My 1st Log!


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2009
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Hi!!! This is my new blog/log about tamagotchis! I might mention some stuff 'bout my others but this is mostly about my v3, here we goo.

This Morning I woke up and saw my orange broken tama. Its not really broke, it just has a bad glith. I changrd th battery and restt it here is my log about bringing it up.

I reset my v3 today. I got a girl, I couldn't think of a name so I asked my mom, now here name is Daria.

Daria has been a baby 4 about and hour now,wait shes changing, now shes a tamachi. She needs some snax, OK.I fed her 2 apples, yum.


Now were playing Bump. She beat Kuchitamachi. She just lost by Nikachi, Dang. Hey did you ever notice that if your parent was a leafchi and you visit her in tamatown shes a violetchi? huh. Wow, we need to get Daria some money! :) Thats all for today. Thank you for reading by, from, Daria, Megan, Nina, Cheri, Bob, and the Songs family.(and me) :unsure: :D :unsure: :angry: :wacko:

Daria just woke up, probubly to the sound of somebody coming to lil pain Megan. She needs 2 meals and 2 snacks, I'll feed her sushi and apples. Still no job for Cheri. Bob is still sleeping and Nina just ate a backed sweet potado, lol! Its so wierd that Daria has no parents, its creepy.But thats because she got reset, 1st gen, all over again, DANG! I hate reseting, espescaly when I'm really going with a good gen. Well the other gens had a bad glitch so I had to, oh well. I just woke up Bob, he should grow today. :mellow: I got to go, bye!

I took the batterys out of my v3 today. :D . So, because this blog is so short, I'll make it for all the tamagotchis I own.(that have batterys in them.) My v3 that I took the batterys out of turned into young mametchi!!!! Yesterday I got a new lanyard and a violetchi pet pouch. My color tama Makiko, married kuromametchi, its sorta funny how they both used to be secret characters. They had a girl. I named her Selena.

My v6 got visited by the band maneger. He brought no other then, Kuromametchi!! I said yes and on the v6, both parents stay to take care of the baby!!! There so happy, lol!! My color turned into sakuramotchi. Man, I'm kinda sick of girls, I want a boy to be born, there not annoying like the real world in tamas,lol.

Selena grew into ichigotchi!! :ichigotchi: !! Shes one of my fave teens. i put batteriies in my 4.5. Shes Cheri and a Ura zukyukotchi! Her job, a balloon catcher. V6 tama, the parents left and and the baby turnd into Tamatchi.

Wow, that blog is way behind.

Selena's great great great, okay really great grandson is a proud Mametchi, yay, perfect care!!
