My Life as a Tama V4


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2008
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Hi everyone! I'm Sun, a V4 Pyonchitchi, cared under the mentorship of my kind guardian, TamaSweetie. I live in Adelaide, Australia with her and her family, my love Moon, also a V4 and is the bestest Marotchi ever, and Star, a V4 Tarakotchi who is my best mate. We are currently 4 years old, and all of us are the 16th generation. I am a hairdresser, Moon is a firefighter, and Star does not have a job yet, but is currently studying arts with Ms Flower. My favourite food is banana (yum!), and my least favourite is cheesecake (ew!). I can't wait until the day when my best friend finds his dream job and Moon and I have gorgeous babies! :angry:

OK, now a little bit about myself. I was a Hinotamatchi before evolving, and was previously at an obese weight of 99 lbs, very low skill points at 1-1-3, and treated very roughly with my hunger and happy hearts almost empty. But I understand my owner. It's just that she usually looks after her Tamas so well she rarely receives universal characters, and the raising of me gives her a chance to spice up her ordinary Tama-life. I didn't disappoint her in granting her wish, and evolved to a cute Pyonchitchi. I am now a healthy Tamagotchi at my base weight of 30 lbs, and my skill points are 50-90-80. I successfully completed school and became a member of the Tama Town Hairdressers' Association and happily married. Moon and I plan to have children once Star reaches the age when the matchmaker arrives at his doorstep, so that our children can grow up together. When we retire from our duties as workers and parents, we will leave Earth for Tama Town and enjoy our senior days there. I sincerely hope that I'll get visits and phone calls from my kids! :eek:

I'm so happy for Star! He got a job today!

He's a chef working at the bakery, making delicious cakes and muffins. Yum! He got the job without a problem. I'm so proud of him! And I'm so proud of myself to be his BFFL! :kusatchi:

Ain't I just a bundle of joy! Star and I turned 5 today (Moon's still 4 though), which means that he will get a visit from the Matchmaker tomorrow, and that Moon and I can have children! YAY! ;)

All of us have been collecting foods that increase skill points to save for our future generations. Just FYI, foods that increase skill points are:

Intellectual points:

Beef, ice cream - 1

Omelet - 2

Fish - 3

Arts points:

Cherry, cheesecake - 1

Cupcake - 2

Donut - 3

Social points:

Sandwich, grapes - 1

Corn - 2

Bananas - 3

Out food storage centres are bursting!

Our caring owner, TS, had been spilling us her secrets again. She told us how tired, overworked and stressed she is at the moment. She said that she has way too much homework, and that she wasn't well prepared for her violin exam at all. Her social life was all messed up too. She had been really miserable all these two weeks at school, walking around the schoolyard with no friends to hang out with, looking like a loner. Anxious, worried, annoyed, irritated, frustrated, depressed... you name it. I can understand how she feels. Truly faithful pets should always have true empathy towards their owners. If you can give TS any help or just reassure her, you can drop her a PM :p



Today is a great day of celebration! Moon and I had 2 cute baby boys and they are absolutely gorgeous :furawatchi: I am overwhelmed with happiness. Star also received a baby today. The matchmaker brought him a lovely Violetchi (Moon: *slaps me in the face* You cheat! :huh: Me: Well, at least Star thinks so anyway!) and also had a son, whom he and his sweetheart named Power. Our little ones are Blaze and Glaze, and once I leave it would be up to Blaze to continue the story. We sincerely hope that Blaze, Glaze and Power will become great friends in the future :angry:

And guess what? Yesterday, I got an 'excellent' for my job as a hairdresser for the first time! The game is not easy to navigate for TS. I consider myself lucky to have her as my owner. She cares for us very well and more importantly, confides in us. I confide in her as well - and I'm sure Moon and Star do too! :blink:



Guess what...


I've been paused for a few days since poor TS had been sick in bed :lol: But she's betta now :lol:

I've just been to Tama Town and visited every single place there! I had soooooooo much fun! :lol: I didn't know that Tama Town was such an interesting, colourful place. Everything was so... new. Colours, especially. I've been seeing things in black and white for my whole life. Now I have learnt the colours red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange... And I've never seen so many Tamas before. The only (pretty unclear) impressions of Tamas I had other than the characters my friends and myself are or had been were in the list of my ancestors' friends in the very back of my memory. But now I know all the 52 characters that exist on V4 - and even V4.5! Also, I played a lot of super-fun games - waaaaaay more interesting than my own games - and in return thousands of glorious golden GP! YES! Now I can buy a lot of skill point foods for Blaze and his child and grandchild and great-grandchild and... YES! And guess what else? I received a lot of souvenirs too - including the Graduation Gown and Cap I dreamed about for ages! I'm so lucky! W00T! :D


Best wishes


Hi! I'm Moon!

My love Sun is unfortunately not available right now. He's fast asleep - he looks so cute! :furawatchi:

Yeah, we're still here, and hopefully the King would call for us to return tonight.

I don't know what to tell my dear Glaze. He is so adorable and I cannot bear to leave him alone on this lonely planet with an owner I don't trust. She always keeps us paused recently, thinking that we'd be happy. :furawatchi:

We're NOT.

Well, I'm not for starters. I know Glaze isn't either. Sun's always been very understanding towards her, but in my opinion he's TOO understanding. Way too forgiving. If I can, I would be protesting to TS right now. Think we're totally satisfied being PAUSED all day! No way TamaSweetie, this isn't the way it is! :huh:

TamaSweetie, we're not just toys you reckon you can play with when you want to and leave alone in the dark when you get bored with us! We're a part of your responsibility!

All Tama owners out there listen up! Start treating your Tamas like it's a real thing! Love them, care for them, they're not happy if they're always paused...

Well I'M NOT!

But that's just me... I've settled down now...

Now I just want to kiss my little boy goodnight, and quietly and patiently await the request from His Excellency for us to return to our homeland at Tama Town.

But poor Glaze is stuck with this girl who doesn't care, on a planet that doesn't care... :mimitchi:

Speak up for us, Blaze! Speak up!

All the best :blink:

A message from Moon

Hi guys, I'm just here to apologise for Moon's behaviour. Us Tamagotchis aren't like that. Don't force yourself to like us if you don't! You don't try to love someone you don't do you? :huh:

Kind regards,

Sunny the Awesome Cool Pyonchitchi

Guess who I am?

Yes! I'm Blaze, the awesome Harutchi!

Dad left last night, telling me that I would be taking on the responsibility of updating this Tamalog regularly. So here I am updating our details: Mum and Uncle left last night as well. I connected with my brother Glaze and my new friend Power today. They seem like cool people :)

As I said before, under the good care from my owner TS, I evolved to a Harutchi, hoping to become an intelligent Tensaitchi one day. Glaze and Power are still babies in their baby blankets though... I can't wait till they evolve too! :D

Lots of love,


Glaze and Power evolved today! Glaze is a Mohitamatchi and Power is a Mizutamatchi. All of us quickly became good friends with each other after various IR connections. Glaze and I had been well taken care of. By the way, all of us attend preschool now. Our teacher is Ms Frill, and she is very, very nice :mimitchi: I can't imagine leaving her when I evolve again... my dad had Mr Turtle as his teacher, and he didn't get on well with him! ;) And I was told that if I want Intellectual skill points, I'll need to go to Mr Turtle at elementary school! I hope he's nothing like how my dad described him... :p

Power said his weight is currently 99 lbs and that his skill points are 3-0-0. Poor thing. Thank god TS chose to take care of Glaze and I thoroughly. I guess she's aiming for another universal. But doesn't she know Meme family characters would always evolve to Pyonchitchi or Pyonkotchi if it was taken care of poorly? -_-

And yeah, Glaze wants to be a Kuchipatchi, so he's been playing lots of Mimic and eating social foods like sandwich and bananas to increase his social points so he will evolve into a Kuchi family character. His skill points are currently 62-78-46. Good luck! :blink:

Be$t wi$hes,


Congrats Glaze! You evolved to a Young Kuchipatchi this morning. Good luck on becoming a :) !

I evolved to a Young Mametchi today. I am still aiming to become a :) , and eventually a Tensaitchi. Power, despite being a 99lb monster, evolved to a Hinotamatchi. Now he's given up on the idea of becoming a universal, and wants to become an artistic Togetchi instead.

By the way, we all left Ms Frill today. I miss her very much - she was such a great teacher! But I know we must move on. So I chose Mr Turtle (gosh he's strict!), Glaze chose Mr Canvas and Power chose Ms Flower. Glaze and I are sooooo jealous of him for getting such a pretty teacher...

Yes, I just realised that I can never be married through connections with a girl Tama, but instead I have to go through arranged marriage via that blabbermouth old witch the Matchmaker. Come to think of it, I'm not really looking forward to it. I want to marry someone I truly love to be honest... OK, let's not talk about things that far ahead. I still need to worry about my schooling! If I don't get 350 Intellectual points before that stupid Otokitchi arrives, I'm not gonna become a Tensaitchi! NOOOOOOO...

See ya later!


Congrats Power! You succeeded! Your weight is now back to the base of 15lbs for a Hinotamatchi, and your skill points are 64-90-46. Your training level increased to 6/9. That's the same as Glaze! Good job Power!

But none of you can beat me! 8/9! That's good enough for a Tensaitchi! With my Intellectual points at a high of 218, I am sprinting towards my goal to become one! I'm ready to evolve tomorrow! Just watch me! ;)



We all evolved! I am now a Mametchi, my twin brother a Kuchipatchi, and my BFF a Togetchi. But Power went out of batteries this morning, which means there would probably be no updates for a few days. Sorry about that ;) but us three really want to grow up together, and if one of us stops growing, all of us are paused. End of story :D

Oh yeah! Glaze and I both have full training now! Power's training is about 7/9.



I just want to say that it's been three days, and the 'low battery' sign is still flashing on the screen built into Power's shell! Wow, what a strong battery... :D

How long is it gonna do that for??? :) I hope it doesn't start beeping like crazy going 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEP' at 3am in the morning like a V3 that's out of batteries or those virtual babies... :p

Power! We're waiting for you! Love from your BFFs :D and ;)

l8r, g8r


Power's battery finally came! Now we can grow up together! :p But for some reason Power just cannot connect with Glaze and me. Glaze and I can connect fine, but Power cannot emit or receive any infra-red data transmission. Please visit TS's help topic, we really want to play together again!

EDIT: The glitch has been healed! Credits to binary :D

Blazer :D

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:) and I turned 4 today! Power, having had his growth stopped by the battery for such a long time, is still 3, but he's really looking forward to growing up as well! :p

Roxygirl26 has requested for me to give a brief summary about this log so far, seeing that I have left you guys for such a long time:

We are 3 Australian V4s. I live in an orange shell with pictures of Tamagotchi characters, Glaze lives in a pink one with white snowflake patterns, and Power in a green one with multicolour spirals. We are all Gen. 17 adult male Tamagotchis. I am a Mametchi :D , my twin brother Glaze a Kuchipatchi :) , and our best friend Power a Togetchi.

My father was a Pyonchitchi named Sun, and lived in the same shell as I do. He married the mother of Glaze and me, a Marotchi named Moon, who lived in Glaze's shell. Power's father was a Tarakotchi called Star, who married a nameless Violetchi via the matchmaker.

What else is there?... *flips through notepad*

I am aiming to become a Tensaitchi!

And that's about it... I think... :p


Blazie :p

We all turned 2 years older! And guess what...

I finally evolved to a Tensaitchi!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

W00T! Hooray! Oh joy, oh jubilation! Both Glaze and Power congratulated me BIG TIME! I'm so happy!

And do you know why else I'm happy?

I'm the first one to get a job! Now I am a full time science teacher at Tama Town Elementary School. It's very fun being with the future of Tama Town. Those kids love to learn :D

And today, the three of us got the best makeover ever!

TS's mum bought a set of assorted star-shaped stickers. And you know how our shell colours are fading? Well those stickers covered 'em all up! Now we look like we've been styled for a Tama party! Power would love it. Togetchis love partying, ya know.


Blaze (the smarter version! :p )

So much to tell you guys!

We had BABIES! :D

They are so gorgeous... :blink:

Once again, all of us had Tsubutchis. My son Bonus, my nephew Total, and Power's little boy Spark. TS keeps telling us how she really wanted us to have daughters because she has lots of really good names for girls :p But we don't mind. As long as we have happy, healthy children, that's the best we can expect! ;)

Also, Glaze works at the amusement park, while Power works at the bakery. Full time, gets paid a lot, etc. :)


Blazigotchi :mametchi:

P.S. TS's list of good names for Tamagirls:



























For Tamaboys:










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^ Adding to that, Storm and Astro are good names for boys too! ;)

And for now...

I'm gonna farewell you guys! :(

Us three are expecting the King to call for us to return to Tama Town tonight. I'll surely miss our children, I'll certainly miss my owner TS, and definitely miss - *drumroll* YOU GUYS! :D See ya pplz! The next update will be from my son, Bonus! :D

Farewell to you all,




Bonus, the prince of the Golden Tama!


I'm so proud to be a Tensaitchi's son! But I'm not gonna be one myself. Mizutamatchis cannot evolve into the Mame family, ya know. None of us can. Myself, Total and Spark are ALL Mizutamatchis! So the Meme family is the way to go. Three characters, man! One for each one of us!

[SIZE=7pt]Yes, we are all boys, if you aren't aware[/SIZE] :)

See ya,

Prince Bonus points 10+

We have evolved! While the other two are both Hinotamatchis, I feel so unique and special to be a Gourmetchi. TS's younger brother favours me because he thinks I'm the cutest :)

TS has decided our destiny. I will become a Simasimatchi, Total a Togetchi, and Spark a Tosakatchi -_-

We're all 2 now, and expect to evolve either tomorrow or the day after.

TS's violin exam is coming up tomorrow! Let's wish her good luck!



See ya later alligator!


I appear as Simasimatchi right here, right now! :D

And yes, Total is a Togetchi and Spark most definitely a Tosakatchi! TS reckons Total's the cutest - but since I'm the 'main Tama' out of the 3, I AM THE BEST! LOL :p

TS said she failed her violin exam :(


:mametchi: :) :lol: :mimitchi: :wacko: :unsure:
