My First Log :)


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Dec 28, 2007
Reaction score
I used to loooove tamagotchi's when they FIRST came out.. and now since they're back.. I'm re-obsessed!! Ahh! Hahaha.

So anyways, I've got 3... (I'll figure out how to post pics someday)

(2 v4's and a v4.5)

My first V4 (pink with splotches)


Type: Tosakatchi (male)

Name: Harry

age: 7

Job: Worked at the school

Mate: Ura Debatchi (I think) with the buck teeth


Type: Its still a toddler (Mizutamotchi)

Sex: Female

Name: Lily

Age: 1

My second V4 (yellow with red)


Type: Young Androtchi (male teen)

Name: Albus (yes I know, so far they're all Harry Potter names haha)

Age: 2

- I'm hoping he'll become a Mametchi :)

And finnallyy My V4.5 (red with hawaiian flowers/butterflies)


Type: Ura Violetchi!!!

Name: Peach

Age: 4

Job: dosen't have one yet.. probably get it later today.

Okay doneee! ^_^


Soo today My tama's came to the mall with me! What an adventure! Haha

I felt really bad, because my mind was concentrated on shopping (I was looking for an outfit for my birthday!) and I think everyone got sick at some point!

They all went to bed happy tho! (except Lily :) but I'll give her the attention she needs in the morning!)


New stuff!!!

Lily (my pink tama) evolved into that strawberry tama, Ichigotchi. Cute. So according to the Tamatalk growth chart (excellent by the way) She could be a Memetchi, Violoetchi, or Ponytchi. OR the special character. I MIGHT try for that one, but it might be a little difficult, but if I don't get her, I"ll get Memetchi...equally as good :p

My v4.5 tama Ura Violetchi is having a hard time finding a job. (I think) I'm kind of confused as to what's going on... but everytime the [!] mail comes and she goes to get a job (I think) and she just gets mad about it... sheesh I dunno what her problem is haha. My other tama got a job just fine!! So far she's been offered two jobs... one at the fire department, and one at the school... (i think)... she got mad at both...

Her points are:

funny: 38

gorgeous: 46

and Spiritual: 72

...they're kind of low... so maybe that's the reason... gah.

Alsooo her weight is 33 lbs.. I dunno is that heavy or not?? If it is.. how can she lose weight?? Sooo if anybody happens to read this.. just let me know!... somehow!

Also... pretty exciting! I bought one of those tama sets w/the globe design v4.5 tama for my b-day! I'm excited to open it, but I think I'll wait until my actual birthday.. maybe ;)

Okayyy, so I think I figured it out...

I think the look she was giving me was more like...."are you an idiot" than angry...haha. I discovered that there is actually more than one job available!! All you have to do is press the A button and you'll see the choices!! (Jobs are relatively new to me)

I guesss she just was rejected from the first job and I didn't know enough to press "next" gah, oh well.

She (Peach) finally has a job now!! She works at the restuarant :rolleyes:

My V4 yellow tama (Albus) grew up to be a Mametchi :D Yaay. I'm training him in the intelligence factor so he can get some sort of job in the science path (like me!!)

Anyways, that's all for now!

Ok so I got a few suprises this morning/afternoon...

First, Lily, my Strawberry tama, who was supposed to evolve into a beautiful Memetchi, evolved into a Masktchi!!!!

Hmm.. I'm not going to lie, I was a tad disapointed, especially when I saw how creepy Masktchi's smile is hahhaha... but of course I <3 her anyways!!! I originally wanted to mate Lily with Albus (my Mametchi), and I think I still will, besides, they're already in love. I'm not going to be the kind of parent who stands in the way!!

Secondly, Peach, my Ura Violetchi, got a visit from the matchmaker!!! I wasn't sure what the matchmaker's deal is, like if they only appear once or so, but I didn't have a mate for Peach, so I decided to go ahead with it.

Her mate was a bull-ish tamagotchi (Tougyutchi... haha I just looked that up ) and they got a beautiful baby BOY :mellow:

Lastly, it was time for Albus, my Mametchi to get a job!! His points are :



and social-2.

I scanned through the jobs (now I'm so pro haha) annnd the hospital one was available... I applied, and he was accepted!! Yaaaay! I'm happy, and I'm good at the game, so Albus is happy too.

Also, I couldn't wait.... even though my birthday isn't until the 14th, I opened my birthday present! The globe design of the v4.5 tama is pretty nice I must admit, and out of the egg popped a baby GIRL!!! I named her Molly :eek: . I also thought, perfect! Now Peach's new baby and Molly can be in love one day! I'm just installing the CD thing right now, so I'm gonna go check it out!!!

Tata for now!

Hmmm so school is consuming my life again. But at least I don't have any school on friday this semester!! Mwahahahah.

Okay so..

My Tama's are pretty much paused from 8am - 5ish pm. So I don't know if that'll delay their growth a bit? Maybe.


Lily, my Masketchi got a job as a Pre-school teacher!! The game kinda sucks tho hah. Ooooh well.

ALSO Lily and Albus got a lil frisky! It wasn't intentional! I guess they just decided it was time to... hemhem. So right now they're looking after two little baby boys!

Molly will sure have her choosings :(

Speaking of Molly, who will now be color coated green, she has evolved from a Tamatchi into a potato looking thing called a Zouritchi. Sooo I'm training her in the spiritual category and... she has the right teacher! Ms. Canvas I think ( I JUST figured out there's more than one teacher :S. Seriously, i should've read the instructions better HAHAHAHA.

Okay, also Peach's baby grew up into a Kuribotchi, and is now a Kujacuchi (bird looking thing). I named him Remus (still naming after Harry Potter) and I'm training him in the funny category.

*sigh* I better get going.

Byebye for now fellow tama talkers :blink:

Yay it's Friday!! I love life! Haha.

I went to the movies yesterday with my special someone, annnd my tama's came along. He thinks I'm a bit psycho, but he loves me anyways. Haha. I kept them on silent tho obviously! We saw the Golden Compass btw.

Soo Lily and Albus left!!! I'm so sad. I'm always sad when my tama's leave. I'll never get over the first time my tama (Harry) left. I wanted him back the minute he was gone!! I'm okay now though, I've accepted it. Hahaha.

Sooo my two baby boys grew up to be identical toddlers. Mohitamatchi's! (the rebel one's with the Mohawks hah.) Possibly becaues I raised them exactly the same. I guess that's the bad part when two of your tama's have a baby. You raise them the same. Oh well.

I named Lily's baby Billy. He just evolved into a young kutchipatchi.

The other one, Alubus's baby, I named Chuck. He hasn't evolved yet... OH WAIT HE JUST DID... he's a young kutchipatchi as well.. GAH! Oh well , I'll make them different adults. Talk about timing haha. Maybe I had him paused longer that Billy or something :S hmmm

Molly grew up too! She's soooooooo incredibly cute! Umm she's an.... Ura Zukyutchi. Wierd names eh? But they wouldn't be cool if they weren't Japonese!

Ummm so I think that's all I've got on updates.

I'm happy I figured out how to choose teachers... and how to properly play the game. I was just guessing which present it was, but now I have a methood which gets it right 100% of the time. Man, just when you think you've got a handle on these tamagotchi's you learn something new! Haha, anyways,

Have a good weekend tout le monde!

Okkayy, so It's been awhile since my last post.

Things are going crazily at in my world, with homework, my birthday, and all the drama that typically goes along with life, so my tama's have been enjoying a partially paused subsistance for awhile.

Some updates!!

My two young Kutchipatchi's evolved into:

Pink Tama, Billy: Gozarutchi ;) .. hm.. suppsed to be Kuchipatchi... sigh.. it's something with that pink tama! Always evolving those "other" groups. Butttt I left my tamas on when day while I was at school... and I came home, and they all had like a million little poos and were sick... but Billy DIED!!! I was in shock. I left him for awhile until I figured out A+C restarts the thing, so now I have a little girl BB, who is a teen, an Applegotchi, haha jk! Ringotchi. Yeah I don't really care what she evolves into...I'll leave it as a suprise... kind of.

Yellow Tama, Chuck: Tarakotchi, he's still kicking around... he got a job at the Florist! He's kind of been half paused/half not. It's really hard looking after four tamas.... maybe the matchmaker will some soon.

Okkkk my v4.5's! Lots has happened!!!

Remus My little bird boy from the red tama grew up into a Celebatchi.. he was kind of cute.

While I was working on his and Molly's relationship... they decided (not even 4 loves) to make the nasty, and I ended up with 2 more baby boys. Great. All 4 tamas are boys (Well i had all 4 boys until Billy died)

After Molly and Remus left I had thier kids Frodo and Sammy to look after.

Unfortunately, from tod-teen they've both followed identical growth patterns.I forget what tod they were... haha The duck one I think, and they were diamond teens, Dayiatchis. I paused Sammy for while, and..

Frodo grew up to be another Celebatchi Just like his Pa.

I have yet to find out what Sammy will be because he's still a diamond! Hopefully something different.

Sooo I think that's it for now... I'll post another generation thing in a bit... so I/whoever reading this can see the progress my little tam tam's have made.

Now, I'm tired and have tons tons tons of homework. So I bid you all, my fellow tamatalkers, a good day.

Much love.


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