#Mimitchi#'s Tama Log!


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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2006
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Hello everyone! Welcome to my tama log! :(

I don't mind comments in my log so feel free to comment!

My current tamas are a Yellow Uratama /w/ blue star and a Red origami v4 /w/ green ball ontop. My v4's name is Kuro, meaning black in Japanese and my Uratama's name is Kingi!

Two cutsie names!

XD I went swimming and broke my other v4 a couple days ago..

MY v4 is a Gourmetchi and my Ura is a Yasaguretchi! Two Meme boys! :(

Heres My V4's current stats!

Name Kuro


weight:20 lbs




Skillpoints 30,10,29



currenly: bounceing around screen!

Birthline so far: Tusubutchi,Mizutamatchi,Gourmetchi

I made a pixel of my v4 in the tub!

Uratama updates!

I thought it would be cool if i wrote about my Uratama in blue beacause the pixels on a Uratama are in blue.

Anyways, heres Kingi my Uratama's status!


Name: Kingi




Gutspoints 57,257,109


currently: struting around screen


Birthline so far: Ura Memotchi,Haneotchi,Diayatchi,Yasaguretchi





Thanks for reading guys! :(


Edit i bought an Akia Shirizu off jason it should come any time this week!



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Hello everyone!

Quick update!

Kingi and Kuro are doing fine! Ihave just gotten the Akia shirizu!

Kingi got a job,while Kuro just turned into a Tosakatchi, what a cutie! :blink:


I don't know what job my uratama Kingi got though... And Kuro seems to like his new appearence! :huh:

My Akai Shirizu is a boy i name him! Akia! Very original! :D

He went from Haatotchi to a Cheritchi! yay! soo cute! i drew a pic of him but it wont let me post it here.. To hear more about my Akia read my Akai Blog!

See ya!

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Thankyou very much!

I'm sorry for not posting in awhile...

Any ways my v4 died :angry: so i resett it, it is now a Shirotusubtchi.

I'll post more when she turns into a Todler!

Uratama updates! :angry:


Well Kingi used the dateing card#3 and got a Bikkuri baby whom i name Kashi meaning pastry in Japanese..


He left his baby a couple days ago.. Kashi cried once and got sick once ..

He soon became a Mokotchi!



Heres his stats



weight: 11g

Hunger 4/4

happiness 3/4

Guts points: 0,15,51


currently: bounceing around screen!

I hope he becomes a teen soon!


Akia Shirizu updates! ^^


I am going to post about my Akia!

Well Akia is now a Ringotchi XD i didn't want a Ringotchi, he is still cute though..


heres his current stats



weight: 21g

hunger 4/4

happiness 2/4

training 5

Gp: 210 XD

currenly: in the bath tub!

I hope Kashi grows into an Adult soon!

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Ahhh! i'm sooo sorry i've been busy, i'm sorry log!

I'll start to post more often! :D :(


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