My first log


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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2009
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Hi all.I was going to start this log when my tamas started gen.2,But a dramatic thing just happened.(ill tell you later in the post)

I have a v4 and a v2.

My attention is more drawn to my v4,So ill probally write more about it.

ROXY:Hey,Dont leave me out!

ok,I wont darling.Strangely enough,my tama v1 is a UFO and my v4 a robot.

the v1 is Roxy,and the v4 is David.

DAVID:please get on to the dramatic bit!

Ok,ok.David just got robbed 100 points by a robber.Thats what I am starting this log on.

Well,i'll give you some stats:


Hungry: OOO()


Age:1 Yr

Weight:70 lb (i'll work on that)

Character:Young :angry: .Well,It looks like one.







Age:1 Yr

Weight:39 lb





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Hey guys.I was gonna post this before church but i didn't have time.

ROXY:Hey,Why post at such a boring time?!

So you DONT want them to know how much weight you lost?

ROXY:Hm...Now that I think about it,I guess it would be okay to post.





Age:2 yr

Weight:31 lb (yay!


Generation: 1G







Training:[ ]

Age:2 yr

Weight:72 lb


Generation: 1G


Character:Young :p


ROXY:Ha,ha!I got my first skill point before you!And im lighter!


DAVID:Mabie,But all this(Points at his tiny muscles)Is what the 72 lb's is from!




DAVID:I'm glad you agree with me.(strikes a muscle pose) :)


Well,Today or tomorrow i'll take david to tamatown.Since roxy's a v2,She can't go.




Well,That's all for now,


yo people of tamatalk.

David evolved last night when I was at a resturant for mother's day.He's a Zukyutchi.

DAVID:And I got 1300 p from the king!

ROXY:And you spent it all,Plus 700 p on some Heldon (a snack) that raises something by 1.

Yep,he sure did.It's pretty sad too.I'm Gonna make him eat it now.

DAVID*eats the Heldon*"Mmmm,Best meal of my life!"

ROXY:How come I can't eat anything special?

I'll get you something right now before we post the stats.

ROXY:Fine,I'm nice and slim anyway.

ROXY(after bying the treat):All they had today in food was a lollipop!

Well,that will do.unless you want to eat a different treat.

ROXY:I only have one treat!

ok,sheesh,sheesh.Eat the lollipop now.

ROXY:*eats lollipop*(sarcastically) Mmmm,Best meal of my life...

Now,For the stats:




Training:[ ]

Age: 3 yr

Weight: 98 lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1G

Points: 980p






Age: 3 yr

Weight: NOOO! Don't put my weight here!I'M NOT SLIM ANYMORE! (her weight is 82 lb)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1G

Points:364 p


(Just to tell you,Whatever's in brackets my tamas can't see.)

ROXY & DAVID:And she would die for some fanmail right now!

Stop hinting them to give me fanmail!

Bye now!


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Hey people.I should tell you Mon-Fri I'll only post once or twice.Roxy evolved into a :) today.

David got a drumstick from the king wich he hasn't eaten yet.And he got a job last night at the flight centre.

DAVID:More mail!

ok,I'll read it.Oh!He has a star AND a envelope!


3 point stars

2 heart stars

2 strength stars.

in the envelope i got a snake!It made David cry.

ROXY:You cried because of a snake in the mail!

DAVID:No!I cried because of animal cruelty!

Now,David will eat the drumstick

DAVID:*eats Drumstick* hm...Pretty good.

there we go,it's gone.

I don't really have the energy to post some stats right now.Sorry.

More Mail for David!

DAVID:*opens envilope*ANOTHER SNAKE!

ROXY:You cried again!

DAVID:jusst besause it's animal cruelty!

Ok i have to be quick,I have to meet my friend.I promise ill post the stats after my friend logs off.SO SORRY!

I'm SO sorry I couldn't update for so long.I had to do a speech,an assignment and normal homework.David and Roxy both have baby girls but can someone tell me how long it takes for a baby to grow because David's baby girl seems to not be growing.




2 point stars

3 love stars

2 strength stars

there was a star mail. ( :) )

Today and yesterday,Me and my friends tamas connected.David now has a friend called Jesse.She's a girl.They are best friends.

DAVID:You have fanmail!

(from *tamateen* )


Hey love your log!Keep it up! :) :)



that is what she said,I just couldn't quote it.

I just caught Roxy pooing for the first time!

I caught David pooing 2 days ago.

I also asked Ripped_Jeans if she read my log and she said:



I do read your log!I read everyone elses epdated logs before I update mine.

It's great =]


Well,thanks guyz.If you've made a log,You'll know everyone loves fanmail.

Well,Ive pretty much given up on stats srry.

= }

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I come home after a day at the park to find roxy with 4 poops and she (and her baby) are sick.

ROXY:It's ok,I'm better now.I guess the diet wasn't that good after all.

Roxy!I told you to not take the diet of eating 1 cube of cheese per day!It doesn't even fill 1 happy or hungry heart!

ROXY:Ok,ok.I won't go on a diet again without your approval.

Ok,thats fine.Yesterday I went to tamatown again.I tried to go in the parents home but I couldn't because i'm on the first gen.

But now I can.Which you all should know by now means David left.I named the baby girl Carly and I'm naming Roxy's baby Fergi.

It's Fergie but I cant fit in the e.

Carly's been on pause all day because she woke up before we left.That's right,David left when I was asleep.Dang.


(from bmxyyy )


hello,i like your log its intresting:)



thx guyz this has pushed me on alot.And both *tamateen* and bmxyy said hi as the subject of thier message!Me,personally I say yo.Carly's been on pause all day.Thats why she isn't sick.AND NOW,For the unpausing moment,Carly will speak for the fist time on my first log!


CARLY:ello fewers of tam tam talk!

great,His first real word was talk.Oh well.

bye dudes/dudetts.

Last night was total tama drama.

when I went to check on Carly,she was asleep with no happy or hungry hearts full!

I set it to a different time so I could feed her snacks/meals (i didn't have time to play games)But then,right infront of my very eyes,Carly evolved!then she went back to sleep,with still no happy/hungry hearts full.I made the time 11:53 am.I knew she would be awake then.

but then she was dying with 8 poops!I flushed the poops and gave her medicine 2 times!Then she was normal,And I put her back to sleep.Then,Roxy was sick!I flushed 2 poops,gave her medicine once,And gave her 2 snacks.Then I chenged her time to 10:00 pm,

so she would sleep and not get sick.

Roxy left,leaving her girl baby behind.As promised,I named her fergi.But she is so fussy!I filled her hearts up 2 minuets ago and then she had done a poo and her hungry hearts were empty and she had 2 happy hearts!The only reason i'm up this early is because i'm afraid if i post later i would've forgotten.Carly's character is called Puchitchi she looks just like her father!

well,thats all. byeeeeeee!'s been a while since I posted.Carly is a :furawatchi: like Roxy!


MAN!You are always attention seeking.Fergi is a :) .

I'll tell you their child hood and for Carly her teen years.Fergi is still a teen.


child: Same as david!(go back to check)

teen:young ;) It was sooooo cute.

CARLY:Mum,SHE was so cute.I'm not a monster.


child: :furawatchi: same as Roxy!

teen: :p

CARLY & FERGI:For the big announcement!

Which one?

CARLY:The one that isn't mine!

Ooooh,that one.

PIXIL:My one!

Pixil!you just spoiled it!

CARLY:forgive him,he's a kid.

You will make a great parent,Carly..Anyway,I will introduce my best friend's tamagotchi,Pixil.He is a boy,And he LOOKS like a marshmellow.Carly has three friends.Pixil,Binny and Jesse. Jesse is my friend's tamagotchi.We are known as the tama freaks of our class.I am more of a freak than her though.I'm not trying to boast,It's just everyone comes to me for help for tamagotchis.Anyway,My best friend gave Binny to my freind,And Pixil to me.Pixil also has three freinds.Carly,Jesse and binny.

It was named binny by a mistake.My best friend gave them to us in the middle of class XD so yes.That's the story.


CARLY:Now,to my announcement.

Carly is getting married...To pixel.

CARLY:WHAT?! I didn't know that!

Its a suprise.If pixel takes too long and you become an pldie THEN you can marry who you want.

CARLY:Just let my get used to this,I'm sure he'll mature.

PIXIL:I don't want to marry a stinky girl.


Well,that's that.


Best friend=Tammie


Lily will be my best friend soon,probaly.

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Do you guys want me to do stats?pm me and tell me.




Training:[ ]

Age: 3 yr

Weight:84 lb


Generation: 2G

Points:4705 p

Character: :p





Age:2 yr

Weight:97 lb


Generation: 2G

Points: 584 p

Character: :)

I'm baaaaaaaack!

And I have so much to tell you!


Although no one replied to my question. :huh:

BUT before we post stats there is the characters to be sorted out!

Carly: :unsure:

Pixil: :D

Binny: :rolleyes:

Fergi: An ALIEN!!!.....................................seriosly.

AND Carly and Pixil are getting married because they are both adults!


PIXIL: You bet we are! :wacko:

I still remember when Pixil didn't want to marry a 'stinky girl' aka. Carly.

Aaaaaah back when he was a marshmallow.

then I was a cool fireball!

OK....Well that is over with.

NO STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and remember:

If at first you don't succeed, get new batteries


All my v4 tamas are taking baths!

(for once)

I guess they thought it was bath time!

BINNY: We are not taking baths!

PIXIL:Yeah! We are ninjas!

(Ninjas that finished their bath while I was posting)

Carly:I'm happy in my Bath!

Carly is having a long bath because the king gave her 400 p.

Carly will take a long bath when something special or tragic has happened.

Carly! Time to get out!

CARLY: Fine...

there we go. She is out.





Bye i am being fined for every second of computer time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WHOA I had to post they got married!

Carly and Pixil!

We will have a proper wedding ceremony tomorrow it is nearly my bed time.

I fed Carly Some Honey and then 2 love hearts appeared.

I thought this would be A good sign to connect Carly and Pixil to strengthen their relationship.

It looked like they were saying no but then Pixil came to Carly's house and they kissed!

And Roxy is going to have twins! (She already did but I am making this realistic)

1 for her

1 for Pixil

0 for the country

Well,They didn't actually get married.

Pixil just proposed.

