My first V5 log!


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Active member
Oct 7, 2008
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[SIZE=8pt]Hey it's me tamalover with my FIRST V5 LOG!! Enjoy![/SIZE]

I got my V5 yesterday and theyre children, so theyre sleeping right now.They are:

(left)Rosalie- girl- Belltchi

(middle)Jasper- boy- Mousetchi

(right)Charlie- boy- Mattaritchi

I played games and went to tamatown yesterday for a bit and found a bunch of codes for items. ^_^

Today I found this one that is some kind of heart w/ wings( <_< ) and raised my bonding to 100%!!!! my thumb still hurts from all that playing with the thing. ;)

hope u like! :) BTW this is my first log and i'm still learning so please no commenting on this log. If u have something to say PM me. thnx! bye.

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Hey, it's me again. They evolved!!!!! here are the new stats:

Rosalie- girl- Chamametchi

Jasper- boy- Mamekatchi

Charlie- boy- Bakutchi

I'm going to go to tamatown for a bit and i'll post later. bye.

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hey it's me, not much has happened here are the stats:

hungry- ♥♥♥♥♥ :(

happy- ♥♥♥♥♥ :rolleyes:

bond per- 100% :rolleyes:

Blended Family

Family Name- Hale :)



Jasper- son- Mamekatchi- middle

Rosalie- daughter- Chamametchi- left

Charlie- son- Bakutchi- right

Here they are:(remember:Jasper is purple, Rosalie is red, Charlie is orange, and i'm blue)

Hey its me Rosalie!!

God Rose, do u have to be so loud?

Oh, sorry Charlie...

It's ok.

Anyway what are we supposed to say T_L?

Umm.... Just talk about yourselves and what you like to do and that kind of stuff.... Okay?

Okay...Well, I'm Jasper and I think that you already met Charlie and Rosalie-


Wow. I don't think you've ever been so hyper Rose-

Nope!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Sorry guys I think I might have given you too many lollipops.*shrugs*

I'll say...

Say what?!?!?!?!

Okay mabey you guys -


Okay mabey you guys and girl should wait to talk to everyone untill Rosalie calms down a bit. Everyone say good-bye.




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Hey tamalover here. Sorry about that attempt from the tamas. :D I did some training and always picked the first option, because I'm trying for a Smart Family :D . Here are the tamas and don't worry Rosalie calmed down ;) .(remember Rosalie, Jasper, Charlie, and me)


Hey guys. are you ready to talk now?

Yup...Sorry if I little hyper before-

A little? Rose you were so hyper that you looked like you were about to burst. *laughs*


Okay, so like I was saying last time, I'm Jasper-

I'm Rosalie.

I'm Charlie.

-and we're the Hale Family!!!!

That's right Jasper. I can't believe how fast you guys are growing. Teenagers already! You'll soon be adults!! And do you know what happens next?

I do!! One of us gets married and has kids and turns into parents, and the other two go back to TAMA PLANET!

Thats right. But thankfully that won't be for a while.

Hey its time to train T_L!

*checks tama* Yes it is! Here you go, you can play with blocks.




Sorry guys we have to go but we'll be back later! :D :huh:

Hey it's me Rosalie and a lot has happened since we last posted. We're Adults now. I'm a Chantotchi-

I'm a Sukatchi.

I'm a Mametchi!! And we also have another impotant announcement. Since soon one of us will have to marry, tamalover wants you to choose who will stay and who will go.

That's right all you have to do is PM tamalover330 and tell her who you want to stay and get married. Either me, Charlie

Me, Rosalie.

Or me, Jasper. See ya!



Hey it's me again!! i guess that the tamas already told you about them being adults and all. Anyway, either tomorrow or the day after i'm going to go to the dating show. So we need you to Pm me with your chose of Rosalie, Jasper, or Charlie. I'll post tomorrow, bye!! :D :p

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Hey! Nothing much has happened, :D and the matchmaker won't let my guys on the dating show, but here they are.

Hi!! It's me Rosalie and I can't wait for the stupid matchmaker to let us on the Dating Show, but she just won't budge right now, o well. I hope that I'm the one who gets to stay, but that's up to you guys, so PM TAMALOVER and say me, Rosalie. :p :p

Rose, what are you doing?

Oh, nothing Jasper.

Yeah, right. You were telling them to vote for you weren't you?!?!

Well yeah, but it's really theyre choice, I was merely explaining a choice to them.

Yeah, sure you were. Rose, they do get to choose, and if they want you to stay than they PM T_L.

Well, it goes on and on. Remember to vote Rosalie, Jasper, or Charlie today!! I'll post more later. :D

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Okay, you voted and last night the matchmaker let us on the dating show, so here are the results:

Rosalie-28 votes

Jasper-23 votes

Charlie-18 votes

Since Rosalie was the winner, last night she married a Mametchi named Jake on the dating show and they turned into Mamametchi and Papamametchi. She said tearfull goodbyes to her brothers and terhey have 3 kids. A girl and 2 boys, in the same place as Rosalie and her brothers. Here are the stats:



Bond per-100%

Blended Family :eek:

Family Name- Hale



Sam- son- Mousetchi- eldest(middle)

Nikki- daughter- Sakuramotchi- middlest(left)

Mike- son- Mattaritchi- youngest(right)

Rosalie- mother- Mamametchi

Jake- father- Papamametchi

I'll post more later. Bye!! :D :D

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(Jake, Rosalie, Nikki, Sam, and Mike.)

I'll post later, and let the tamas talk!

Hi, I said I would let the tamas talk, and they were going to but they got a little distracted. They're teenagers!!! Herer are the new stats:


Happy- ♥♥♥♥♥

Bond per.-100%

Blended Family

Hale Family



Sam, Son, Mameketchi

Nikki, Daughter, Chamametchi

Mike, Son, Bakutchi

Rosalie, Mother, Mamametchi

Jake, Father, Papamametchi

They changed, stats:



Bond Per- 100%

Blended Family




Sam- Son- Mametchi

Nikki- Daughter- Chatotchi

Mike- Son- Sukatchi
