Music Star Log!


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Jul 13, 2010
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[SIZE=14pt]Hey Tamagotchi Fans! I have two Tamagotchi V6 music stars but i will only be blogging on one because my other one has a bad screen:( Okay so here are the sats:[/SIZE]

She is a Chamematchi named Daphne. Me = Green. And Daphne is Purple.


What Daphne?

I'm Starving!! feed me!

Okay what do you want darling?

Fried Chicken!

Okay i have to run to the store be right back! *Buys Fried Chicken Feeds it to Daphne*

Ahh... Okay i'm full now bye!

Whoa where are you going young lady?

to practice with the band!

Okay be back soon.


Geeze i was trying to sleep!!

SORRY!! I'm gonna go take a bath and let you know when i am done...

Okay honn.

[SIZE=14pt]MOM!!!! *wild and crazy scream*[/SIZE]

What?? Who died? Are you Okay?

Mom... I'm fine. When i got out of the bath i pooped!!

Ohh okay great. *cleans up poop* are you hungry Daph?

Yeah a little... Do we have any sausage?

Yupp go ahead and eat it.

YUMM!! *Gobbles down food*

Time to practice with the band Daph.

Mkkay mom!

I'll Be sure to blog tomorrow.


what now?

I'm Different!!

Daph! your a Mimitchi!

I don't like it change me back!!

i Can't hon but i have a girls destiny!

OOOHH mom can i please use it??

Okay but go and work with the band for a while.

Okay... *goes and works her butt off*


Sorry mom... can i use the destiny please!!


*transforms into dazzletchi* WOW.

Oh honey your beautiful!

Thx mom!

you wont have any trouble finding a husband now.


okay okay..

Im Tired See ya in the morning!

Okay night Daph.

Night fellow readers!

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[SIZE=14pt]Daphne time to get up.[/SIZE]


Wow you are happy this morning.

Yupp mostly cause i'm a dazzletchi

ohh yeah like i forgot. did the band manager come today?

yeah about that, i dont think he is ever gonna come...

what?! why??

I dont know it's just penny in the band thinks she's the best singer in the world and she isn't!

well what are you gonna do for money?

Oh i think i'm gonna work part time at the fruit factory.

yeah that should be fun don't you think?

Sure it will be but i wonder if i will ever get married?

if it is meant to be it will happen i'm sure of it.

wow mom you always know what to say!

I guess... so how are things with you anything new??

uhh kinda i practiced (without the band today) and then i worked at the fruit factory for a while and i got 600 gotchi points... then went on a shopping spree.

Daph i told you that you should save your money!

i know mom i will...

Mkay by bloggers!

[SIZE=14pt]Mom! great news![/SIZE]

what? tell me!

me and the band went to the judges to perform just for the heck of it and we reached... PRO DUET!! and we got a world tour tickets and i was really wondering if i could go right now! PLEASE!

Woah Woah Woah! all of this happened why?

the judges just thought we were REALLY good and i really want to go.

okay but when you get back you have to really focus on getting aa husband cause i want you to have a kid.

Okay!*goes on world tour and has MANY tama fans!*

we'll be sure to blog tomorrow.

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[SIZE=14pt]Hey readers! was bored so i decided to log! Daphne is in the bath so hopefully she wont interrupt this log.[/SIZE]

Hey Hey Hey! It's cute Daphne!

Daph will you PLEASE stop Saying fat Albert lines with your own twist on it.

Geeze you always are nagging at me i think you hate me.

I don't hate you Daph I love you so much! it is going to be so sad when you When you leave! Also I was wondering if are you going to get married or if you want to become an old timer with me?

Well i don't really know i think to become an old timer cause i want to focus on my career with the band.

Okay i definitely think you should become an old timer you would be so cute!

yupp i think that is what i am going to do!

Well thats all for now i will be sure to log tomorrow!

Okay bye blog!!

See ya blog!

[SIZE=14pt]Hey bloggers! It's Daphne. Mom is out doing something so she wont bother me this time.[/SIZE]

Daphne! I'm home!

Uhhgg Hi mom...

Whats up? anything new happen with the band today?

Yeah! great news today the band manager came today and gave me 20000 gotchi points!

what are you gonna do with all that money?

well okay i have decided to Become a mom!

That's Great Daph!

Yeah i know and my kids are gonna be B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L so i want to save almost all the money i have so they wont have to work when they get older.

Yup that sounds good! but ya know that when you leave and go back to tamatown you take half of your points with you...

Oh i know all right so i am working Double time. with the band and at the fruit factory.

well you know me i will be sure to take care of your kids great! and i really want (when you get married) for your husband and kid to meet the log.

Oh sure i bet they would like that!

Okay Bye for now!

BYE!!! &lt;3

[SIZE=14pt]Hey guys its me!! Daphne has some great news that she wants to tell us all.[/SIZE]

HELLOOO!!! well the great news is.... Me and the band went and performed at a concert and... We got First Ranking!!

WOW! thats Great Daph!

Yeah i know! and also today the band manager came and gave me 100 million!

That is a lot of money did you go and waste it on a shopping spree?

NOOO. I told you that i am saving my money for my kids!

Ohh okay! well we have go because were going shopping! hopefully i can bring back another tamagotchi!

Hope so! Byee Bloggers!


[SIZE=14pt]Hey guys great great news!! Daphne got...[/SIZE]

Married!! yes thank you thank you very much!! He is the sweetest mametchi i have ever met! his name is Alex! We also had a Baby Girl!! Any names for her?? Pm Us!!!!

Any way yes they did get married here are the colors. Me = Green. Daphne = Purple. Alex = Orange. And The Baby = Magenta.

Okay say hello everyone!!

Hello!! You know me Meet my Husband

Howdy! Im a Mametchi. :angry:

Goo... Name??

Were gonna have people pm us names for you okay Baby?

Ga Go.

Ha i love my family!

Me too!!

Okay you guys we have to go sorry!!

Okay. Bye tamatalkers see ya later!

Later alligator.

Goo Goo Gaa

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[SIZE=14pt]Hey you fellas!! This is Alex the mametchi. Daphne's husband? yeah okay well thanks you guys for 75 views! lets try to get 100!!!!! anywayyyy.. thanks to... TAMAGOTCHI~DUTCHESSFor the great baby names!! Sophie! you can visit her log---&gt;HERE&lt;--- But yeah heres Christina,[/SIZE]

Hey guys and yeah thanks Tamagotchi~Dutchess!

H€lLo00o World! i love to be a mom and married!

Wow you sure know how to make and entrance.


He does have a point.

Go0 g0O GA@

Just like her mom;)

well did you have a concert today Daph??

Yupp we sure did it was awesome and the band are at first ranking!!

Okay i was there and it was awesome!!!!! since the band is Hip hop it was sooo cool everyone was dancing but sophie (a.k.a Baby) was at home sleeping

GOO go ga?

well you guys we should go say bye!


She means later... shes kinda a wierdo but i still love her&lt;3

Goo Ga

Bye you guys i will see you later tama talkers!

[SIZE=14pt]Hey you tama talk readers whats up?? well its me and the husband and Sophie are doing great.[/SIZE]

Howdy tama talk i have good news and bad news...

Whats he good news??

We have a LOT of readers! but, we are leaving tonight...

What?!?! It is all ready that time? are you sure tonight are you sure you are leaving tomorrow night????

No Alex is right we are leaving tonight. bu we have to move back into tama town and make sure you take good care of Sophie!

Goo Ga Go?

I'll go put the baby back in nap time while you guys talk this over.

Oh my gosh Daphne! i am going to miss you soooo much you have to make sure you come and visit to give your daughter money. and you know i will take great care of Sophie. I hope you have fun in tama town

Thank you mom. I love you to. And i know that you will do everything to take great care of Sophie.

Well you guys this might be your last post on tamatalk say good bye. *Sobs Loudly*

Farewell tama talk. Good bye i hope you will love the log with my daughter as the star.

I didn't know you guys long but i sure am going to miss you. Goodbye.

go ga goo? *starts Wailing*

Come on Sophie lets go... Back to bed.

[SIZE=14pt]Well the last post was kind of depressing. and i didn't want Alex and Daphne to leave the blog like this. so i brought them back to leave on a better note. here they are,[/SIZE]

Hey Tamagotchi fans! I am really going to miss you readers. But Alex and i have to go back to Tama Town and take care of our selves.

Yes, What my wife says is very true. I would LOVE to stay here and watch my beautiful Sophie grow up, and be here talking on the log.

Well today the band had THREE concerts! we were doing great but we didn't get any awards.

Really?! What is the name of the band again?


Oh I thought i was just TAMAGO

No. The band decided to add on the exclamation point to get more fans. and i think it worked!

Mama? Dada?

Oh my gosh! your first words!

I am so proud of you Sophie!


Yes, Sophie! That's your name!

Yeah! I am so happy she said her first words before we left!

Okay Sophie Time to go to bed.

hey you guys i think that you should say your good byes because i think this will be the last time you see her. except when you leave but she will be sleeping.

Yeah i think you are right

Yep okay we will. *Tucks Sophie In Bed And Both Kiss Her Goodnight*

see Ya later Sophie, I'm gonna miss you so bad.

Bye Booger.

Okay Tama Talk we should go. Sophie needs her rest.



Goo, Mama. Dada. I Wub You.

[SIZE=14pt]Hey you guys its me Christina. (A.k.a tamagotchilove&lt;3) Well yeah before i get started were gonna have a color change. Me = This color. [/SIZE]And Sophie = This color. Okay lets get started. Well Daphne And Alex Left last night:( But i have their beautiful daughter Sophie! I want you guys to officially meet Sophie. Here she is,

Hello Tama talkers! I am a Hidotetchi! And a VERY beautiful one i may add. Christina wanted me to be like my mom and play the stereo but i wanted to be different and Sing into the dream mic.

She is a great singer i may add. and when you meet your band they will be so nice i bet amd let you be the only singer.

Hope so. The preeschool teacher came today and guess what that crazy women gave me.


A stupid Skateboard! Like i am gonna play with a skateboard, NOT!

Well i guess its the thought that counts right? well yeah Sophie is out at preeschool.

Yeah. im gonna go later guys!


[SIZE=14pt]Hey Tamagotchi fans! It's me Christina! Well i was kind of busy today, Playing Legend of Zelda Twilight princess. And i Checked on Little Sophie and she had 4 poops and was starving! I felt so bad! So i Cleaned her up, Fed her, And decided to treat her by going to Tama town. We had a great time! She met a few people. Even some Boys![/SIZE]

MOM! I told you to not to tell! it's so embarrassing!

Sorry Hon, I couldn't Help myself. Besides i think that they should know.

Uggghh!! Mom you freaking ruining my life! *stomps into room. Slams Door*

I think that Sophie just Misses her real mom and is taking it out on me. But anyway Daphne came today and gave Sophie 10000 Gotchi Points!


Yes Hon?

Sorry i yelled at you. I just miss mom and dad. A Lot.

I know Sophie. But Did you do anything with the money mom gave you?

Not yet i think i might go on a shopping spree.

Okay go ahead we have to go Say bye!

Bye Tama talkers!

[SIZE=14pt]Hey you guys its me Christina! i just felt like posting. i am going to be running my other music star with the one i have on right now. so on my red one is Sophie and on the other one is white so i am going to restart my tamagotchi so please pm me ideas for the name either boy or girl. okay thanks!!! all for know. Sophie is sleeping so pm me!! thx for the 100 views![/SIZE] :)

[SIZE=14pt]Hey guys its me! im sorry i havent posted in forever. i was really busy. but any way... alot of things has happened. well first Sophie turned into an Itchotchi then turned into the girl ninja!! i love her so much!![/SIZE]

yupp you guys i am so cute! me and the band changed and we are all so cute!

but it is kinda wierd cause i am a bad care character. but i think mom still likes me

of course i do! but im sorry we have to go cause we have to eat dinner. i will be sure to post tomorrow!

okay bye you guys!! See you later! oh yeah also any names for the other tamagotchi? Chrsitina is waiting to hatch it. she needs names!! so pm us a boy and girl name.

[SIZE=14pt]Wow you guys sorry i haven't been on in like forever!! my mom made me clean up my house and When i did i lost my tamagotchis! I was devastated!!! so i thought of where they could be and i finally found them. but bad news... their dead. now don't go and think that i am a bad parent but i didn't mean to loose them. so i am going to restart them. my white one and my red one. okay pm me names if you have any ideas for names. until then i will be waiting. also, i will restart them tomorrow. and i will be sure to post. okay thxx bye![/SIZE]

-Christina&lt;3 :eek: &lt;-- Fave Tamagotchi!
