My 1st eva log! I'm excited!


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Active member
Dec 20, 2006
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ok, well today I reset my v2, and when the little egg hatched I had a gorgeous little boy!!! I called hime coco, cos thats a cute name!! :( :eek:

Anyway, he was just asleep, and hopefully he'll have a training bar soon. :huh:

Please feel free to comment, I would love it if you did!!!

Signed coco and tree_hugger :eek:

Wait!!! He just got a training bar. YAY!!!!

Name: Coco

Age: 0

Training: 1 out of 9

Stage: Baby


Yay!! Coco evolved like ten minutes ago or something!! He evolved into this :huh:

I reckon they're really cute, I call em star fishes!!

Any way people, wher are the comments??

Come on, I don't bite!! :(

Well better go, signed coco ans tree_hugger!!

Hi, not much has happened yet today, but Coco should evolve today, but somewhere in the afternoon. :(

Anyway, i won't be able to post much during the week because of school :wacko: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

and homework :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

I will try to keep this log running, and hopefully more people will comment!! :)

Love tree_hugger and Coco!! :)

Yay!! About an hour ago, dear little Coco evolved into a UFOtchi!! I think he looks a little funny cos UFOtchi look like they have little piggy tails!!! Thats all I have to really say for now!! Here is Coco's growth chart!!


ok, see ya for now!!

Love Coco and tree_hugger :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Hey, its been a while, hasn't it?!

Well, Coco turned 4 today!!! And when I came home from school and unpaused him, he evolved!!!

He turned into a FURAWATCHI!!! :p :p :)

I love Coco sooooo much!!!

Well see ya!!

Coco and Tree_hugger!!! :D

Hi, nothing really to write about today, but I do want to say one thing. Today, when Coco woke up, he was 5 years of age. And then I was checking through his stats and everything, at about midday, early afternoon, he was 6!!!! I was a little shocked, but also a bit happy, cos I think the matchmaker comes when your 7, or a little older. Anyway, thats it for now, except just as I was typing this, Coco was coming upto the screen and waving, it was so cute! :) :(

Well see ya!!

Love Coco and Tree_Hugger


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