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1930's Tamatown I need to get that women today Chris! Said Kip the kuchipatchi to Chris the mimitchi. I'm trying to find one sir but theirs not much who want's to play in this movie well I'll look and you look k? Yes,sir!. Kip goes in a tama taxi "Drive me around town". 5 Gotchi points please Kip hands the 5 gotchi points rrrr i'm hungry drop me off at the food court. Kip gets out of the car then see's a beutiful women a
. Kip goes up to her and says mam i'll take care of the money don't worry. Later... Anyway sir my name's Jessica. Well that's a beatiful name mam listen i'm gonna make a movie on a beautiful island why don't you join it'll be fun. I don't think so it might be a little risky no thank you. Did I mention that Nick the mametchi will be in this movie? Nick! Well then yes mr.Kip i'll be your women for the movie! Later Jessica and Kip went to a boat. When they step up to it Chris comes down the bridge Ok sir I see we got our women. Jessica Chris Chris Jessica. Nice to meet you mam "thank you!". They step up to the boat later Jessica met Nick and got settled in.
Day 16 The people of the memetchi Hit land Here it is said Kip Moth island the people step out of the boat ok people we'll split up into three groups Jess ,Nick,Chris, and Billy you'll be with let's go later the crew found an ancient city. It's amazing said Nick Kip was rolling the film then they heard a strange voice cosima! They looked back and saw a native "we come in peace said Kip. Then they heard a strange roar rrrrrrreeeeeii! Then the native said Mosura. Later the crew had to go into the huge forest because the natives blocked all the exits. Wow this forest is amazing! Then they saw a giant mountain so they went up it then they saw a giant egg! It was bigger than an regular tama egg wow guys we gotta take this ehh to tamtown but then they saw two little women they said this "Please don't take this egg if you do bad things will happen" But Kip tried to roll the egg and said Chris get on the other side but then they all heard eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiaa! Then a giant moth swooped down then the crew ran The moth fired beams from it's antennas run run for dear life! then when they went through the city all the crew members except the four through gas at the moth then the moth went to sleep then they loaded it up in the ship. Later Nick asked how did you know we it the monster we believe it is called mothra. Later at tamatown Mothra was chained down by big chains. Then a show began Kip told the stories to the other tamagotchi's then he said people of tamatown i present to you Mothra the 6th wonder of our wrld people gasped and pointed "It's so big!" "How did it get that size"? Then Mothra got really mad and broke out of the chains and did a gastly roar! Then Mothra broke out of the stadium then tore down a lot of buildings then tama jets went after the giant moth they shot missiles then mothra went down. She looked so sad then the blue light in her eyes faded away meanwhile the egg hatched
The end?

Day 16 The people of the memetchi Hit land Here it is said Kip Moth island the people step out of the boat ok people we'll split up into three groups Jess ,Nick,Chris, and Billy you'll be with let's go later the crew found an ancient city. It's amazing said Nick Kip was rolling the film then they heard a strange voice cosima! They looked back and saw a native "we come in peace said Kip. Then they heard a strange roar rrrrrrreeeeeii! Then the native said Mosura. Later the crew had to go into the huge forest because the natives blocked all the exits. Wow this forest is amazing! Then they saw a giant mountain so they went up it then they saw a giant egg! It was bigger than an regular tama egg wow guys we gotta take this ehh to tamtown but then they saw two little women they said this "Please don't take this egg if you do bad things will happen" But Kip tried to roll the egg and said Chris get on the other side but then they all heard eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiaa! Then a giant moth swooped down then the crew ran The moth fired beams from it's antennas run run for dear life! then when they went through the city all the crew members except the four through gas at the moth then the moth went to sleep then they loaded it up in the ship. Later Nick asked how did you know we it the monster we believe it is called mothra. Later at tamatown Mothra was chained down by big chains. Then a show began Kip told the stories to the other tamagotchi's then he said people of tamatown i present to you Mothra the 6th wonder of our wrld people gasped and pointed "It's so big!" "How did it get that size"? Then Mothra got really mad and broke out of the chains and did a gastly roar! Then Mothra broke out of the stadium then tore down a lot of buildings then tama jets went after the giant moth they shot missiles then mothra went down. She looked so sad then the blue light in her eyes faded away meanwhile the egg hatched
The end?