HOWDY YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pleaze join my first group hatching,i'm a new member and i need some friends :furawatchi: It's gonna be on christmas day at 9:00 pm in Virginia!!!! So please please please please please please please please please join!!!!!!
Um, what time is that in Australia? If it's a good time (anywhere before 10 pm in Australia, I'll hatch too, I've already joined a group hatch on Christmas-it can be any time in that one, so I can join both.
i changed the time to anytime christmas day ok just to clear all that up about when in other countries and stuff!! so i hope you all have a holly jolly and merry christmas!!!!
If you needed a friend to help and guide, or just be a friend, you've definetly come to the right place!!!! just pm me if you need ANY help with anything!!