Music star log!


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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Ok, I just got my tamagotchi music star today! (Well, not today, but i'm recapping :angry: )

I'm soo pleased! Ok, My egg just hatched and it's a girl! She's like the babytchi on P1 or P2! It has taken me a long time, but I've decided to name her Alex!


From what I have seen so far, the v6 babies aren't as needy as previous versions, they don't poo every second, :angry: .


She has been given a guitar and a duck! She loves them! So I have played some of the games, and I really like the first one best!


Alex has now turned into a Hitodetchi! She looks like this! :angry: So now she's practicing her instrument and these are her stats:


Gender: Girl

Age: 0 Yrs

Weight: 10LBS

Name: Alex

Hungry: 4/4


Stress: 00

Tone: 24

Rhythm: 18

Original: 21

Music: Asian music


Stay tuned!

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Well, she's a chamametchi and graduated from preschool and is now in a band with a ringotchi and itchigotchi! Her skill points have rised a lot: 543, 566, 534!

I'm really happy for her, and the fact my friend gave me a destiny star as a gift through connecting! Thanks so much!

Well, they practice loads! And Alex has had to buy food now.

Ok, 3 days has passed and Alex's skill points have reached 999! I think that's as high as they go, Anyway, I was disappointed to see her turn into a masktchi! I didn't take horrible care of her, I barely gave her any misses! Any way, I decided to user the destiny star, but first i had to meet the band members, her genres change constantly which is fun for me!

They passed their pro debute! They get like 1000000000 gp a day! Woah! That'll surely be enough for food!

Ok, I used the destiny star and Took her into tamatown! She is in my avatar! Today they won 2 awards, r&BB and asian music!

Today she married my friend's dreamitchi, they had a boy! I may name him Xavier!

Well, Alex has left, I hope your having a nice time Alex! Xavier is now a kuribotchi, the acorn!
