My Generation 5 Music Star's log


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makiko love22

Active member
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
My last Generation was my 5th Generation!!!! ;) ;) ;) :) :) You see, I own a Music Star Tama. All my info is about her life. Here is her life!!:

Name: Jenny

Growth Chart: petitchi>tamatchi>ringotchi>sebiretchi

Band members When Jenny was a toddler: Chamametchi (Thu) Kikitchi (David)

Band members when Jenny was an adult: Chantotchi (Thu) Toseketchi (David)

Married: John, a Kutchipatchi and had a girl-Ashley!

Her favorites:

Toy= Horse

Instrument= Harp

Music= Pop+Asian

About her life: When Jenny was born, she was attached to Pop music!! She turned into and tamatchi, and then loved Asian Music! Later, she still loved Asian music as an adult. When she got pro debut, she still loved asian music, and then she got the award. But the next morning, she loved pop music, and so I set the time and I got both awards!!!!!!

Thanks 4 reading! Now, Jenny's little girl named Ashley is a hitodetchi, and she is evolving today! I will update more soon!! :D :D

-Makiko Love22 :rolleyes: :angry: :(

My tama new generation, Ashley, is my farthest generation- my 6th generation!! At school yesterday, my other generation, Jenny, left and gave me the gift of caring for her newest tama- Ashley! Here are her stats:

Name: Ashley Ming

Pounds: 10 Age: 0 Gender: Girl

Her happy hearts and hungry hearts: FULL!!!

Stress: 0

Favorite music: Hip-Hop music

Instrument: Microphone

Toy: Rabbit

Character: Hitodetchi

Music Ability=

Tone: 341

rhythm: 299

original: 289

Ashley is going to evolve at 2:05 p.m. of the afternoon today and I am so excited!!!! :D :D :eek: :eek: :eek:

I will update later!!

-Makiko Love22 :rolleyes: :angry: :( :) :) ;) ;) ;)

My Countdown to my tama evolving!!!!!!!!! OMT I am sooooooooo EXCITED!!!! As I may have told you, Ashley was going to evolve at 2:05, but I realized that I made a mistake- She's going to evolve at 3:05!!! Her toddler was hitodetchi- and I cant wait to see what she will become!! And I cant wait to see the toy or instrument I will get!!! Also, I want to see my band members (I hope I dont get Thu again!!!) :angry: :angry: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mellow: :mellow: :) :)

-Makiko Love22 :mellow: :lol: :eek: :D

OMT!!! My tama evolved into a Chamametchi!! Her band is called "3 Girls!" (the ! is really on the screen) and it includes, of course, 3 girls (Penny, an itchigotchi; Veronica, a ringotchi; and, of course, my Ashley!) I am soo excited!! If you have ANY music star questions, PM me!!!!

-Makiko Love22

p.s. I will post more soon!!!! Andddddddddd Ashley says HI!!!!

I am so excited! Ashley, my Chamametchi, is evolving today at 9:05 p.m.!! I wish that she would evolve earlier :( :( :( :angry: :p :p But I know I can't set the time, unfortunately. :( :angry: :p Here are her stats right now at..... 4:10p.m.

Age: 1

Weight: 24lbs.

Happy+healthy: full

stress: 0

Tone: 654 rhythm: 644 original:617

Character: Chamametchi

I am aiming for Makiko! I hope I can-my friend told me that you must raise tone, rhythm, then original last. Wish me luck toniight when she evolves because I really want a Makiko very badly and I have come all this way in playing my least favorite game- sing-a-song. :angry: :angry: :angry: Anyway, wish me luck and I will update later on my tamagotchi's evolvation!

-Makiko Love22 :rolleyes:

This is something that I forgot to mention about my precious Ashley!! She is now back into Rock N' Roll Music :angry: :angry: She used to love hip hop music and I was so happy because I don't have hip hop music award!!! Anyway, she is currently on the microphone. and she plays with a rabbit. Anyway- I am soooooo excited 4 9:00p.m. tonight! Wish me luck with Makiko!!

Her skill points have raised- And I will update more later!! Thank you for reading this and remember to invite friends to see!!

-Makiko Love22 ^_^ ;) :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

YES!!! Exciting news!!! Ashley just turned back into Hip-Hop Music! I am so happy, you don't know! Well, I dont have the Hip-Hop Award so I really want that to be her permenent music so I can get the award. If you are wondering, I have five awards currently: Asian, Latin, Pop, Rock N' Roll, R&B. I am planning to get all 8! :angry: :angry: :D Ya and I kinda dropped my tama right now :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: SORRY ASHLEY!!!!

-Makiko Love22 ^_^ ;) :furawatchi:

This is a little play that I made about my tamagotchi, Ashley (by the way, she just turned 2 years old):

Ashley: Oh no! Some one's at the door! I wonder who it could be *walks to open door*

Band manager: Hey, I hear this house is hopping with music and talent. I really want you to join the band

Ashley: Oh Wow! Thank you so much Mr. Manager! I am so excited about joining a band, but what band?

Band Manager: Well, come to music school- you will see

Ashley: Thank you so much! This is so amazing! I could just-

Band Manager: Sorry I have to go but here is a little gift- a trumpet. Good bye!

Ashley: *Walks to the middle of the room and sits on couch* How wonderful! I'll practice before I go! And relax...

Thank you! That was a short story about what happens at a school offer! I am so proud of my little Ashley!!!!

Write more later!

-Makiko Love22 ^_^ ;) :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :angry: :angry: :D :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

I am awaiting the evolvation of my tamagotchi, Ashley! She is going to evolve in an hour. I am so excited to see what she evolves into! OMT! Also, people I changed my avatar (do you like it?) Anyway, Ashley adult countdown!!

-Makiko Love22 :( :p :(

This is the finally you have all been waiting for......... *DRUMROLL*................YES, IT'S TRUE! ASHLEY HAS EVOLVED INTO.......

MAKIKO!!!!! :lol: :lol: :eek: :eek: :) OMT! I WAS SUPER EXCITED WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING TO SEE A MAKIKO BOUNCING AROUND THE SCREEN! Anyways, I set the time with Ashley and her band members, Veronica and Penny, turned intooo=

:) Penny! Plays the guitar Veronica! Plays the keyboard :ph34r:

So people I am super excited! Here are Ashley's stats right now!

Age: 2 Weight: 30lbs Hungry & Happy: Full Stress: 0

Tone: 729 Rhythm: 707 original: 674

She still plays Hip-Hop Music! Here is a few pointers on how to get makiko on Music Star:

1.Make sure she is a singer-like person. If you don't have microphone, try singers.

2. Take simple care of her, but make sure she is happy and healthy ALL the time

3. Raise music level in this way: tone, rhythm, then original

4.Play a lot of games and make sure your weight isn't much above the lowest weight

5. Most chances of you getting a Makiko are with this growth chart: petitchi>hitodetchi>Chamametchi>Makiko. But If you dont get this growth chart, don't give up! You might still be able to get her!

This log was brought to you by:

-Makiko Love22 ;) :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Now, a short story (with emotiocons) brought to you by..... Makiko Love22 !!

When I had my :furawatchi: on my 3rd generation, he got the worst band ever!! :lol: :lol: :eek: This was his band in emotiocons:

:) :ph34r: :furawatchi: I am not kidding! It was the ugliest band ever! Why do I bring this up you ask? Well, this generation I got a :eek: in my band and I am so extremely sad!!! Anyway, the rest of my band was awesome so ya, I am pretty excited!! Ta Ta 4 now!!

-Makiko Love22 :) ;)

Ashley is on a roll! Just today, she got the Hip-Hop Award and is still in 1st place star ranking! :eek: Ashley's stats are as followed:


weight: 27 lbs

Happy: **** full

Hungry: ****full

Stress: 0

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Also, Ashley will be turning 4 tonight, and five tomorrow! I am so excited! But... The band still has: :ph34r: which is sad!

Anyway, send me a message if you need music star help!!

As good as always,

Makiko Love22 :furawatchi: :furawatchi: ;) ;)

You and your tamagotchi go through a lot together! And then there comes that time were.... THE BATTERIES RUN OUT!! Ashley, a 5 year old girl, had her batteries run out in the middle of her concert! Now the screen says the kutchi people crying saying "NO BATTERY!" I am soooo sad! I can't seem to find a battery, so I have to go to the store! :D :D I am so sad! :D :( I was shocked when I saw the sign :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!!!!!!

-Makiko Love22

p.s. I want to thank greenflower for including me their log!

This morning before school I went to the Longs store across the street from my house and got new batteries! Oh it is so WONDERFUL! I was so excited about tama all day long!!! A couple of my friends that I played basketball with at recess were so happy for me because I got batteries! I am glad to have friends like them! Sometimes I need a brake from tama talking EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY because that's all my friends (well two of them) talk to me about all the time and I don't really feel like they want to be my friend- only because I love tamagotchi! :angry: Anyway, Ashley is doing spectacular! She is gearing up for a Rock N' Roll concert now. She decided that her new favorite instrument was the guitar. :p But that is ok! I'm cool with it! B) Ashely is super happy! Her stats are full and her pounds have increased to 60 lbs. She is currently playing the guitar and does Rock N' Roll Music and loves her band!

Oh no! It looks like this is the close of Ashley's generation! Well, we must think into the future. I want to get a boy to get Jazz music because I found a website that say for classical is boy and Jazz so ya. I am aiming for a mametchi, Simsimatchi, or Kutchipatchi next generation. (you may ask why I chose the boy families if I am such an expert and should know other tamagotchis? Well, I have never gotten kutchipatchi OR mametchi on my music star so ya. I wanna get them!) Anyway, I will try my luck at a boy, but if not then I will try to raise my tama to get maidtchi, Chantotchi, or Violetchi!!

Sry I write a lot but I will update soon!

-Makiko Love22 :p :furawatchi:

I am back! I am sorry I haven't posted for a long time! :angry: :D Well I was really busy! OMT! I have to tell you. Ashley got married to a Kutchipatchi and now I am on my 7th generation! Her name is Carly! She loves to play the violin and is classical music! FINALLY I MIGHT GET THE CLASSICAL AWARD! Anyway, my tama is on pause with my mom because I forgot it! :( she would have evolved today! :( This is her growth pattern:

Petitchi>Tamatchi>Ringotchi She is so much fun+happy because, well, a tamagotchi! I promise I will right more later!

-Makiko Love22 (p.s. my tamagotchi name is violetchi now!)

:lol: :D

GUESS WHAT?! Carly, a three year old girl ringotchi evolved into a..... *drum role*........ VIOLETCHI :eek: !!!!! I can't believe I got a viioletchi!!! :angry: :angry: Now, my next generation I am aiming for a girl who I will name Amanda, Stacey, Amy, Caitlin, or Katy! If I get a boy I will name him Brannon, Zack, Roscoe, or Cody. :angry: :angry: Boy I will try to get a Simsiamatchi. If a girl I will try to get maidtchi! Also, if you want violetchi m me and i will help you!!! Today, Carly's stats:


stress= 0

pounds=54 lbs.

-Makiko Love22 :angry: :angry: :angry:

I woke up this morning (very early) and was soooooo excited to see that Carly's band was in 1st place ranking with classical music, so I set the time and I Carly and her band were super happy, got the award, and now I only need one more award left!!! Wups! What a mistake! I forgot to tell you about Carly's band! :angry: Anyway, Carly's band was her and two boys named Dino and David. Dino was a hinotamatchi and David was a kikitchi. :D :D But when they evolved, Dino was a :wacko: Androtchi and David was a Simsimatchi! Dino played the I piano and David played the Harp, but I changed them now to try and get the Jazz Music award-my last one! :eek: :eek: Anyway, Carly is now 4 years old and loves to play the violin!!!! PM me if you know how to get a maidtchi or a Simsimatchi!


-Makiko Love22 :D :furawatchi:

OMT! Carly just got the Jazz award!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: WOOOOOO!!!! I don't have any more trophies to get!!!! OMT!!!!! WOW!!!!! :D :D Thank you all viewers of this blog and check out my Group Hatching!! Also, Cody was born this morning!!!!! I am so excited!! Anyway, my v4.5 is now a Ura Mametchi!!! I am so happy about Joey!, my tamagotchi who is 3 years old. I even got one of His skill points to 195!!!! OMT!!! Also, my tamagotchi v5.5 is on a new generation! 6th generation!! Kara, the oldest by 1 min. 23seconds, is basically twins with her brother, Micheal. They are both mimifuwatchis and they love to play safe box! Here are a few words they must say:

Kara: Um, hello! I'm really happy and was just hatched a couple of minutes ago and I am so happy to be with my best friend, and my brother, Micheal, but he loves you to call him Mikey!

Micheal: Hi people! the answer to 76.32 x 45.2 is... 3449.664. Sorry, I am a math genius! Wups! Need owner to clean up!! That wold take about 3.132 seconds!! Sorry!! :mellow: I am...I mean....Got to go!!!

Well looks like they are doing well :rolleyes: :rolleyes: hey are all getting ready for bed, except the eager sleepers, Carly, her child Cody and her husband Cartin. Wow, lots of "C"s! Anyway, bed time!! See you all tomorrow if I can post! I have a play audition tomorrow!!

~Makiko Love22 :furawatchi: -_- :( :furawatchi:
