My little Loggie


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New member
Jan 20, 2009
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Today I decided to resart my puzzle peices v4.5. This will be the only tamagotchi in this log. Before beggining i of coarse had to set the time date and my birthday. But once that was over i was presented with a tiny egg i waited while the egg bounced happily on the screen. After a few moments of anticipation the opened with a loud crack (or should i say beep) and out popped a little girl! I decided to name her Alice at my friend (sunnygal4321) idea. I fed her two scones and two ice cream cones before she had a little playdate with cindy, sunnygals tama. The two tamas played flag together. I imagine it must have been hard for alice holding flags with no hands but in the end alice won! She collected 400 gotchi worth of winnings before bouncing back onto her own tama house. At this point I decided it was time to play climb! Alice did very well, she climbed the puffy clouds all the way to thirty! With 900 gotchi in my pocket i decided to visit the shop I bought her some bannanas as a treat. Alice at the bannanas and was soon of to take a nap. After a couple more games of climb alice evolved!!! An adorable kutchitamatchi. and now alice would like to have her say.

Alice Says!

helo tama talk tis is mi logg mi oner is pinky she is veree nise i like her alot mi favrit game is clime it is fun but veree scaree i no pinky wil katch mi if i fal i am a kutchitamatchi dat is pinkys sekont favrit todler i luv bein a todler it is sooo much fun i wish i had arms thow.

luv alice


As you can see we still have to work on alices spelling but hey its a start. Thats all for todays log, chheck in tomarrow to see if alice turns into a teen

bye from

Pinky and Alice
