my best v.5 log


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Active member
Mar 28, 2008
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hi i am just new to this whole log thing but anyway here i go

Hi I am lilanna,

i just got v.5 and it just hatched.My middle one is a


My left one a

Futabatchi named-Danny

and on the right a

Mimifuwatchi named Mellanie

Here are the stats.

happy 5

hungry 5

generatation 1

points 0

thats all for now see you

p.s no posts only pms

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well the tamas are good one thing I for got to tell you was oldest and youngest are girls and second is a boy.

When the kids are old enough they can talk.I might be doing hardly any posting due to a wedding.


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hi me again guess what they EVOLVED here are the stats

hunger 4

happy 5

generation 1

points 80

lisa belltchi

danny mattaritchi

mellanie sakuramotchi

now they want to talk

lisa- hi I am the oldest in the family yah! :rolleyes:

danny- It sucks why do girls have to be older hey

sowy mummy on the plus side atleast I am older than one girl.

mellanie- hi i am the baby of the family its good and bad I cant play games but i do get lots of attention.

do not I cant play games either so ha.

dont be mean to your sister danny.


bye for now

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