my cosons blog!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
The Stars
as you can see i alredy have a blog called v1 yay!!! but my coson is recording his tamas doings and i'll post them here!!!!! so remember this is my cosons NOT mine!!!

well he has a tiger v4.5!!!! it is the donut tot!!!! heres its stats

name ariel

age 0

stage tot

caricter donut tot

happy 4

hungry 4

gen 1

poo count 0

mail count 0

training 1/9

waight 15lbs

gender girl

money 160

smily 101

sparkle 63

smart 87

he will keep a log and call me every now and then to tell me his tamas stats!!

i conected tamas with my coson!!!! also my tama was sad so i prased it and got 2/9 training now!!!!!! also i got mail with the tama king in it!!!!! he gave my 200 gp!!!!! now i have 360 gp!!!!! i'll post more later!!!!

i used the v4.5 hack and got a stario and a rc helicopter!!!! also i played a cloud jump game!!! i lost on the 25th cloud but i got 200 gp still!!!! now i have 560 gp!!!!! i'll post more later!!!!!
