~Mr.Canvas~'s Colorful V4 Log


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
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[SIZE=21pt]Welcome to ~Mr.Canvas~'s V4 Log[/SIZE]

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Comments are welcome.

Hey everyone, this is my V4 log. Instead of one sentence being a color, each paragraph will be a color. Are you ready? I am!

PUMVA is my wonderful little Hinotamatchi. As you can see, I have the teacher Mr. Canvas, but not only because I like him. With more social points, I'll get SimaSimatchi! Oh, how I want him. I've already gotten Togetchi and Tosakatchi on other V4s. PUMVA's a boy. Anyway, I'm not going to list the "stats", only skill points, weight, age and training bar. When I post the weight, you'll see my tama is "super skinny". OK, here they are:

WEIGHT: 26 lbs




AGE: 2

TRAINING: [||||||---]

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I've recently taken some pics, and have them right here!




"Memetchi's New Hairdo"



"Greetings, Non-Tamolians"



"Hurry Up Mr. Canvas!"



"Why Are You Leaving Me?"



"Hinotamatchi Ride the Ocean"



"We Are Family"



"Not A Bumble Bee!"



I know, a lot of pics.

But at least I got them, right? Yes, I made the chalk drawings.

As you can see, I really don't like waiting. PUMVA really has to evolve soon or else.

Anyway, I printed out a pick of PUMVA in TamaTown and put it on my door, I love how it looks. Can't wait until I get SimaSimatchi, it'll look even cooler. X3

PUMVA is 2 now, and has 6 training bars, see the first post for more info.

It's my brother's communion today, hopefully it'll evolve by then.

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PUMVA has all his trainings! He also got a lot more skill points, check the first post.

He hasn't evolved yet! Sorry, can't edit the first post, here are the stats:

WEIGHT: 23 lbs




AGE: 2

TRAINING: [|||||||||]

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PUMVA evolved into SimaSimatchi! YAY! He draws an island!

I'm so hyper I love SimaSimatchi I had lots of cookies and cake and stuff at a party so me hyper and I love PUMVA so much!

PUMVA now works at a carnival! I don't know how he catches with no arms though...... :)

Me baaaaaaaad boy. I haven't played with PUMVA since before my birthday, but anyways........ I got a laptop. PUMVA is 42 lbs (uh oh! :) ) and my friend got me a Dalmation Webkinz in school. PUMVA got a horrible fortune...... 1 POINTS! 2 HEARTS! 2 HEALTH! Oh no! I'm going to get him less weight. Since my Nintendo DS Lite BROKE (yeah, broke) I've been playing Pokemon Pearl less. I'm already up to the Elite Four, and my brother didn't even beat 5 gyms yet. *slaps self* I can't beleive..... 12 days in not updating! NOOOOO! I wonder if PUMVA's gonna have a baby........ ANYWAY. My sea monkeys are in th mating section right now. 2 are mating right on this very minte. They look like they're giving piggybacks. One female has an egg sac. I've been more aware of the global warming situation. If we go through another ice age, I'll surely die. I can't even match camouflage clothes. How will I survive utter cold? And why am I typing this? Not sure. PUMVA has nothing to update on. Oh well. Chack back for updates!

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PUMVA got married to a Maidtchi and had a baby. I named him DEXNA. I'll try and get Kuchipatchi if in the social group!

PUMVA got married to a Maidtchi and had a baby. I named him DEXNA. I'll try and get Kuchipatchi if in the social group!
HE GOT MARRIED TO MAIDTCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWWW SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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