My First Log (:


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Jul 28, 2009
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Hi everyone! Well, I decided to start a log about my Music Star tamagotchi. I am warning you though, eventually I will most likely have either forgotten about it or just gotten too lazy to update it. I'm not that great when it comes to keeping something like this going. I will try to start it and promise myself I won't forget about it and then... well, you get it. Okay here I go.

Okay, well I'm going to set the time now. Yayy!! The egg is on the screen with three presents... Just there. Bobbing up and down. I hope I get a boy! Waiting... waiting... it hatched!!! It's a girl! Oh well, I'm still happy. She plays the harp! I can't tell what her toy is... It looks like a stuffed horse or something. Hmmm... what should I name her? How about Stella! Okay her name is going to be Stella. I am feeding her right now. She is full now but very unhappy... Poor Stella! Let's fix that! I'm going to play games with her. I won Music Notes!! Let's see if she is happy now. Yay! She is happy now! Okay well, I guess I will give you the stats!

Name: Stella

Gender: girl

Age: 0

Weight: 5LB

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

Stress: 00

Tone: 0

Rhythm: 30

Original: 0

Genre: Asian

Points: 3000

Generation: 1

Okay well I guess I will post when she evolves!

Oh! And I found out that her toy is a horse.

Just wanted to let you know that there are some storms coming so I might not be able to tell you when Stella evolves or what she turns into. Also I will be eating dinner soon so... I will tell you eventually I promise!

Okay, well the storms are passed and I am finished with dinner and Stella evolved! She turned into a Tamatchi! I was hoping for one of these because I always seem to get a Hitodetchi. I am also hoping to get the apple or the strawberry teenager (I forgot the names for them) because I always get the other one. Gosh I can't remember any of these names! Anyways, after Stella evolved I was waiting for her teacher to come but I guess it was too late because at 7:45pm she went to sleep for the night. Well, I will try to update tomorrow!
