bcuz i would so not hav an ACCOUNT ON THIS SITE!
