My first tama log


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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
Reaction score
This is my first tama log so it might be a little bad so sorry if it is.

I have one v4 one v4.5 but sometimes two if my sister doesnt take care of hers she has one v4.5 and I have a music star.

My v4 and both v4.5 have babies so i think there going to leave today. One of my v4.5 is named peach shes a purimatchi and the other v4.5 is a ura violetchi her name is lain the v4 is a androtchi his name is axxle and my music star is a kikitchi his name is masamune. Thats all for now just telling what there names are and things ill put a lot more next time and email me if you have any tips for me for my tama log thanks.

Today peach the purimatchi and lain the ura violetchi and axxle the androtchi left and all there babies were girls I was hoping for one boy. It was a pain to take care of three babies I had to keep playing games but i won climb every time but not jump rope. They all had the teacher come today. There names are daji the v4.5 fuka v4.5 and zhu v4. Daji is a hitodetchi fuka is a tamatchi i think and zhu is a mohitamatchi there ages are 0 and daji is 15lbs and fuka is 13lbs and zhu is 16lbs nothing interesting happend with them. My music star masamune is 1 and 20lbs his tone is 550 rhythm is 440 original is 497 and he likes latin music and hes still a kikitchi he plays the trumpet and accordion and plays with a tamagotchi and dinosaur i got the tamagotchi from tamatown. well I will post if anything interesting happens.

email me if my log is good please or some tips.

They all changed kiki masamune is now a memetchi and daji is now a ura youngmarotchi and zhu is a ichigotchi. Masamune is in a band and its latin music they played and lost or something the judges or whatever they are didnt like it. His tone is 712 rhythm is 660 original is 537 my band has a kuromametchi and the other is a dorotchi.

Email me to tell me if its good or how to improve it thanks.

My zhu is now a masktchi i was trying to get it to be a makiko but i was too late i just started to play dance then a couple of min later it turned into a masktchi and she is 2 and 20lbs. Daji didnt change yet so nothing interesting happend she is 2 and 22lbs. Masamune plays the harp hes a memetchi and kuromametchi john plays the piano and dorotchi daniel plays the trumpet. Masamunes tone is 999 his rhyhm is 999 and his original is 999 he finaly passed the judge thing and i got money his age is 4 and 32lb and likes asian music.

Email me to tell me if its good or tips thanks.

Masamune has a baby and has three awards asian pop and hip hop. I got 4 new batteries well there not new but they work email me if you think i should turn on my v3s. post if anything eles happens.

HI! I'm starting up my tama log again. Ok first I have two music stars. There names are Cid and Folgore there both boys and there 1 year old. Folgore weighs 26 lbs and cid weighs 20 lbs there both kikitchis. Folgore has 432 tone 357 rhythm and 709 original he plays rock n roll music and plays the mic. Cid has 191 tone 508 rhythm and 754 original he plays classical music and plays the violin. That's all for now I'll post more tomorrow or when something interesting happens.

Oh, my tamagotchi died. Well because my tamagotchi died I don't want to play with my music star also because my new music star was kinda glitchy. I might start playing with my v4 but I don't know yet. I will post when I decide which one to play.
