MusicalAngelgotchiOfLove's Log


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Cold house
Hey guys!

People have suggested to me to create my own log.

Thanks for the suggestion! ;)

Today I found out that my v2 character is

called Kujiratchi. I bought it some boots today and it wore it

on its tail (I think).

Sorry, I didn't take a picture of that!

I gave my Tamagotchi v2 the rare costume and

it looks 100 times better!

My Kuromametchi has been well (on Tama Go).

By the way can somebody please tell me how many years

old your Tama has to be before dating? Thanks!

It's day two of my brother's fixed Tamagotchi v3 and

it has been running fine! I have taken photos of

it so you can all see what it looks like! :lol:

I found some photos of my v4 near when it was

near Christmas time. It was standing with the Christmas tree. ;)

I have attached those photos too!

I have some photos of my v2 wearing the rare costume if you like!

I couldn't get any better ones of Kuromametchi on the Tama Go.


All of these photos have been attached down below!

Today was kind of their photo shoot day :S

Not a lot to write about.

Thanks for reading! :ichigotchi:

30/12/11 v4 Christmas Tree v3 fixed Tamagotchi v2 with costume watchingTV Kuromametchi on Tama Go v2 costume close up Tama Go

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Hey Guys! Very sorry about yesterday. I didn't have enough time to type in my log.

Sorry once again! :(

Happy New Year everyone!

I'll post another part to my log today at a later time.

Thank You!


OK, I'm back for posting again! ;)

This post will be for yesterday.


Wow! Another year has passed by once again!

Today my brother brought out his v4 to play with.

I don't know what he does with them but the LCD Screen wasn't working! I fixed it in the end but it

wasn't working the next morning! Later, dad just tightened the screws and it worked...


Today, I used a spare battery to start up my v5 Tamagotchi! Because it was New Years Eve

the shop kept changing the items! (Great but annoying).

My Tamagotchi evolved on the same day to the usual v5 toddler characters...




Two males and one female.

At last I took a photo of my v2 adult character Kujiratchi.

Is she wearing a boot on her foot or tail?


And here she is watching some TV.

On my Tama Go, Kuromametchi has been acting natural.

Once and a while he is pooping by himself in the toilet.

I can almost always hear the faint hooray sound from the Tamagotchi.

Well that's pretty much it for today.

Have a Happy New Year everyone! :D

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Hello and once again...


Today I was quite busy but I

have finally found the time to get on my PC.

Today my Tama Go celebrated New Years with me!


Not the best picture but that will do ;)

My v2 celebrated with me too but it was too quick

and by the time I got my iPod up and running for a

photo it was finished.

My v5 didn't celebrate since they were only toddlers.

Oh yeah, by the way their family name is Candy. :)

Goodie! My Kuromametchi (on Tama Go) went to the Dating Place


First to come out was...

Chamametchi! I thought it was kind of creepy if Kuromametchi

dated Mametchi's little sister so I said no.

The second was...

Violetchi! I thought I could try once more seeing

that I was starting to get good characters.

The last was...

Kunoitchi! She is pretty so I said yes to her. :)

Right now she is living with Kuromametchi.


My v2 married today.

She married a guy named Marumimitchi.

He dosen't smile much. Hehe.

Here's another picture of the two of them.


She had a baby girl who I am planning to call...


Here is a photo of the mum (Kissy) and the baby daughter.


That's about it.

My v5 is alright and all.

Happy New Year again! ;)


Hey guys!

Today was OK.

Kinda boring but besides that is was OK.

On my v5 one of my Tamagotchi characters (Ahirukutchi) made a very

big mistake today and was trying to sneak out snacks

from the refrigerator!


I know that is probably a common thing to happen

on a v5 but SERIOUSLY. All they have to do is ask

us by lowering the hungry or happy hearts! -_-

Anyways, why am I complaining. I don't even really care. :p

It was kind of sad that my v2 Tamagotchi character (Kujiratchi, who is now

officially a parent) is leaving tonight. :( I can pause

it but I want raise a new character.

Here's a last photo of her...


If I can I'll stay up and take some

photos of her going on a v2. Or if I can't

I'll discribe what it looks like.

What is that noise???

Huh!? My v5 Tamas just evolved! :D


They are all very cute.

My Tama Go is fine and for some

reason it said Happy New Year AGAIN TODAY!

Anyways, that's really it!

See you! ^_^


Hi everyone! ^_^

Last night my v2 Tamagotchi

character passed away.

-_- R.I.P Kissy (Kujiratchi)...

Here are some photos in links of what happened (in order).







I named the baby girl Bella today and

she just evolved into toddler stage. :)

I am taking good care of her at the moment.


Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: About 1% so far

Age: 0 Years

Weight: 12 Lb

Gender: Female

Generation: 2nd Gen

Points: 365p



Great news!

My Kuromametchi and his

Wife just had a baby girl!


:D She's so adorable!!! :3

I don't know when the parents are going to leave

because I want to see them go to their home planet.

If I get to see it at the right time I might

take photos of it.

My v5 Tamagotchi has been great today.

Barely any interuptions. :p

The characters so far are...




They're soooo cute!!! ;)

Thanks for reading! :lol:

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Hello and sorry to everyone!

I forgot to tell you guys that I was going on holidays.


Tommorow, if I have time I'll type up a new log. ^_^

Sorry everyone! :(

I'm not going to post anymore

onto my log because it's too

much for me to do everyday.

I don't know if I can close my own topic.

If I can't let's just pretend I have (*closed*).

Thanks to everyone who read my log! :)

***OST EDIT: Closed at topic-starter's request***

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