Music Star Log 2.0


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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2009
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Today I got to get batteries for my tamagotchi!!!!! So now I am playing again!

[SIZE=21pt]Alec[/SIZE] was born at about 12:45=1pm today. Usually I name my tamagotchis after things in nature like "sun" or "grass" or "cloud", but as soon as I saw my baby boy, "Alec" popped into my head for no reason. So I broke my natursitic pattern, and named him Alec.

His toy is a rocket (I didn't even know they had that toy!) and his instrument is a gutair, and his favorite music is Rock N Roll. :angry:

Alec just changed! He's the child that is a blob with a beak. Kuchitamatchi!!!!! IDC if he's not on the Mametchi path. I <3 Alec.

As of changing: 15lbs

Stress: 00

Tone: 56

Rhythm: 0

Original: 0

Music: Rock N Roll

Instrument: Gutair

Toy: Rocket

Hello there. Day 2 of little Alec's life. Last night, I accidentally fell asleep with Alec in my pocket and then when I woke up he was on pause. So I don't know by how much his growth will be delayed. I hope by no more than an hour :wacko:

Ok, the little guy wants to talk now:

Hiii! Uh, I'm Alec, and I love tacos! At first, Mama was just feeding me baby food and milk, cause she said that I was still just a little kid. Then, we went shopping, and she got me [SIZE=21pt]TACOS[/SIZE] and they were good. now, Mama still just keeps giving the baby food like before. Mama says it's good for me, and it's cheaper. I don't know what "cheaper" means, but I dont like it!!!! At least I get to go to kindergarten now that I learned to talk. The teacher came to my house and now I go and play jumprope with a tamagtochi that looks like a star. I love it. Teacher also gave me car! Time to practice

Weight: 15lbs

Stress: 00

Tone: 206

Rhythm: 70

Original: 179

Music: Rock N Roll

Instrument: Gutair

Toy: Car

Yep. I'll post when Alec changes! Thanks so much for reading!!

Hello! Guess what?!?! lemme tell them!! Fine. Here is Alec himself:

Hey hey hey everyone! I'm officially a Kikitchi, as of... uh, Mom, when was it?

2:50pm yesterday, baby.

oh yeah. And don't call me a baby! See, being a Kikitchi is really awesome, because we are one of the best teenagers. Arent we mom?

I think you're a great kid no matter what.

But MOmmmm... tell about the growth chart!!

Yes, there was a growth chart that said Kikitchi was a perfect care teen...

See!!! :) So, yesterday and today, I've been going to - oops. Some one at the door. sorry. be right back.

Don't talk to strangers sweetie!!

It was the mailman, with a gift from the king! He gave me bread!

Oh good, you can have that when we have lunch.

So, as I was saying, I met a girl and a boy at Music School. Ryo and Lydia. They are a Hinotamatchi, and a Chamametchi. Together, we are...[SIZE=21pt]SPUNK!!!![/SIZE]I thought the name was kind of weird at first, but it's turned out to be pretty cool. So I spend a lot of time at school with my friends, and practicing. Mom even went out and got me chocolate! I wonder when she's gonna let me have some...

Later. But right now, Ryo just called and wanted another practice session.

Fine. Oh yeah, Ryo and I play gutair, and Lydia plays violin.


Bye yall!

Age: 1 year

Weight: 24lbs

Stress: 00

Tone: 372

Rhythm: 237

Orginal: 360

Music: Jazz (thus Jazz band)

Instrument: Gutair

Toy: Car

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MOM. I don't have time to talk for this stupid blog thing.

But there may be people who read it, I want them to hear about you!

Ok. Fine. Hi. It's Alec, and I'm all grown up now. Last night, at 9:20pm, I was asleep. I'd fallen asleep as a little teenager, and then all of a sudden I felt this change come over me, so I woke up, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw a [SIZE=21pt]Shimashimatchi!![/SIZE]So then Tamagotchi~Dutchess was hanging over my screen screaming for her brother, saying that I'd changed. As if I didn't already know that.

And we're so proud of you too...

Except for the fact that at our first debut audition, Spunk flunked!! Three Xs!! :( :p So now we're all up in arms, trying to work out auditions and rehearsals, and I had to go work at an fruit sorting factory, just so I could afford some more food! This is sad.

Who are you calling sad! You going and telling everyone it's our fault? Huh?

Shut up Ryo. Don't you worry about what I say.

I'm just making sure you don't blame Lydia and I for what was, um mainly cuz of you!

Wait, wait, it was never Alec's fault entirely, we just wished he could make more rehearsals...

Thank you Lydia! I'll admit to not rehearsing enough, but I play just fine!

And I don't, right?

Guys, let's just go rehearse now...

I dont think so....

This is such a Kuromametchi thing to do... Thank goodness Lydia became a Mimitchi...


I'm gonna go send them to practice. They need to get things under control ;)

Age: 2

Weight: 33

Stress: 05



Original: 585

Music: Rock N Roll

Instrument: Gutair

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Hey there. Good news.

We totally ROCKED our audition, and have already had two concerts!

Tottaly man. All is good ini the world of Spunk...

And you guys!! What about the fanmail?

Oh yeah. Tamagotchi~Dutchess told me, that here, she got a PM from KicktheKan123 about this log and.. um.. our fight.

Yeah! She said it was funny! *giggle* I agree!

Alright, we know I can get angry Lydia...

This was supposed to be about peace!


The important thing is we've had two concerts, earned 10,000 each, and are now 5th ranking.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

This rock star thing rox!!!!

Technically, we're an R&B band now.

Oh yeah! :furawatchi: who's idea was that?


Yall were saying I needed to mellow out! Nothing more mellow than R&B!

But really? Rock N Roll was awesome! And it totally matched your look - you Kuromametchi!

I'm staying out of this.

Look, I had a rough day. T~D disappeared on me all morning, and I was hungry, and stressed... it wasn't a great way to start the day.

I'm sorry Alec! I had dance class!

Besides, it's all good now. Star ranking [SIZE=14pt]2nd[/SIZE] and two [SIZE=14pt]amazing[/SIZE] concerts tonight.

Wait a sec; Lydia? Isn't this MY log??

Well, with you and Ryo at each others' necks all the time, someone's gotta keep the people updated.

That's why you're the Mimitchi.

***** :D *****

Hey you guys! Concert right now!!!!!

Hello. Guess what. Spunk is a Rock N Roll band again. I managed to convince Lydia to side with me on this. So Ryo is out numbered.

Real mature, Alec! Run and tell your log about your cheating?

It's not good for you two to be fighting like this...

You're right. Maybe I should just leave the band.

Wait! No! We've been doing our best yet out there! Don't go!

500,000 came in this morning!

Fine. Whatever. I'll stay. I just think Alec should get on with his log.

Right. ummm, This morning was pretty boring, T~D was busy again so I was bored so I just practiced forever. But then I got stressed out. I was hungry, and speaking of which, I'm kind of hungry now..

OOps. Ok Alec. What are you in the mood for?



We still got bananas right? :) YUMMM

There. Now, you are looking stressed. Why don't you go play with your rocket like you used to love.







Music: Rock N Roll

Instrument: Gutair

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I would like to title today, "The Day T~D Put Me In A Dog Costume".

Aw! But it's so cute! And it was a gift from the king!


AND i was on the train, and bored. You're already 999 on all your skill points, rich as can be, and Spunk practiced a bit, but I didn't want to stress you out too much.


Well... yes. It's called a spot costume.

I'm gonna look like this, for the rest of the day! Do you know how embarassing it is to turn up for band practice looking like this?

It's a change of setting.

Lydia laughed at me. It was NOT funny.

I'm sorry Alec.

Hold on, I have to get the door.

Hello Mr... *snorts* Mr. Alec... uh *snicker* here's your letter..ahahahah!!!

What?? It's a dog costume! My caregiver made me put it on!!

What was it sweetie?

A heart.

How nice!

I am never wearing this ever again.





Tone: 999


Music: Rock N Roll

Instrument: Gutair

Ranking: 2nd

Sorry I didn't post last night. I was watching So You Think You Can Dance. But yesterday afternoon...

I got married! T~D was in the park, and my doorbell rang, and then we answered it. It was my bandmanger, with an Onuputchi, who was very pretty, and he asked if I wanted to marry her. I said yes, and then we had our wedding and honeymoon

Of course I didn't get to watch that.

And we had an egg! A minute later, that egg hatched into a little Petitchi!!! My daughter... :eek:

She's absolutely adorable, and I've grown to like Alec's wife, who we call Sally, for conveniece. Sally and the baby see every one of Spunk's concerts, and Alec and Sally take turns having meals with the baby. You can see all three of them on screen, and since the baby, Alec doesn't get stressed anymore, no matter what!

Yep. The days are good. Spunk is ranked 2nd, and we still have good money coming in...

Even though you blew about 15 million points on a celebrity suit!!?!?!?

It was an impulse! And my family is still well provided for!

So I don't know when Alec and Sally leave, but I'll post later!

It is midnight and I am awake. Alec and Sally are leaving the baby. I looked over, and they are looking sadly at little Baby Girl, sound asleep.

This is it. Now that my little girl is ready to be left with Tamagotchi~Dutchess, it's time for Sally and I to go.

But what about all our times! You were my first generation! Alec! I'm going to miss you baby!!

I'll miss you too mom.

Oh sweetie, you know that your mom was somewhere up on Tamagotchi Planet. We don't know who she is.

Exactly. That's why you were my mom here.

*chokes up*

I'm all ready to go live in Music City. Just let me get a few more things together with Sally.

**They kiss the baby (over her head). On either side of her bed, they rise up, and then over her bed, meet together, eyes closed and kissing. They go up up.......... Alec is gone. First generation is over.

Goodbye Alec. Love you.

You mean I'm now a teenager [SIZE=14pt]Ichgotchi[/SIZE] and you still havent told me about this log?

Well, when you were a child (Hitodetchi) I was busy, and you grew up so fast...

Ugh. Fine. Well now I get to talk. I'm Jeanine, named after the winner of So You Think You Can Dance, which is a show on Earth.

:p :angry: :angry:

Yeah. So I just went to music school for the first time, and met some really cool people! Toby and Daniel. (Kikitchi and Hinotamatchi). They're into Hip Hop, and has a turntables just like me!!! So we were talking and became the Hip Hop group "Juice". Even though T~D came up with it, it's totally cute. Music School is fun, and I like our teacher. He's the one who gave me the turntables. I used to be into Jazz, and Classical when I was a little kid. But now that I've discovered records, and scratching, Toby and I have been working together and I <3 Hip Hop!

She talks fast doesn't she?? :angry:

Daniel plays violin still. But he's really good at it, and we work together to encorperate it in new, modern ways. It's totally awesome. Plus, (I just figured this out) I'm a strawberry shaped character, and we're called Juice! Like, Juice is made of strawberries?? Get it???

I think you should get headed to school now Jeanine...

But I'm 21 stressed!!

You can play with your ball afterwards. Even if you inherited 249 points in each skill from your daddy, your education is important sweetie!

Ok. But I want to talk to the log later! It's fun!


Weight: 27

Stress: 21

Tone: 339



Music: Hip Hop (Note: was Jazz for most of her childhood)

Instrument: (Note: was violin from birth until admission to Music School)

Ok. So I've been busy, enjoying the summertime, and Jeanine got some... neglect. And when they grow up so fast, there is little time to make up for neglect and time to nurture. Yesterday, Jeanine became the female ninja = gozarutchi = Kunoitchi. I must say, even though she is a horrible care adult, I <3 her. I think it's a pretty character. :D So now I have to work on her band -- Juice...

Juice has a lot of work to do. We failed our first debut, and we have another try out coming up, we have to practice like crazy!

And just to say, Jeanine was all hearts empty, 3 poo, sick, 49 stress, and had been barely looked at all day, when she became a Kunoitchi around 2pm. *sigh*

Sorry this was a really dull post

We'll be back later!!!!

Hi. Jeanine married a Shimashimatchi and had a baby boy. They were very happy, but I decided that I wasn't so into the Music Star anymore. after 2 generations it was a little boring. Plus i want to start playing with either the V5 or V3 again because when i get back to school (though not for another month) those 2 are the easiest to take care of while living school life. Right now I've activated my V5. I will be creating a V5 log now. It will be like this one except about the v5 so look for it!!! <_<

Thank you to all my readers!!!!
