Memetchitamagotchi's Tama Log


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Connecticut, United States
Hello there! You have clicked on my tama log.

Note: I will post here whenever I have the chance. I might post every week, every day, even every hour, I am not sure yet.

Anyway, to start my tama log:


I haven't played with my tamas that much today.

I have 7 tamas, only 3 have batteries. :) Batteries are expensive these days.

I am going to try to make holders for each of my tamas. Actually, I thing I will make a whole line of 'em, you know, make them together instead of seperate, like this:

the circles represent the holders. the - represent what holds 'em together:


Each one will hold a tama. I'm not sure what to use yet, play dough, clay that you put in the oven and bake and comes out hard... hmmm... tough decision. Oh well, I have to go shopping for it anyway.

One of my tama's batteries died. I gotta buy new batteries once I have enough money for 4 batteries. WOW batteries are real expensive these days!!!

I wanna make more videos with tamagotchis, and webkinz.

I think I might try to play house with my tamas, and just random tamagotchis. (if you have any ideas for playing house with tamagotchis, please mail me, thank you)

I think on monday I'm gonna sneak one of my tamagotchis in my pocket and bring it to school. I'm gonna pause i and turn the volume all the way down. I'll have to put my phone on vibrate, too, lol. XD I'm so random!!!! :eek:

That's all for now!!! I'll keep the laptop in my room to post more later!!! :eek: See you later

Since only 3 of my tamas have batteries, here are all of their stats and stuff. :)

V4 Red and Yellow sunset

Name: Ian

Years: 0

LB: 86

Hungry: * * * * full yay!

Happy: * * * * full again- yay!

Training: 1 bar (oh gosh, I need to work on that!)

Gender: Girl

Green Glow in the dark V4

Name: Mary

Years: 0

LB: 15

Hungry: * * *

Happy: * * * *

Training: 0 (I gotta work on that!)

Gender: girl

Cheetah V4.5

Name: spot

Years: 0

LB: 67

Hungry: * * * *

Happy: * * * *

Training: 2 (yay!)

Gender: boy

So, those are the tamas whom have batteries.

I'll post more later!

I just made 3 more holders for my tamagotchis that look like 'dis: (___) But with a top on it. :furawatchi:

I put a cover on my v4 blue. (which is out of batteries) My dad and mom said they would buy me more batteries, but later in the month. Maybe even for christmas!

I've been looking through my hundreds of stuffed animals to play family with my tamagotchis. I think I'm gonna use my Beanie Babie Ferret. He's so cute! I'm not sure what

Tonight I'm gonna watch igo to japan, an icarly movie, with my tamagotchis. Do tamagotchis like TV? I've been wondering this for a long time. I hope they like TV!!! And hopefully the movie will be great.

I am gonna ask for a V5 tamagotchi for christmas, and more tamagotchi stuff, like holders, stickers, key-chains, etc. I'd like to decorate my tamas more.

My tamagotchis are watching me play on the laptop right now.

I think this wil be the last post for the day. See you tomorrow!

My tamas are currently sleeping. So, good morning to everyone!

Soon I'm gonna wake them up and feed them some cereal. I hope durring the night tonight my baby tamagotchi will grow to be a toddler!!! :angry: I hope so.

The holders I made dried, so I can now use them. I only made 3 more, however, I needed 4 more. But here's what they look like. The O represent the tamagotchis. :

(O) (O) and (OO)

See? I made a double one. When I get more batteries, I want to try to make them twins. Then they can share a holder. :p

It's a Sunday morning, and my friend is most likely coming over. I think she MIGHT have a tamagotchi, and if she does I'm gonna ask her to bring it. But, if she doesn't have one, she can either steal her brothers (cuz I know he has one cuz at some party this year he was mad cuz he didn't get a boy or something stupid). Or we can just play with mine. :rolleyes:

I have a new avatar and signature; do you like it?

Well anyway, I didn't get to play with my tamas alot last night. My cousins came over. TJ is a weirdo, and throws everything. He's only 3. Then my other cousin, Gina, she's fine. She's like, 6 or 7, but that's ok. My tamas are still on top of my bed on the shelf. :angry:

That's all 4 now. I'll post more around lunch time-ish

Ok, there's currently 17 views. :) I hope more people look at this, because I am not doing this because it is fun or anything. I am doing it for everyone on TamaTalk.

Anyway, back to my Tama Log.

Today I took out the batteries of the tamas whos batteries ran out. But wanna know what's weird? I put an empty battery in 2 of my tamas, and now they work! They've been working for an hour or 2.

I reset one of my tamas that I put the empty battery in. Here are the stats:

Yellow with stars with circles in the stars, V3 Tama

Name: Joe

Hungry: * * * *

Happy: * * * *

LB: 21

Years: 0

Gender: Boy

Training: 0 (that's cuz it was just born)


I just tried to go on TamaTown. It only works for V5 tamas now. That's really sad, isn't it? I need to get a V5...

My tamas are watching TV and the laptop with me right now. Not much going on...

Oh, and my friend IS coming over. I'm gonna try to make her bring her tama, if she has one.


I am doing OK. My throat really hurts, and I am bored. I have to wait until somewhere between 12-1:oo for my friend.


There's a new segment on my Tama Log called "FAN MAIL". So, start mailing me, tell me if you like it, what I should add, anything you want! I will respond to your mail too.

This is it for the night. I have to eat supper. So here is the last post of the day:

My tamagotchis are doing great. I'm gonna try to go on tamatown tomorrow.


I am doing OK. My friend doesn't play with her tama anymore, so she couldn't bring it. We didn't end up playing with my tamas. My throat still hurts. Well, ttyl!!!
