My Chemical Romance


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
realizing regret
I couldn't find a thread for them. So I madeo ne.

Personally, I find them OK. I'm not one of the creepy fangirls, but their music appeals to me.

I have the best ever Frank icon Shadowfire showed to me, but I can't post it here because it's kind of against the rules. If you want it, PM me...or Shadowfire.

Thank You For The Venom, Give 'Em Hell, Kid, and Vampires Will Never Hurt You are probably my faves. Oh, I Don't LOve YOu is pretty good too.

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They're pretty cool. I'm not an obssessed fangirl that finds out where they live. *shifty eyes* lol just kidding.

I like a few of their songs.

They are the best band in the world and I am an obsessed fangirl and proud of it!

I know where Gerard used to live.

My Chemical Romance is amazing. One of my favourite bands, along with P!ATD and FOB. And a few others.

MCR is win.

I love them, I'm not obsessed or anything lol, they're music is amazing, in my opinion anyway.

MCR is the most amazing band that I have ever heard or seen. The best one ever.

Hooray for fangirlism, because I am one of them too.

I don't stalk them though, it's just a coincidence that Gerard recognises me from the crowd.

I like My Chemical Romance, i have them on my i pod. but the beginning of their song called To The End is really weird, here is how it goes

"In the middle of a gun fight... In the center of a resteraunt... they say.. come with your arms raiised high"

Isn't that weird?

"In the middle of a gun fight... In the center of a resteraunt... they say.. come with your arms raiised high"

Isn't that weird?
that's not the beginning of to the end.

that's you know what they to guys like us in prison >___>

and no, it isn't weird.


I love them... Some would consider me one of the creepy fan girls...

I love Gerard and Frankie... Mikey is awesome... Ray has awesome hair... Bob gets made fun of too much... BUT I STILL LOVE HIM!!

I've sort of given up on them...Their fans make me mad and I hate having to deal with them during shows.

And after that whole "Protest" thing, I'm embarrassed to be associated with them.

^What do you mean, 'deal with the fans'?


I love them. That ad made me smile XD

^What do you mean, 'deal with the fans'?o.o

I love them. That ad made me smile XD
Like, line-cutting, drama, talking about other fans behind their backs. Things like that. When my cousin was a really intense fan when she was homeschooled and followed the band around with her mom, all these fans who thought they were "elitist" and stuff would talk about them online and fans would often make up things.

For example at this one show my cousin fell over the line barricade and hurt her knee, causing her to have to go to the emergancy place thingiemajig. And fans would be just make up things like "oh she saw gerard so she tried to run to him and she fell" Just stupid stuff. But it's the fact that they'd make up a rumor just like that.

And when fans scream in your ear "_______ YOU'RE SO HOT!!!AS;DLKFAJ;DK"

I liked it when the fans weren't pyschopathic crazies.


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