Mission: Otokitchi


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Hey everybody! You probably came here to this log out of curiosity, thinking to yourself: "What the heck kind of title is mission otokitchi????" Well, I'll tell you. I just reset my version 1 Tamagotchi and I got a baby girl. So I named her Tulip and I took care of her. She was a Babytchi so I had to make sure to check on her every few minutes.

Nothing out of the ordinary during her baby stage. You know the normal routine when you have a baby Tamagotchi: feed, play, poop, sick, feed, play, poop, feed, poop, sleep, feed, play, cry, feed, poop, play, poop, feed, and now finally what everybody looks foward to after a long hour of feeding and playing and pooping, the Toddler stage! Hooray!

Well, as all first generation V1's are as toddlers, Tulip is....you guessed it! A Marutchi! I'm sure you're all familiar with that character. Well, now that we've covered the basics, I can tell you all about the title, though you've probably already figured it out. Yep, that's right, I'm going to raise Tulip to be an oldie. A girl oldie, an Otokitchi. You're probably more familiar with her as Mrs. Busybody, or the "Matchmaker."

Yep, Tulip is going to be an oldie. And hopefully she'll outlive my other Otokitchi, Sammy. Sammy lived a pretty good life, and died a pretty unfortunate death. But nevermind her. Hopefully Tulip will be different. I'm up for the challenge of taking care of an oldie, I know they're a lot of work from a past experience raising one, but I think it will be fun.

And since I have nothing else to tell you about I think this is an excellent time to put down Tulip's stats:

Name: Tulip

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 10lbs

Training: 1/9

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

I'll update later when something exciting happens. :huh:

Since my lovely 4 day Memorial weekend ended yesterday and I had to go back to school today, Tulip had to be paused. I was going to bring her to school but I had nothing to keep her safe in. Until I just remembered right now that I have a lanyard. xD Maybe I'll take her tomorrow.

Y'know, in 4th and 5th grade, I always brought my Tamagotchis to school. I had a purple ribbon that I used as a lanyard. (it was an excellent length, and really comfortable and secure for your Tamagotchi. It mysteriously dissappeared and i'm still trying to find it) I never liked to pause my Tamagotchis, so during class when I wasn't doing anything important and the teacher wasn't looking, I'd sneak a peek at my Tamagotchi and feed it and give it snacks if it was unhappy and clean up its poop.

But now that I'm in 6th (almost 7th!) grade, things are different and I'm kinda nervous about bringing my Tama to school unpaused and stuff like I did last year and the year before. I feel like things are much more strict this year. They probably are since I'm in middle school, so I don't know if I want to take that risk. I've brought my Tamas to school this year, but they were usually paused and I played with them during lunch and studyhalls.

Well, enough rambling about my school and on to my Tamagotchi. Since she was paused all day, she's still a Marutchi. I have a feeling she'll evolve into an Ichigotchi tomorrow. I know she'll be an Ichigotchi, I just don't know when she'll turn into one. xD So yeah, we'll just have to wait and see.

Anyway, she was a bit on the fat side, (21lbs, 11lbs over the minimum for toddlers) so I played a few games with her to get her weight down. The thing I like about the V1, is that the games are actually excercise games. I mean, if you're going to lose weight by playing a game, it might as well be a game that requires the Tamagotchi to be present during the activity actually moving around and doing something. (and no, raising the flag on the flag game doesn't count) I mean, on the V3 and V4 and V4.5, the games aren't even excercise! Running and jumping over hurdles and dancing up a storm are what the Tamas do on the games for the V1 and that's actual excercise at least!

Y'know what I mean? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Well, ok, moving on. I guess I've rambled on enough. I'll update later.

Today when I got home from school, I unpaused Tulip. Almost instantly after I unpaused her, she turned into an Ichigotchi. I caught her singing and dancing too. Ichigotchis love to sing and dance. She looked so cute. ^^ She's doing pretty good. I think I'll put up her stats now.

Name: Tulip

Age: 1yr

Weight: 21lbs

Training: 5/9

Generation: 1

Gender: Girl

Character: Ichigotchi

Heh, you know I like to think of Tamagotchi stats as "My Tamagotchi At A Glance" because it gives readers the basic info and statistics about your Tamagotchi. It's not really telling everything about it, it's just as I said before: basic statistics. Get it? Do ya? Oh nevermind. xD

Tulip is just bobbing around her screen right now. She's actually a pretty well behaved Tamagotchi. I can't wait until she turns into an oldie. It's going to be fun to finally take care of an oldie again. My other Otokitchi that I briefly talked about in my first post, Sammy, lived to be 26. I was really sad when she died. Do you want to know Sammy's story? And her death? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway, so either read it or don't, lol:

First let me start off by saying that at first, I didn't care about Sammy at all. I was really fed up with my V1. It was the only Tamagotchi I had at the time. And I wanted a V3. It was July 2006. So I let Sammy grow into an oldie and I took care of her and stuff but I wasn't really happy about it at all. When she was 25, I forgot about her and left her on the computer desk while I went outside to watch the little street parade that was happening. When I got back, it was after 9pm. I realized that Sammy had already been asleep for over an hour with a couple of poops next to her and missing hearts.

At that time, I didn't know that you could go back and change the time to clean up the poops and feed and play. So I just left her be for the night and thought I would be able to clean it up in the morning. When I woke up, I found Sammy next to me. My mom had put her there because she said it was beeping. I looked at her and I saw the little angel. I was so upset that I had so carelessly let Sammy die like that. So I left that Tamagotchi be and got a V3 finally. Then I reset my V1 and was taking care of both it and my V3.

So it was a pretty cruel death that Sammy had to have. I probably could have saved her if I had woken up earlier. I knew oldies woke up at 7 in the morning, but even if I had woke at 8 I probably would have been able to save her. But I didn't. I slept in and got up at 11. I was pretty upset, but there was nothing I could do about it. Sammy was gone and I had to live with that. I know she was only a Tamagotchi but still, I grew to love her even though I didn't at first. It's like that popular saying: You never know how much you love something until it's gone. Even if it is a toy.

So the reason why I'm growing Tulip into an oldie is because I want to be able to experience it again like I had with Sammy and I want to see if Tulip will outlive Sammy's age, which was the oldest Tamagotchi I had ever raised. I think Tulip can do it. We'll just have to wait and see.

Well, I took Tulip to school today. So she actually continued to age so she's 2 like she's supposed to be. Here's how I did it. I had her on a lanyard in my pocket. I took the lanyard off though and put it in my bag in case I needed it later on in the day for something. So I had my Tamagotchi in my pocket. And during passing times and studyhalls and lunch, I was able to check on Tulip and give her proper care when she needed it.

It was a pretty good day in school aswell. We didn't get any homework. The only thing we have to do is study for the Social Studies test tomorrow. Then in 2 weeks we have final exams. Ugh, it's going to cover everything we learned this year starting from September when we studied prehistory until now when we're studying Rome. We have one in every subject: ELA, Science, SS, and Math. It's gonna stink. I can't remember all the stuff we've covered throughout the entire year. Math was easy, but Social Studies was my worst subject. It's too much remembering. Now we have to remember everything we've done this year!

I mean, that's a really big span of time. That's like 8 months worth of history that I have to memorize if I want to pass the test. I mean, these are big this year. They count for 10% of our final grade. I really don't want to take them. HOpefully I can get a good grade on them. But I don't have to worry about them until a week from Monday. The only good thing about exams is when the week is done and we've finished taking our exams, the next Monday is Class Day. It's going to be so awesome. There's going to be awards and games and a whole bunch of fun stuff for us to do that day.

Oh my gosh, I guess I've blabbering on about my own life that I haven't really told you anything about Tulip! Well, like I said above, she's 2 years old. And she's 23lbs. I was able to catch her once for a time out so she got a training point today. Remember, I took her to school today so couldn't make it a training day. But she'll get her training points by the time she grows into an adult. She has 7 out of 9 training bars so I'm sure I can get 2 more by the time she turns into an adult. I might even get them tonight. Yep, she'll be fine. And she is like guaranteed to turn into a Mametchi.

See, the only bad thing about the V1 is that there aren't many characters on it so it usually repeats itself every generation. On odd generations I get Mametchi and on even I get Mimitchi. But I mean it's hard not to. I like taking care of my Tamagotchi and training it and playing with it. I just wish I could get some different characters. I wish the characters you got were actually random meaning you get what you get for no apparent reason at all. So it's like a bit of a mix. This generation I get Tarakotchi, the next Hanatchi, then a Kuchipatchi, a Mametchi, and so on.

But oh well, what can you do about it. It doesn't really matter. I'll update later.

Well, Tulip turned 3 yesterday but has yet to evolve into a Mametchi. Maybe later tonight? Well, anyways, she has full training like I told you she would and she's just hanging out at the moment. She's pretty cute. ^^ Ooh, I almost forgot, I was connecting her with my V3 boy Obotchi the other day. They seem to get along pretty well. I don't want to connect all too much just for fear that they'll fall in love and mate.

I mean, according to Tulip's friend list, she has 4 faces under my V3's name. So I'm not going to be connecting them that much anymore. But when I was connecting them, my Obotchi came over to Tulip for a visit and gave her a ball! It's the coolness man. It's under her present list. When she turns into a Mametchi I think there's another item that you can get. Each Tamagotchi character has a specific item or two that they can receive from another Tamagotchi via connecting.

This is my first entry where I have nothing to talk about for 5 paragraphs, lol. It's wierd. For the 3 entries I've written, I've always had like 4 or 5 paragraphs of random stuffs about my Tamagotchi or myself or just.....stuff. I don't really know. I think I'm going to make this entry 3 paragraphs. (this one being the third) And then I'll wrap it up with my Tamagotchi's stats. Ok, well here's the stats. (I am done with my 3rd paragraph! Woohoo!)

Name: Tulip

Age: 3yrs

Weight: 23lbs

Training: 9/9

Generation: 1g

Gender: Girl

Character: Ichigotchi

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Tulip evolved yesterday into a Mametchi. Just like I predicted. Hey, these V1's really aren't that hard to figure out. xD She's 5, and should be turning 6 tonight. Soon she'll be getting visits from the matchmaker. I'll have to turn them down though. I feel bad for the boy Tamagotchis who are going to be turned down. I mean, they're going to be missing out a great Tamagotchi. And you know, Tulip really is a great little Tamagotchi. So well behaved. She's only been in time out a few times. xD

If you were wondering why I didn't update yesterday then you can keep wondering because I really don't know why. I guess I was just lazy and didn't feel like typing that much about my Tamagotchi. xD I'm going to cut this entry short today because I feel lazy again but not as lazy as yesterday. ^^ Lolz. Maybe I'll update later. Ah, I don't know. Here are Tulip's stats.

Name: Tulip

Age: 5

Weight: 30lbs

Training: 9/9

Generation: 1g

Gender: Girl

Character: Mametchi :)

I had Tulip on pause for all of yesterday so she didn't get to age. I unpaused her overnight and she turned 6. I paused her today when I went to school and have yet to unpause her. But I'm going to go get her right now and unpause her. Ok, she's unpaused. Still a Mametchi. I bet the matchmaker's going to come really soon. Probably like tomorrow or something. No wait, it can't be tomorrow because I have to pause her tomorrow because it's the night of the bonfire and activities and bbq chicken dinner for this thing at my school.

Oh well, here are Tulip's stats:

Name: Tulip

Age: 6

Weight: 34lbs

Training: 9/9

Generation: 1g

Gender: Girl

Character: Mametchi

And I also forgot to mention in my last post that I wouldn't be able to post on Friday either because of the dance. xD Well, anyways, I forgot to pause Tulip yesterday when I went to school so when I got home she was beeping for me to cure her of her illness and clean up the 3 poops that she had next to her. She had no happy or hungry hearts so I had to feed her and play with her. But now she's all better. She's 8 years old today. She got her first matchmaker visit too. At 10:30, the matchmaker came and brought her a Kuchipatchi. But I said no because Tulip is going to be and oldie and you can't be an oldie if you have a baby.

Well, anyways, she's just hanging out right now. She'll probably turn into an Otokitchi oldie either tomorrow or the day after that. I can't wait. It's going to be really exciting for me to finally have an oldie again. I haven't taken care of one of those in over a year. And the last time I had an Otokitchi was when Sammy was still alive and that was almost 2 years ago. Yep, so like I said, it's going to be super awesome. Maybe when she actually turns into an oldie I'll get a lot more viewers for my log since I would have actually reached my goal.

Well, anyways, I've run out of stuff to say so I'll post her current stats. (leaving out some things that aren't important since you already know them from previous posts)

Age: 8

Weight: 30lbs

Character: Mametchi

No I don't. I just made that up for the scavenger hunt game. I figured there wouldn't be any images of one anyway. Just find a regular otokitchi that looks cool. xD Oh, and please don't post in my log. It's against the rules.

Well, anyways, the matchmaker came a few more times today for Tulip. At 3 she brought a Tarakotchi and at 7 she brought a Hanatchi. Said no to both of 'em. Right now, Tulip is asleep. She's pretty tired I bet. :huh: I'll update tomorrow.

Tulip is 9 today! At 10:30 the matchmaker came again and just like yesterday, brought a Kuchipatchi. Once again, I had to say no. So I'm guessing that this means that Tulip is going to evolve tomorrow when she turns 10. It's going to be super cool. I really am excited. Mostly because of Sammy I guess.

See, it's kind of like when you have a doggy that dies and then you finally get another doggy. You get to experience once again what it's like to take care of one and you get to remember your old doggy that passed away. That's the same thing that's going on with my Tamagotchi right now. I had an Otokitchi that died and now that my current Tamagotchi is going to be an Otokitchi, I get to experience taking care of one again, and I'll be able to remember Sammy a bit better.

Does that make sense? I think it does. xD Anyways, here are Tulip's stats.

Age: 9

Weight: 31lbs

Character: Mametchi :D

Stats come first today!!

Age: 10

Weight: 30lbs

Character: Mametchi

Ok, so once again today I forgot to pause Tulip when I went to school. So when I got back from school I found Tulip sick and with empty happy and hungry hearts. My V5 also was left unpaused where I lost 10% bonding so I went from 100% to 90% and it also had no hearts, but let's just focus on Tulip right now. So, anyways, I had to feed her and give her snacks to fill up her hearts again. So her weight soared up to 57lbs, but I played some games of jump with her so now she's 30lbs again! Oh, and Tulip is 10 today! Maybe she'll turn into an oldie today!

Is it against the rules to bump my own log after leaving it dormant for a year?

I started up my V1 again. Tulip is still here, and she turned 20 today. Almost as old as Sammy - just another week!

Taking care of Tulip has become like a piece of cake... even with my V3 running at the same time. She turned 21 today, so only 6 more days until she breaks Sammy's record. She's not as demanding as I remember Sammy being... but that was July of 2006 - exactly 3 years ago... sorta. xD She just does hangs out, poops, eats, and plays. So simple... xDDD
