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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
this is my first log. i have a mimitchi named kupo, age,5 gender,boy gen,2 happy4 hearts hungery4 hearts training5 bars lbs,46 points,1945 plz leave a coment i'll keep u up dated bye i'm going to whatch [CASTEL IN THE SKY ] THE MOVIE IS 2 HOURS AND30 MINS SO IF U LEAVE A COMENT I CAN'T READ IT UTIL THE MOVIE IS OVER.

the movie has been over for hours my tama are going to bed bye.............

okay i'm think i'll mate kupo whith asia thats my :mellow: do u think he will get along whith a mametchi? mimitchi and mametchi or mabey he will get along better whith a memetchi is it this thing :( well any ways i need help should i mate a mimitchi whit a mametchi or whitha memetchi?

okay i'm gonna mate kupo whith asia! they already like each other 4 smiles!

oh well thats all for a long time see yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! soorrrrrrrrrrrrrry!!!!!! :furawatchi: :D :p

sorry i didn't mean i have just one tama i have others but i'm mad i can't get my money back. and guess what my new tama v3 i got it worked for a little while then the screen whent black and i had to return it! :D :) :D :D well at least i got my money back. ;) :D

sorry i 2wwas at my dad's house and forgot to post about my newest tama, name, canan, age 1, gen1, gender boy, training 5, happy 4 harts, hungry4 harts, points 1985. thats it for now!

sorry i 2wwas at my dad's house and forgot to post about my newest tama, name, canan, age 1, gen1, gender boy, training 5, happy 4 harts, hungry4 harts, points 1985. thats it for now!
sorry. current stage teen. more to morrow or maybe sonner keep read'n folks! :D

canan is a good little tama but gets in troble some times i love him so much i worder what he will evolve into! i hope he evolves into a mimitchi! i don't know what he is right now.

i porbably won't post here for the rest of the day unless some thing happens to cana thats worth posting i wont post. see yah later! :D

hi agian canan is asleep and i will now tell u whats up hes same as yesterday noth'n excite'n sorry folks!

okay canan woke up. his status, name still canan, hungry4 harts, happy4harts, traning6, 1yr old, lbs 41,gen1, points775. thats all that happend so far keep read'n.

i drew a picture of canan hes so cute! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: http;//artpad.art.com/?j3u2sf8ca14 , hope u like it!


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