~*My little Fella*~


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Lifetime Angelgotchi x 3
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
Fort Lee, NJ
[SIZE=14pt]Hello TT! This is a TMGC+C! I want to make this as fun as possible (AFAS). I will be using a lot of abbreviations. Hopefully you will enjoy it! By the way (BTW), *mimitchi* also has a TMGC+C log. Please visit it! Now, for mine ....[/SIZE]


H&H Care: Fed him 3 Hungry Hearts, 5 Happy Hearts


Poo: Cleaned 4 times


Games: Catch the Apples: 23 out of 49 won


Medicine: 2 Sweet Toothes, 3 Doses


Connects: None :D


Weight: Beginning of Day - 54 grams/ End of Day - 14 grams


Character: Young Mametchi


Shopping: Green and White Transit Passes


Well, that should cover everything for today.

Now for the Diary part. Btw, this is his entry. :D


Dear Diary,

Today was a fun day! Mom and I played a lot of games, especially Catch the Apples. I was pretty tired of it, but we won pretty often! Mom finally bought me the Green and White Transit Passes. So thats why we where playing so hard. It cost a lot of money. Tomorrow, I should evolve into a Mametchi! I can't wait! I met this girl at the Playground, and now, I have a crush on her! She was a Chamametchi. She said that since she was of an even generation, she's gonna be a Violetchi! Oooo, my Tama mummy was a Violetchi! I loved her. I'm getting better at calling Mom when I need to go doo-doo. She used to miss me all the time. Today, she only missed once! Today, My fortune was red blessing. That's pretty good. Well, I'm getting tired. Bye!


Lots of Love,

Satero and Mom


BTW, I am going to use blue for boys and hot pink for girls. I'll be using abbreviations for each status next time!

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[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]Hey TT! Thanks for continuing to read my log! Onward, shall we?


H&H Care: Fed him 4 Hungry Hearts, 5 Happy Hearts


Poo: Cleaned 2 times


Games: Catch the Apples: 2 out of 2 won


Connects: None :hitodetchi:


Weight: BOD - 87 grams/ EOD - 17 grams so far. :p


Character: Mametchi


Shopping: Lab Coat


That covers all the SUOT (Status Updates Of Today) requirements. NBTDP (Now Beginning The Diary Part)


Dear Diary,

Today was an awesome day! I evolved into a Mametchi! Mom was really happy! Now, I can use the Lab Coat. I played the piano, and the Letter Tree grew up! Oh, so exciting! Well, really there is not much to say, other than the fact that I am still really tired from today. I hope to meet Chamametchi soon again!

TTYL (Talk to you later),

Mom and Satero


I told you I will be using lots of abbreviations! Well, CUT4N (See you later for now)!


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[SIZE=14pt] Hola TT! Thanks for continuing to read my diary! Now, let's go![/SIZE]


H&H Care: 8 Happy, 7 Hungry


Poo: Cleaned 13 times


Games: Catch the Apples: 2 out of 5 won


Connects: None :(


Medicine: None, None


Weight: BOD - 12 grams/ EOD - 19 grams so far


Character: Ahirukutchi (I think


Shopping: Magnifying Glass


That covers all the SUOT requirements. NBTDP. -_-


Dear Diary,

Me talks funny! I just learn bits of words. Me just a child. Mom says I have to write everyday. I hope to be a Mametchi, but I can't, 'cause I'm in a even generation, so I'll be a Kuromametchi! Awesome! Well, that was fun1 See you later, alligator!



Kurtis and Mom


Well, thats the end of today's entry! CUT4N!


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[SIZE=14pt]Hola TT! Thanks for continuing to read my diary! Here it is:[/SIZE]

H&H Care: 8 Happy, 7 Hungry


Poo: Cleaned 13 times


Games: Catch the Apples: 4 out of 5 won


Connects: None


Medicine: None, None


Weight: BOD - 12 grams/ EOD - 19 grams so far


Character: Kikitchi


Shopping: Magnifying Glass


That covers all the SUOT requirements. NBTDP.


Dear Diary,

I turned into a Kikitchi! Yay! But I am still scared. Mom accidentally left me on the car, and I almost got sick. I had to call, twice! I might turn into a Nemutchi instead of a Kuromametchi! No! Oh well, you gotta keep what you gotta get!



Kurtis and Mom


Well, thanks for reading today's entry! CUT4N!


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[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

Hola TT! Thanks for continuing to read my diary! Here it is:

H&H Care: 8 Happy, 7 Hungry


Poo: Cleaned 13 times


Games: Catch the Apples: 4 out of 5 won


Connects: None


Medicine: None, None


Weight: BOD - 12 grams/ EOD - 19 grams so far


Character: Kikitchi


Shopping: Magnifying Glass


That covers all the SUOT requirements. NBTDP.


Dear Diary,

I'mm a Shishamatchi, or something like that! I got fed watermelon, and Now I Am GREEN! Ahhhh, *yawn* I am so tired. I don't feel like talking. Well, bye? I love you all! Thanks for reading!


Kurtis and Mom


Well, thanks for reading today's entry! CUT4N!

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[SIZE=14pt] Sorry for not posting in the last few days. On Vacation. [/SIZE] :D

Hola TT! Thanks for continuing to read my diary! Here it is:

H&H Care: 4 Happy, 9 Hungry


Poo: Cleaned 5 times


Games: Catch the Apples: 4 out of 9 won


Connects: None


Medicine: None, None


Weight: BOD - 18 grams/EOD - 13 Grams


Character: Young Mametchi


Shopping: Magnifying Glass


That covers all the SUOT requirements. NBTDP.


Dear Diary,

I'm really sorry I haven't been posting. Me's apologize. Anyway, Kurtis got married, and he had me! I am Bummy. Currently, I am a Young Mametchi currently. I am very well taught. There was a typhoon today. I couldn't even go outside at all! It's 9:50 right now. So I am going to bed now. Farewell to this beautiful world for now,

Bummy and Mom


Well, thanks again for reading today's entry! CUT4N! Sorry for not posting currently.

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