My Fantastic V5 Log!


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Feb 20, 2008
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[SIZE=13pt]They're Born![/SIZE]


Hello! Welcome to my new log! I just opened up my brand new V5 and hatched my three adorable blobs! I got two girls and a boy. I named them the Gotch family. (Gotchi couldn't fit!) I also gave them their own names. The first born was a girl named Holly. The second born was a boy named Kenny. The third born was another cute little girl named Michelle. They all are very happy in their new home! :lol:


[SIZE=13pt]Their Future! [/SIZE]


My brother has also just recently opened up his new tamagotchi V5 as well. What we are planning to do is get our tamagotchis married. My brother has two girls and one boy too. My brother's family name (last name) is the Soft family. The first one born was a girl named Danielle, the second one was the only boy, Christopher, and the last girl was named Julia. We are probably going to marry Holly and Christopher, but it is not a defintate. My sister, (you may know her as Tama_Mama27) has a V5 too and their names are Bella, Edward, and Christy. My tamas are good friends with hers.




Family name: Gotch

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Holly: Futabatchi

Kenny: Omututchi

Michelle: Mimifuwatchi

Stage: Baby


Thanks for reading my log! I will update later! :lol: ALSO, DO NOT POST HERE! I WILL GET A GUIDE TO DELETE THE POST! Thank you!



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[SIZE=13pt]They Grew![/SIZE]


Hello! My tamagotchis just grew up! Holly is a tororotchi, Kenny is a ahirukitchi, and Michelle is a Sakuramotchi. They are adorable!


Happy: 5 hearts!

Bonds: 0%!

Family: Blended Family!

Generation: #1!

Family name: Gotch!







I will post A.S.A.P.!


Hanatchi Lover :lol:

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Holly, Kenny, and Michelle have been through very exciting events! They were watching the dating show and the match maker yelled at them because they weren't old enough. She even pointed her finger at them! Oooooh! Lets hear what Kenny had to say about this:


"Oh no she did-'nt!"


Since they weren't alowed to watch the dating show because of the nagging little lady, (no offense) they went on the travel show and they had a lot of fun! When they came back, Holly was talking to her fridge. They're really great friends. Then we played games. Then Holly went back to talking to her fridge. I wasn't ease dropping or anything, but I think they were talking about what the fridge has for dinner because right after that they had a nice, warm piece of bread. When the tamagotchis were done with dinner, they went into the bath and the shower. After the bath, they got tucked in their bed and fell fast asleep.


I'll update later! Thanks for reading!


Hanatchi Lover :wacko: :nazotchi:

[SIZE=13pt]New Stats![/SIZE]


Hunger:5 hearts

Happy:5 hearts


Family Name:Gotch

Family Type:Blended Family







[SIZE=12pt]Thanks for reading. I will update A.S.A.P.[/SIZE]

Hanatchi Lover!




It all started last night. I had my tamagotchis and I had to put them down for just 1 second. Then, my sister ran up to me and she had my tamagotchis in her hand. I took 1 little glance at my tamagotchis; the screen was blank. I asked her if they died and she said no.She said that the screen shut off. Plus, when I left them, they were fine. They weren't sick, they had all of their hearts and they were not old. They did not come back. I was very sad when this happened. So my sister reset the screen and three new eggs popped up on the screen. We didn't know any way to get my old tamagothis back so now I have 3 toddlers. They are also very cute. Again I got 2 girls and 1 boy. I named the first born who was a girl, Nikki. (Like Nicolet.) The second was a boy named, Danny. And the third was another girl, Marissa. Here are their stats.




Family Type: Blended Family

Family Name: Tweet

Generation: #1



Bonds: 0%

Money: $160.


Danny: Ahirukutchi

Marissa: Tororotchi

Stage: Toddler


[SIZE=11pt] Thanks for reading! I'll update A.S.A.P.![/SIZE]

Hanatchi Lover! :p

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