The Meggy Show!![/SIZE]
Me: Yes folks, this is it. The moment you`ve all been
waiting for: The Meggy Show!! This show is the only program that brings you
exclusive interviews with tamas from my household. I will write in lime
green, Meggy will write in aquamarine. So get ready for the first edition of
The Meggy Show!!*applause*
Meggy: Hi everybody! Remember me? Yeah, you
probably do. I`m glad you`re here! Guess what? I have my own show! And
you`re watching (or reading) it right now! Ok, my owner wants to ask me
questions now.
Me: Our first category is About You. And here`s our first
question: Do you like the character you are? Why or why not?
Meggy: Well, that`s kind of hard to decide. I don`t NOT
like the character I am, but I don`t exactly like it either. I mean, it`s hard to
like your character if you`re a Horoyotchi. Ok, next question.
Me: Would you have liked to have more Skill Points when
you were growing up?
Meggy: Yeah. I don`t have as much as my mom did. She
told me that when I visited her last time. I wish I could have regular Skill
Points like Artistic, Social, and Intellectual instead of wierd ones like Funny,
Gorgeous, and Spiritual. It can get annoying sometimes.
Me: Scone or Sushi- What`s your favorite basic
Meggy: Definetely Sushi. You get more variety that
Me: Which game do you like the most?
Meggy: I like Apple the most, and Manhole`s my second
favorite. Although, in Tug-O-War you get to see lots of funny tamas. But
Apple`s still my favorite because it`s a quick and easy way to make money
and get your happy meters up.
Me: What is one of your favorite memories?
Meggy: Hmmm, that` hard to say. Probably the first time I
beat the game called "Shapes". But tamagotchis don`t stay in their home for
very long, so I don`t have a lot of memories.
Me: Is there anything else you`d like to say in this
Meggy: Not really.
Me: Ok, our next category is General Tamagotchi. First
question: What does it feel like to be paused?
Meggy: Well, you can`t really feel anything. It`s like
sleeping without dreams.
Me: Some people might get concerned when thier tamas
eat the containers (bowls, plates, etc.) of thier food. Is it really anything to
worry about?
Meggy: Of course not! Duh! All tamas do it, and it`s
certainly not the reason they get sick. And no, it dosen`t hurt in the slightest.
It dosen`t even taste bad! It`s just like a bland cracker.
Me: This might sound gross, but how do you get your poop
to float on the screen?
Meggy: Ummmmm, it just does. Sorry I don`t know
Me: Anything else you`d like to say in this category?
Meggy: Yes. If anyone reading this is thinking of getting
a v4.5 tamagotchi, DON`T DO IT!!!!! It`s
way better to get a v4. Lot`s
more things apply to a v4.
Me: Alright, now we`re starting with our TamaTown
category. I will call TamaTown tato for short. And our first question is, Would
you have liked to spend more time in tato during your life with me?
Meggy: Actually, no. It`s nice to just be a little virtual pet
in a little egg-shaped toy with no fancy-shmancy computer stuff. But I like
the idea of a TamaLog, don`t get me wrong. This way, everybody can hear
of my great deeds!
Me: Oookay. Great deeds. Anyway, do you think tato is a
good place to spend the rest of your life?
Meggy: Yeah. I like tato, but I prefer spending time with
you, timagotchi. Of course, I won`t be able to spend time with you anymore
unless my son comes to visit me.
That`s too sad to talk about.
Me: How often would you like to see Cathy when you
move to tato?
Meggy: I don`t know, I `m thinking once or twice a week.
She`s really nice, you know.
Me: Are you going to continue working as a chef when you
Meggy: I think so, until I get too old to knead the dough
and all that.
Me: How often would you like me to come visit with your
Meggy: I think about every other time he comes to
Me: Anything else you`d like to say in this category?
Meggy: No, not really.
Me: Anything else you`d like to say for the
Meggy: I`m going to miss you!!!!!! Good bye!
Well, that`s the interview. I hope you liked it! I coudn`t have done it without
tamalover9809 (question #1)
~*starfire*~ (questions #12 & #15)
Yellowmoodtama (question #5)
And thanks to everyone who reads my log and gives me the support to post things like interviews and other new things to come!