My Life with India


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Oct 17, 2008
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:p Hiyas! :angry: Well, lets start from the beginning. I had just bought a v4 off ebay for pretty cheap. So, I wasn't sure what to expect <_< but it came out pretty good. After reading the instructions several times, I pulled out the tab, and watched my Tamagotchi wibble and wobble around in his/her egg. When It came out, I checked the instructions again and found, it was a girl. :eek: yay! I actually wanted the girl anyways. So I was determined not to mess up and kill it, like my friend, Lexie had done so many times with hers. :D So I called her India after much thought because I thought, well she is my first so I just HAVE to call her something pretty, so there it was India.

Well India grew quick and before I knew it she was a teen! So as you would expect, she was a cute quiet teen who looked really cute :D

:) back again:wub: hiyas! well I am still waiting for India to move on and go to the adult stage in life. I really want her to be a mametchi! she would be really cute and the name would really suit her! :p :lol: