My First Tama Log - Humorish/Fun


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Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Alone, Outerspace
Day One

Yesterday I just bought ( well my Father bought ) a Tamagotchi V3 floral green for me; I was probably the happiest person alive and yes, I know I need to get out more.

Anyway, as my fingers tembled in excitement as I ripped the tap from the side of Tamagotchi to find, after a short pause and a long beep, an egg appeared on screen.

I sat at the dinning room table, unmoving for the minute to pass until my Tamagotchi would breathe it's first breath of virtual air.

There I sat, unblinking as my Father watched with a stiring confusion and sympathy from afar.

Finally it happened, my Tamagotchi burst forth from it's egg in blast of virtual egg shells and an mind-numbing ensamble of beeps.

I squeed, my cries rang through the house as I held my new Tamagotchi close.

It's a teletchi girl.

Now I was faced with the bitter challange no Tamagotchi owner should have to face.

What do I name it?

Around and around the room I passed, wracking my brain for a name suitable for such a heavenly creature, as my Tamagotchi waited on naming screen.

It seemed like the floor beneath had melted into a rut before it hit me.

No, what hit was not an item, my Father was not throwing kitchen items at me to break me from this unstable trance, no.

I had it, the perfect name.

Out of the rut I flew to the dinning room table where this all began and grasped my teletchi from the cold glass surface that was the table.

Passionatly I punched the 'A' and 'B' buttons which led to a series of mind-numbing beeps and the naming of a new Tamagotchi.

I called her Hana and for the next hours to pass I was at her every whim.

She was as demanding as any girl I know, needing food and exersise after every meal.

Naps were taken and sickness beaten, it was a chaotic time.

Her messes were constant and her weight, unstable, but how I loved her so.

Echo, my poor teen Tamagotchi was nelgected and forgotten for the most part but I checked him as often as she would let me.

After hours of slave work and lugging my Tamagotchis where ever I went in the house, it happened.

Growing up.

Half-way to the bathroom that mind-numbing series of beeps flew up to my ears and I quickly exaimed my two Tamagotchis only to relise to was Hana who demanded attention.

This time it was different, this time she was evolving!

Revived by the excitement that now coarsed through my veins my eger eyes pasted to the screen of my Tamagotchi's home.

After a fashing of black and break in the light, there Hana stood in all her toddler glory no longer as a teletchi but now as a Mizutamatchi!

Another delighted squee of excitment burst forth from my vocals as I held Hana close, poor Echo falling neglected to the cream carpeted floor.

He would be okay; and I would too.

Now in her toddler stage she was a lot easier to handle, needing much less attention then she did as a baby.

Carelessly rolling about on her head, next to my singing teen Ichigotchi as I worked happily on the computer.

The hours till dinner went uncounted and slow, a little care here and a little care then and before us three knew it, it was time for dinner.

Down the stairs I bounded with Tamagotchis clasped tightly in my fingers and back to the table I headed, the table where this all began.

Setting my Tamagotchis down beside my plate we all ( Father, Ginette, and me ) enjoyed a taste-testing dinner at candle light to the sounds of Carlos Santana.

As we licked our chops and settled down to after dinner conversation a series of beeps filled the air; the evolution call.

Hana, no it couldn't be, it was Echo I picked up in curiousity.

Echo it was.

Big brother.

With less egerness then Hana I did clasp Echo's plastic vessel watching curiously as he commanded more attention then he'd had all afternoon.

The pixels flickered and rearaged and as the lights returned to normal I say before me one of my favorite Tamagotchis, Kuchipatchi!

This time I held back my squees of glee but instead bounced about in my seat before the uncertain eyes of my Father and his girlfriend.

"He evolved!"

I exclaimed, showing an uneasy group of adults his latest form; they don't unstand.

Only smiles and shakes of heads were given to my excitment, I didn't care.

I loved my like virtual family dispite whatever they say or however they may act.

It's their problem.

After the remains of dinner were cleaned and organized we all gathered in the livingroom to watch a movie my Father had brought home from the movie store.

Tonights attraction:

"Howl's Moving Castle"

[ If you've never heard about it before, hear about it then watch it. It's a wicked animated movie. ]

Sitting through the movie very little did happen, except for a few games and a feeding or two.

Hana fell asleep around 8:00 PM sharp but Echo, now in his adult from stuck 'round till just about the movies end.

He fell asleep 'rond 10:00 PM and I about the same.

Two Tamagotchis clutched in my fingers as I slept in a mess of pillows, plushies and blankets.


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