My generations of Tamagotchi V4.5!


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Nov 2, 2007
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:ph34r: My tama's story starts one Wednesday when a little boy hatched. His name was Irish. He was first a tsubutchi_m, then a tamatchi, then a urayoungmametchi!!!!!!!! :p :eek: :D ¨

He then became a... a... DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: B) :)

He had a daughter called Eire, who was a tsubutchi_f, THEN a hitodetchi, THEN a urayoungmarotchi and FINALLY...............................

A HOROYOTCHI!!!!!!!! :D :blink: :lol: :p

She became a circus preformer..... and this very afternoon, had a baby tsubutchi_f, who I will call Kerry!!!!! She will grow up beautiful!! So tomorrow, I must say goodbye to Eire!!! :( :angry:

I'll visit her in tamatown loads!!!!!

So I'll update this log next time I can............ Sooo...


:) :D

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My story continues when Kerry was a tsubutchi_f,her mother left and she was all alone in the world!!! :(

But THEN....... SHE GREW!!! She became a TAMATCHI, just like her grandfather!!! She entered nursery school and was extremely intelligent!!! :angry:

She grew AGAIN!! She became a... a...


She entered school and um.. remains there still! :p

She grew into a HOROYOTCHI just like her mother!!!! She found love with my sister's V4 boy tamagotchi, Leo. He was a Gozarutchi!!!! Now she has a baby tsubutchi_f!!!!!!!

She will leave tonight!!! :( :angry:

I'll put a memorial for her on the tamagotchi memorial!!!

I'll update soon!!!!


:( :D :p ;) :lol:

I left you last time with my latest tama just born. :ph34r:

Kerry left ( :( ) and I called her daughter Home! B)

She grew into a KURIBOTCHI!! :D

She entered her nursery school, which I made sure she spent a LOT of time at so she'll get a good job, not like her poor unemployed mother!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, this VERY afternoon, our way back from Amsterdam, she became an... an...

ICHGOTCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) :lol: :p :D :)

So, with my very short entry I will leave you!!! I'll update again soon and regale you with more tales of my Tamagotchi V4.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:wacko: :( :ph34r: :D

:ph34r: Hi guys! :D This is just a very short entry to tell you that cute little Ichgotchi Home! grew into the most GORGEOUS tamagotchi of all. :) :wacko: :D A MIMITCHI She spent two days as a lovely little ichgotchi first!!! Just waiting for her to get a job and stuff!!!!!!!!!

See ya later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:unsure: <_< :lol: ;)

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