Money: How do you


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Try looking around your Community for Ideas.

Does that old lady near your house need a helping hand on her garden?

How about walking the neighbour's dogs every day?

Try going to your Local Library.

Sometimes, you can take part in small jobs like cleaning and organizing for a small amount of money each time.

The opportunities are endless!

try talking wih your Mom and Dad about these opportunities, and think about this book:


It has over 100 money-making ideas, and teaches you how to get hired back each time.

Browse your local bookstore for that.

It's a great book, and helped me save enough money for a $200 iPod over the summer.

Talk about a great help!

Heh, I used this tactic for getting neopoints on neopets but I'm sure it works with real money too. Actualy, this is my plan to save up for an AIBO.

• First set some goals. Maybe you want to get $10 or $20 a month saved. You can do more or you can do less. Expirement for a month and see how well that works. Ajust the goal amount if needed.

• Along with the total money goal, set a percentage of the money that will go into your laptop 'fund' from each amount of money you recieve. So, if you say you will set aside 20% and you get 10 dollars for watching a sibling, you would but 2 dollars into your fund. Put at least that much into your fund and if you can, more. But at least what you set up. I would start with 30%-50% at first and then change if needed.

• Keep your money organized. I personaly have a little pencil case that I put my loose money in. Every once in a while I deposit some [if not all] of the money into my bank account. Ask your mom to help you set up an account if you do not already have one and deposit your money every [couple] month if you can.

I need to follow my own advice in this case if I want to get my AIBO. xD


just have your parents suggest you to some of there friends

show that your good wit kids


i babysit all the time

and i usually make about 60$ a month

when you do babysit play wit the kids no matter how boring it is

bring stuff for them to do laike crafts (check wit parents if ok)

clen up a little bit after the kids go t obed or if there just watching tv

that way parents will always want you back

X3 The way that I would make money would be to sell some art. TWO WHOLE DOLLARS, YEAH!

See if there are things you don't want that you can sell, maybe hold a garage sale on a few of your things. There might be a few stuffed animals you can part with, or a lava lamp you never use any more, etc.

Eh. I don't usually need money all the time. But when I do need some, I :

-Go to work. Although I can't help it if they give me money, they give it 'cause I do work, not 'cause I need it. Not that I'm complaining.

-Do chores. My allowance is 15 dollars a day.

-Borrow some from my mom sometimes. But I make sure to pay her back, much to her displeasure (I do not understand why she doesn't want me to pay her back.)


If your old enough you can do babysitting (Maybe supervised by a parent if your babysitting a friend's brother or sister) and/or have a job... A small job though... Maybe a car wash with some friends or dog wash... Or selling toys and things you feel like you can part with.

That could make you some pretty good money if you did it every weekend and holidays...

Or every second weekend and do the same on holidays.

Good luck!

Go to work like every resposable adult does. xD When I was a teenager my family was to poor to give me allowance, so be greatful younger members that your parents can afford to give you money.

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