My Awsome Tama Logs! Wohoo!


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May 2, 2008
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At Starbucks gettin' a caramel frappuchino&#33
Hey everyone!

Let me be the first to welcome you to My Awesome Tama Logs, if you visited by here before, I had a V3 log, but just today I had an urge to play with one of the more updated versions. :p The V4! One of my favorites I might add. -_-


So, when I got home from school, I switched the batteries around, and hatched my V4. And...surprise! A sweet little Shirobsutchi appeared, (I think that's how you spell it, though I'm not sure). After a little bit of thinking I chose the same name I had on my V3, Lily. As for now she is napping, and I've been taking perfect care. I'm very excited to see her evolve, I'm hoping for a Petitichi, or Harutchi. I want the Meme family though, because I'm aiming for a Violetchi :D . They're so cute, and I've never had one before! Everyone loves to get new, never-before-had characters every now and again. Yay! Lily woke up, I want to take her to the Shop, but what to get, what to get...hmmm...oooo, a pineapple, and its on sale too! Perfect, I wonder what Tamas like pineapple though, I know Tamatchi does from the V3, but I'll find out later. Lily's so much fun, she's really good at games too! Anyway, here's an update on her stats: Happiness\Hunger: 4\4 (for each), Training: 1 bar, Skills: 10 intellectual, 4 fashion\creativity, 12 social\kindness, 0 yr, 5 LB, Name: Lily, Gender: girl, gen 1, 1,300 pts. I just played Jumping Rope with Lily, and her skills got boosted too: Social\Kindness: 18! Okay, here comes the evolution moment. She's about to evolve into a...Mizutamatchi! Those are sooooo cute!! And have the highest percentage rate of the Meme family! Yaaaaaaay! Okay, well, she's up in the air having fun, and that's all for today. I'll try to have a new log tomorrow. Thanks for dropping by!


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :eek:

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Hey Everyone!

Welcome back! Today I have a new post for My Awesome Tama Logs! Or...I guess you could say I'm procrastinating on doing my homework, just a little bit! ;) But...anyway, enough talk, let's get started! We'll pick up from we left off yesterday.


So, as most of you know, Lily evovlved into a Mizutamatchi (the cute little raindrop Tama). And...she received three letters last night, one was an envelope filled with poo! Lily was very upset with this, but don't worry, I played Jumping Rope to cheer her up! :) Then she got the [!] mail, and it was time for her to start preschool! She really likes it, and gets the dancing most of the time. And...finally, she recevied an envelope from the king, he sent her 200 pts! I took Lily to the Shop again, and they were still having their sale, so I bought cheescake. Well, Lily had a full day, and at 8:00 p.m., she decided to hit the sack, I was off Tama duty for the night.


As for today, Lily is still in the toddler stage, but tomorrow she will make the big transformation into a teen. I'm hoping for an Ichigotchi :D , I love them, they are my favorite teen! I do think I have a good chance of getting her, because I've been taking perfect care of Lily. I can't wait for tomorrow! So, right now, I plan on increasing Lily's skill points, especially social\kindness, I'll also give an update on her stats before I go. Alright! Lily just made 400 pts by playing Jumping Rope, she's really good at that game! Oh, by the way, I found out what Tama likes pineapple, it's Mohitamatchi. He's a toddler. But, I have nothing else to write, so here is Lily's updated stats: Hunger\Happiness: 4\4 (for each), Training: 2 bars, Skills: 10 intellectual, 25 fashion\creativity, 36 social\kindness, 0 yr, 10 LB, Name: Lily, Gender: girl, gen 1, 3,125 pts. Well, that's about it, sorry for the kind of boring log, I promise that tomorrow's will be more exciting! Thanks for stopping bye! :D :mimitchi:


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :wub:

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Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the third My Awesome Tama Logs! Yea! I didn't know If I'd be able to stick with it this long ;) , but...anyway. Wohoo! Yes! If you're wondering why I'm so excited, let's get to the log, shall we?...


Okay, so, I got home from school, and Lily started playing the 'changing stages' music, and she became a Young Memetchi! I'm not at all upset about not getting an Ichigotchi, because I love Young Memetchi's, and my tamagotchi now belongs to the Meme family! Yaaaaaaaaay! However, I won't be aiming for a Memetchi, but a Violetchi :D , as I stated earlier, in log 1 I think... Well, I'm excited, I want to find out what her favorite food is, hopefully the shop has it, I wasn't able to buy my Mizutamatchi's favorite food though...(sigh) :( But, on a happier note, I think I have an excellent chance of getting a Violetchi. And..yesterday Lily got more mail, but I can't remember all of what she got! :lol: All I know is that the King must love her, because he always sends her food, like Beef, and Drumstcks. Anywho, today will be a big day for Lily as she graduates preschool, and moves on to college. I've already picked out Mr. Canvas as her teacher, because he gives out soical\kindness skill points. Here's a useful piece of info if you didn't already know.

Mr. Turtlepedia-gives intellectual skills

Ms. Flower-gives fashion\creativity skills

Mr. Canvas-gives social\kindness skills

If you have any other questions, ask in the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners, I like vist there every time I get on Tamatalk! :p That's about now for an update on Lily's current stats. Hunger\Happiness: 4\4 (for each), Training: 3 bars, Skills: 10 intellectual, 31 fashion\creativity, 54 social\kindness, 1 yr, 16 LB, Name: Lily, Gender: girl, gen 1, 3,875 pts. Welp, that's all for now! I'll make a new log tomorrow! It's the weekend...and cheers to that! :hitodetchi: :D :unsure:


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :wub:

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Hey Everyone!

Welcome back to My Awesome Tama Logs! Well, today was somewhat uneventful, but it's worth making a log for! So...let's get started!


Today I was sleeping in since it's Saturday, and then Lily received mail, and the sound was on, and it woke me up! :angry: But...thats okay, it was just a fortune cookie. I then truned the sound off, and slept for a bit longer. :lol: Also this morning, Lily brushed her teeth for 15 minutes, or..I'm not sure how long, but it was a looooong time! She also takes baths at around 6:00 p.m. as well. She also brushes her teeth again at that time too! Apparently Young Memetchi's are very up on Tama hygeine! :D I'm a little upset at myself, because I went out to one of my friend's house for a little bit, and then to go run some errands and out to lunch. I thought Lily would be just fine, because I fed her and played a game to make her happy. But when I got home...surprise! She had pooed once, and her hunger hearts were full, but as for the happines hearts they were down to only one left (sigh)! Now I feel as if my chances for a Violetchi :D are in jepordy, and I may end up with a Universal. But what can you do? Anyway, I'm hoping that Lily will evolve tomorrow, but I'm not sure on the V4 if it's when your Tama is 2 yrs, and it evolves when it turns 3 yrs, or if it's 3 yrs, and it evolves when it turns 4 yrs. Oh well, but if you know, I have a post in Help for new Tamagotchi Owners, the post name is: Universal Characters. Well, that's all for today, kind of boring, but that's kind of the way it is when you have a non-tama evolve day! :blink: Tomorrow may be better though, if Lily evolves. Well, here's an update on her current stats: Hunger\Happiness: 4\4 (for each),Training: 4 bars, Skills: 16 intellectual, 53 fashion\creativity, 91 social\kindness, 2 yrs, 16 LB, Name: Lily, Gender: girl, gen 1, 3, 975 pts. Yes, I've been shopping! Anyway, we're almost to 100 for social\kindness skill points! Yaaaaaay! Lily is also doing well in school. That's all for now! Thanks to all our loyal readers! :mimitchi: :pochitchi: :nyatchi:


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :wub:

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Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to My Awesome Tama Logs! Well, it's the first day of June! It officially feels like summer! :lol: Well, just like yesterday, today was pretty uneventful. (sigh), but that's okay, so today may be a short log, sorry about that. :p But, lets get to the log.


To start off this June 1st log I'd like to say that, Lily didn't evolve today! However, she has gotten another year older. I gues Tamas evolve from 3 yrs to 4 yrs as in previous versions. I guess, I can wait another day. :blink: Oh! Lily just called on me for attention...for no reason! Sorry Lily, but I must give you a Time-Out. Oh no! She lost a happy heart, I guess that means game time! I decided to play Shape since Lily needs more intellectual points! Hmph, that boosted them some, but they're still kind of low. Her highest os social\kindness, what you need in the Meme family to get a Violetchi! Lily just got mail as well! A fortune cookie! Let's see what it is: 2 gotchi point bags, 2 hearts, and 3 bodies! Wow! Anyway, not much happened today, except that Lily has a lot more skill points and that I bought her a Hot Dog from the shop! Anyway, before I go, here's an update on her stats: Hunger\Happiness: 4\4 (for each), Training: 7 bars, Skills: 33 intellectual, 57 fashion\creativity, 121 social\kindness, 3 yrs, 17 LB, Name: Lily, Gender: girl, gen 1, 5,775 pts. Wowzers! Her skills and training have improved a lot since last post! Well, still hoping for a Violetchi! :ph34r: Thats it...bye! :( :D :blink:


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :wub:

Hey Everyone!

If you're wondering why I'm making two posts today, you're about to find out! OMG! Yes! Woohoo! Scream! Sqeal! Run around in circles! If you haven't guessed, yes, I'm very excited, here's just a small post of well, why I am!


Today, Lily evolved into a..Violetchi! :( Yaaaaaaay! What I was hoping for. She's still 3 years old, but I guess decided to evolve! I'm sooo happy! So far today, I've had her play with her items. Here's all the cute stuff she does with them!

With the pen\pencil-she draws pictures of herself

With the rare cell phone-she can call her teachers

With the CD3-she just stares at with a ? above her head

And...finally, with the wig-she puts it on, and the flowers stick out, and she skips around the screen with it! It's adorable.

Welp, those are all the items I have for now, like everyone says, Tama animations really make your tamagotchi's come to life, and show their personality! Lily is sweet, fun-loving, smart, and always cheerful! I'm sooooo happy! It's always nice to get a character you've hoped for, and worked hard to get! As you may have noticed by my siggy, Violetchi's aren't my fave character, but I think they are adorable! It's my first time owning one, and I'm sure it'll be a great expirience. Wow, from a Shirotsbutchi-Mizutamatchi-Young Memetchi-Violetchi! This has certainly been exciting! That's all for now, I may make a log for tomorrow...if anything happens... :lol: Bye! :(



P.S. No need to update stats, they're pretty much the same, except she now weighs 30 LB!


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :wub:

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Hey Everyone!

Sorry about not having a log was very uneventful, except...Lily recieved a letter last night in the mail...can you guess what it's for? Lets get to the log, and I'll tell you, in case you haven't already guessed. :lol:


Well, Lily got [!] mail yesterday, and she graduated from college, and moved on to a job. She's a kindergarten teacher...I though it was cute ;) The game's kind of hard though. :( Anyway, I still like it. Well, yesterday I bought Lily some new items, and her fave food, she ate it, and did the happy dance! Yay! So... I got her a cap, shirt, and skirt.

With the cap-she walks around the bottom of the screen, and takes it off every now and again. Kind of like, hat's off!

With the shirt-well, too be honest, it looks like a jacket, but anyway, she wears it, and dances around the she's on broadway!

With the skirt-she walks around the bottom of the screen, and twirls it like a ballerina!

So...yup, that's about it, I'm really enjoying Lily! Now...for a stats update: Hunger\Happiness: 4\4 (for each), Training: 7 bars, Skills: 64 intellectual, 81 fashion\creativity, 168 social\kindness, 30 Lb, Name: Lily, Gender: girl, gen 1, 6,705 pts. So, that's all for now...maybe a new log tomorrow! :p :lol:


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :(

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to our Awesome Tama Logs! Sorry I haven't been here to update in a while, it's been kind of uneventful, except for yesterday evening. Lets get to the log to find out...


Well, at 7:00 p.m. last night the matchmaker came for Lily. She offered her a Togetchi, which I gladly excepted. They were in love, and gave birth to a Tsbutchi (baby boy)! I'm very excited, for I have high hopes for my little Tsbutchi! :p Unfortunately, I'm sad, because Lily will be leaving tonight, but I know we have her number to call her. Whenever I see a Violetchi, I'll think of her, she brought some great times, and was truly an awesome Tama! For that, she deserves to have a great rest of her life with her Togetchi! As for now, not much is going on, they are just dancing around the bottom of the screen, I have high hopes for my little baby to carry on the fun his mother brought me! I have plans for names and families too. I think Matt or Nick are good names, and I'd like him in either the Kuchi family for Kuchipatchi, or the Meme family...again, for a Shimashimatchi, the striped Tam! Well, as we all say goodbye to Lily, we must remember that I dedicated this log to her, and her playful nature, loving nature! She will alwyas have a special place in my heat, as my very first Violetchi! So...I guess now I'll go to the Shop! They have a guitar, but if I bought it, I'd only have like: 515 points left. Oh well. Well, I can say thats it, no stats update today, I'e decided to change around the logs a bit, no stats updates on adults. Okay..bye! :angry: :D :lol:


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :wub:

Hey Everyone!

Sorry about not posting in a loooooooooong time, I went on vacation. However, I decided to end my V4 log, and start a V1 log. I know, I know, the V1 is well, the V1, but, it will be an easy read, so lets move on to the V1 logs. Hope you enjoy! ;) :D


Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :D

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the V1 logs, this will be an easy read, and very simple, I'll try to make it exciting though! Please, enjoy.


Well, after recently coming back from vacation, I decided to restart my V1. I hatched it just tonight, and it became a white blob! Yaaaaaaay, it's a girl! For her name I picked Lily, to pay tribute to my last little girl, my beloved Violetchi. So, of course, her stats were down to 0, but no worries, I quickly filled them. Then, I began to take perfect care of Lily. For instance: cleaning up her poo, curing her when she's sick, playing games with her, and caring for her overall basic needs. She also has earned 1 training bar so far. That's about it, the evolution moment should be here any minute now! Here it comes...and the result is a Marutchi (the cute circle tamagotchi)! Yaaaaaay! As for now, Lily is asleep, I will post more tomorrow. ;) :D :D

Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :D

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to My Awesome Tama Logs...the V5 edition! I recently purchased it, 2 days ago to be exact, and I'm not very expirienced, so, bear with me, please, :p Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to the logs! Wait, I want to have my tamagotchis talk sometime, so my oldest will talk in: Blue, my middle one will talk in: Orange, and my youngest will talk in: Lime, and me, well...purple! Okay, now it's log time!

Well, today I hatched my V5, and here's what came out of the 3 eggs. The center one hatched first, of course, and out came a...Mimifuwatchi, my oldest daughter. Next, the egg on the far left hatched, and out came a...Futabatchi, my middle son. And finally, the egg on the far right hatched, and out came a...Omututchi, my youngest daughter. I chose Tiki for a family name, I thought it was fun! :nyatchi: Anyway, their stats were all 0\5! I quickly filled them, and began to take care of my three tama babies. Oh no! They were just sick a minute ago, but don't worry, I cured them with one dose of medicine! I'm very excited to see them evolve, but I have to wait! :( I just played Tv Surfing to get some points! Okay, my babies would like to talk now!

Hello Everyone! I'm the oldest! I just wanted to say hi, and my mom is doing a great job of taking care of us!

Hi, I'm kind of shy...and easygoing. I hope you read our logs, yum, we just ate bread!

Hey people! I'm very outgoing and cheerful! I'm enjoying hanging out with my brother and sister!

Okay everyone, I'm going to go, but I will post more when the Tiki family evolves into toddlers! Stay Tuned! :chohimetchi: :pochitchi: -_- :ichigotchi:

Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :nazotchi:

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Hey Everyone!

Told you I'd be back! Well, here's the mini log! :ichigotchi: :pochitchi:


Okay, they evolved! They're all so cute! My oldest child became a: Sakuramotchi; she has a circle for a head, 2 little legs, hair, and a flower in her hair, my middle child became a: Mattaritchi, he has kind of spiky hair, a circle body, round legs, and a smily face, and my youngest child became Belltchi, she's soo cute, she looks like a bell with legs, and a bow! Currently, they're happily bouncing around the screen. So, right now, I'm going to do the 1,000 point trick, and buy them something from the Shopping Channel! They're such good tamas! Oh, they want to say something!

Well, another stage older! I can't wait to bond!

Hmmmm, I'm having fun, are you?

Hiya! Well, I want to go on the Shopping Channel! Our mommy is taking us there in a few minutes!

Well, that's all for now, new log tomorrow! Bye! -_-

Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :chohimetchi:

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Hey Everyone!

Sorry for all the posts, but I wanted to let you know of something. I decided to name my tamas, although you can't name them in this version, who says you can't just name them yourselves? Well, here they are:

Hi! I'm Marie!

Hello. I'm Matt!

Hey! I'm Marissa!

They wanted to make their own introduction! So, that's the change, thank you to all who have veiwed my logs! Come back tomorrow fro more! ;) :p :D

Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :D

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to say there will be no more logs, because I'll be taking a break from TT for a while. Thanks to everyone who read them. I may however, continue my logs, but not do much else on TT. Since we have many veiwers, I may keep up with the logs, just so our loyal readers, can come back to read. Now, for one last log before my break.


:) luv2dance ;)

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Hey Everyone!

Welp, the last log for a while, thank you to all of our loyal readers! Anyway, let's get to the log, here it is!


Well, for starters I bought my tamas a ton of stuff! Like, foods, and items. I also bout a souveneir from the Shoping Channel. Weird, eh? Anywho, they are very happy, and haven't yet evolved into teens, that will happen tomorrow though. Their bonding is also up to 30%, yes, I cheated, and did the trick. Oh well, I'm trying to get a pure family here! :kusatchi: Not sure which, but, I'll find out when the evolution takes place. So, not much more to report, Marie, Matt, and Marissa would like to talk now:

Hello, everyone, thanks for reading the logs, but we're taking a break for a while. We hope you can all understand. This is Marie, and I want to have some sausge platter!

Hi, well, I guess this is the last log for a while, hmmm, I am hungry, and sausge platter does sound appealing, by the way, this is Matt here.

Hey, hey, hey! Well, today is the last day, but don't be sad! I've been having a great time, and mom has been a great care-taker! I agree with everyone else, this is Marissa, wanting to score some sausage platter!

Well, you guys are missing one Hunger heart, here's the sausage platter. *They gulp it down, and ask to play Tea Time.* Sure, why not. Well, guys, this is it, thanks for reading, bye! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Hope you enjoyed My Awesome Tama Logs! Bye! Note: please no replies in the logs. Thanks. :angry:


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