Yes. I have a mission. I shall translate French Lion King songs. Do you think I'm okay at it? Do the translations make sense?
I only have one, it's "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" or "L'amour Brille Sous le Etioilles) Here
This took me a half hour. I tried without a dictionary. I think it's better in french. I'll post others later.)
Timon] Sous les diamants des étoiles, (Diamonds are underneath the stars,)
Quel magique univers. (A magic universe,)
Mais, dans cette romantique atmosphère, (But, in this romantic atmosphere)
Cà sent mauvais dans l'air. (There is evil in the air,)
[Chanteuse] L'Amour brille sous les étoiles, (The love is shining under the stars)
D'une étrange lumière. (Of a strange light)
La Terre entière, en parfaite harmonie, (The entire world in perfect harmony)
Vit un moment royal. (See (?) a royal moment)
[simba, intérieurement] Je voudrais lui dire "Je t'aime" (I want him (me?) to say "I love you")
Mais comment lui avouer (But how do I confess it,)
Mon secret, mes problèmes ? (My secret, my problems?)
Impossible, elle serait trop blessée ! (Impossible, she would be wounded too much!)
[Nala, intérieurement] Quel lourd secret cache-t-il, (Why is he hiding such a foggy secret,)
Derrière tant de rancoeur ? (Behind so much resentment?)
Moi, je sais qu'il est ce roi en exil (Me, I know that he is an exiled king)
Qui règne dans mon coeur ! (Who reigns in my heart!)
[Chanteuse + choeur] L'Amour brille sous les étoiles, (The love is shining under the stars)
D'une étrange lumière. (In a strange light)
La Terre entière, en parfaite harmonie, (The entire world world in perfect harmony)
Vit sa plus belle histoire. (See (?) a royal moment)
[Chanteuse + choeur] L'Amour brille sous les étoiles, (Love is shining under the stars)
Illuminant leurs coeurs. (Love illuminated hearts)
Sa lumière éclaire à l'infini, (His light enlightened in the infinite) (Makes no sense... sorry. I had trouble there. l'infini is an evil world.)
Un sublime espoir. (A sublimate hope,)
[Timon] S'ils s'enfuient vers leur rêve, ce soir, (I can't translate this line. The lyrics site spelled the whole thing wrong.)
Dans leur folle ronde. (In their lunatic dance)
[Pumbaa] Si notre ami nous dit "Au revoir" ... (So our friend we ask you say "Goodbye".)
I only have one, it's "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" or "L'amour Brille Sous le Etioilles) Here
This took me a half hour. I tried without a dictionary. I think it's better in french. I'll post others later.)
Timon] Sous les diamants des étoiles, (Diamonds are underneath the stars,)
Quel magique univers. (A magic universe,)
Mais, dans cette romantique atmosphère, (But, in this romantic atmosphere)
Cà sent mauvais dans l'air. (There is evil in the air,)
[Chanteuse] L'Amour brille sous les étoiles, (The love is shining under the stars)
D'une étrange lumière. (Of a strange light)
La Terre entière, en parfaite harmonie, (The entire world in perfect harmony)
Vit un moment royal. (See (?) a royal moment)
[simba, intérieurement] Je voudrais lui dire "Je t'aime" (I want him (me?) to say "I love you")
Mais comment lui avouer (But how do I confess it,)
Mon secret, mes problèmes ? (My secret, my problems?)
Impossible, elle serait trop blessée ! (Impossible, she would be wounded too much!)
[Nala, intérieurement] Quel lourd secret cache-t-il, (Why is he hiding such a foggy secret,)
Derrière tant de rancoeur ? (Behind so much resentment?)
Moi, je sais qu'il est ce roi en exil (Me, I know that he is an exiled king)
Qui règne dans mon coeur ! (Who reigns in my heart!)
[Chanteuse + choeur] L'Amour brille sous les étoiles, (The love is shining under the stars)
D'une étrange lumière. (In a strange light)
La Terre entière, en parfaite harmonie, (The entire world world in perfect harmony)
Vit sa plus belle histoire. (See (?) a royal moment)
[Chanteuse + choeur] L'Amour brille sous les étoiles, (Love is shining under the stars)
Illuminant leurs coeurs. (Love illuminated hearts)
Sa lumière éclaire à l'infini, (His light enlightened in the infinite) (Makes no sense... sorry. I had trouble there. l'infini is an evil world.)
Un sublime espoir. (A sublimate hope,)
[Timon] S'ils s'enfuient vers leur rêve, ce soir, (I can't translate this line. The lyrics site spelled the whole thing wrong.)
Dans leur folle ronde. (In their lunatic dance)
[Pumbaa] Si notre ami nous dit "Au revoir" ... (So our friend we ask you say "Goodbye".)
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