.:Music Star Log:.


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Jul 15, 2009
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Hi right now the tamagotchis i have in hand now is the tamagotchi v5.5 or as called celebraty and tamagotchi


Music Star. The music star is good but the trouble is that the button arent that responsive. My tamagotchi


music star's name is Chapter for more info look at my signature. And my V5.5 family is called itama. I


haven't named all of them yet so right now i have 2 boyz and one girl. And for its a girl. They are all toddlers.


I just got the Music star yesterday and now Chapter is a star i forgot the name of the tama but its on my


signature. Well i have to eat bye!

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[SIZE=8pt]Hey its me again ok so my v6 is still a star and her age is 0 why isn't her age changing and the tamagothi [/SIZE]


v5.5 are good. Chapter and Itama family are still toddlers and i am hoping they


will evolve today i think they


may becuz ya and i decided that when my two tamas grow up i am gonna make them marry each other and


when my music star tamagotchi moves to second generation i will make the little tama girl or guy one of


those secret characters.... Dreamitchi or Dazzlitchi. Well i have to go bye!..... From now on i am making short



Ok every one i have decided that i am not going to use my tamagotchi v5.5 becuz it has gotten boring and

i should save the battery so i took the batteries out. So i could save them for incase the music star battery

wastes. Oh ya! i forgot i am getting either tamagotchi Tamawalkie or tamagotchi color.... becuz i am saving

my coins <_< . So ya. Ok so off those topics right now Chapter is still an apple she is good but she keeps on

making me chang her instruments i guess there not good enough for her i will try to find the best for her be-

cuz i love her..... Ok Chapter is still 1 year old and is a teen i think. And this teen is alittle stubborn just

i leave her home lol. i know i sound like a freak. Well i have to go i am going to make little play thingys just

like this girl.....

OK Chapter will be in the Purple. I will be in the Orange.


I am sorry my little apple i had to go the bank to fix a huge prob with my family.

Mother I dont care about you having to fix any probs all i care about is him :(

Umm... Excuse me Chapter who is this him?!


{runs up the stairs to her room and slams door}

{mom goes to chapter's room and says....}

Chapter i am sorry i was getting into your buisness.

Its ok mom and when i said parents are soo annoying i really meant only some are

Honey i under stand you, so.... who is this him?

Sorry guyz i didnt finnish i will finish this probably when i wake up i have to go to sleep bye!

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Sobs for me my little apple, chapter decided to be a loyer so i am all by my self.... well not really. Now i

have a new a new child she is a girl her name is Connie she has not eveolved yet. I am waiting to see what

she is going to to be. Ok She just eveolved and she is a star. Connnie is doing great. And her instrument is a

karoke and she loves it. And the funny thing was when she was a baby this 20 seconds ago when she played

with her ducky it was so huge compared to her lol. well her is when chapter moved and when i had connie.

i will be in 0range, chapter in purple.

Mother i know i am all grown now and i have decided i know i dont have a job and i am not in college


You wanna go to Tamagotchi music acadamy!

No mother i want to be a loyer i cant become a music star.

Wa wa why?

{chapter, gives her left hand to mom}

your your.... married? ;)

but your too young.

no i am not mother i am old enough i am 28 now almost close to 30.

Oh i am so sorry honey. i am just gonna miss you so much and this is all to fast i cant believe you are getting married. ;)

I know i am growing up to fast.

oh well honey i just have to deal with it.so who is ur fiance?

woah mom! i dont like saying fie fie fiance it just sounds sooo werid and its kuromatchi!!! :D

Hey i thought you didnt like that guy and u said he was such a jerk and all....

i did but when he asked me out i realized on the date like 3 years ago he was really a nice guy.

oh ok i understand well can i ask another question?

ya sure.

Whens ur wedding and where is going to be at.

Its going to be next month and at a church.

One more question honey.... Are you willing to be a mother....

Yes mom.

So u guyz are going to have a child after the wedding in your honey moon

NO!, yes,.. maybe?

OK i hope so, so i can have grand children :p

Ok ok mom lets stop talking about this ok well i have to go bye mom.

Bye honey

{gives chapter a big hug}

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Chapter will be in purple Kuromatchi in the blue and me in the orange.

Oh my gosh honey you look so beautiful in your dress . And compared to you and your dress your both pretty for sakes you a Dazzlitchi right!

Ya mom thanks for doing all you hard work for me to be a dazzlitchi.

Well here are you flowers honey and here you can barrow this ur older sister gave it to me right after her wedding.

{gives Chapter wedding garter}

Mom who did my sister marry?

Ha ha my favorite question... Dreamitchi ;)

Omg! Really!

Yes Dreamitchi was such a good person

oh well look at the time i have to welcome everyone in the door way.

Ok mom.

{gives mom a hug}

I will see you there!

Bye mom.

And hour later...

Love are you ready

Yes i am hun....

{Chapter starts to cry}

Love whats wrong ?

Nothing. i am just gon gon gonna miss my mom soo much!!!!! :D

Its ok love after our honey moon we can vist her ok.

O o ok. ;)

{Kuromatchi wipes Chapters tears off face}

Dont cry honey you ruin you beautiful look.

{Chapter gives a smile}

Now its time to go walk down the aisle, are you ready?

Yes i have been waiting for this my whole life.

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Oh wells ya thr wedding was cute and my dazzleitchi had a child named connie and then connie go married

and had a child name morgan a girl...isnt that weird 3 girls in a row! Well Morgan is a toddler and she is very

healthy. WELL LUCKY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i have to wait till december is a..... TAMAGOTCHI +

COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya my mom said yes she could get me that tamagotchi but first i want to wait to see if

the tamagotchi color is going to become english so ya. Well gtg BYE!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok its, 2 in the morning here where i live and right now i am so excited and happy... I LOVE MY PARENTS!

Ok so this afternoon my mother said she can maybe get me the tamagotchi color! Ok the color i am gonna

get is white because it look more prettier when its with the screen and it pale and also it's the cheapest one i

could find. Well once i found the perfect tamagotchi that is cheap the person is 100% positive (not in preggy)

of selling things. Ok so right now i am just logging and oh ya my little morgan (3rd gen 4 girls) is doing great

she gets sick alittle to much sometimes because i am too busy these dayz but i still am trying to keep her as

healthy as possible becuz i care about them. Oh ya so if i get the Tamagotchi Color i will be vloging for all of

you to see. Becuz incase your in the situation where if you should get the Tamagotchi and if it is worth it you

can read my logs to see if it is really worth is or you can just decided for yourself. Just listen to your heart :huh:

Well i have to go Bye!

OK i dont have my tamagotchi color yet becuz i am going to order the tama on friday becuz i have no time for

ordering the tamagotchi to busy. Well when i order the tamagotchi color i will tell you about it and show you

pictures. Well i have to go bye!
