meet my 3 tamas


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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
hello!i have 3 tamagotchis first i will introduce them to u.

first i will list my tamas skins

•V.3 pink see through

•V.3 yellow with red dots

•V.4 sunflower skin

Now i will be Introducing them to u

V.4 sunflower=




a little info bout ashly=Ashly is such a cute bundle of joy today she was singing for me, how cute is shes in her own little bed,sleeping.i call all my tamas my babies.i only give my little ashly 3 snacks for the day,since shes only a toddler.oi only give her oranges,maybe if shes good i give her 5 snacks(like ice cream or sumthin)My biggest fear is that she dies,and i am not there to save her.but today i made her go on her own little ducky toilet seat when she called for poo.It WAs so CUTE!!!!i just cant wait till she gets married and raises a child.she already went to pre-school today.YAY her first day of some tama owners they take their tama to school like 2-5 times a day.I dont do that i just take my tama to school 1 would u fell if u had to go to school 3 time in a day?Well i might just end up talking about my V.4.Ashly i luv u huns.if u culd listen to me what i am saying i would total tell u that.well this log is going to be mostly about my V.4.

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i want to wake my little ashly up but then she needs her sleep.i will tell u guys tommorow of what ashlys been up too lately.

Im back.Hmm.... Today i took her to my little 7-11 am school thing(summer thing).I bet shes happy cuz i never took her.Right now shes 14lbs and is the most adorable thing ever.just to tell u who are readin this my Ashly is a Puchitchi.shes still not a year old though.i will tell u l8er when shell be one.she just beeped at me saying shes hungry here ill feed u sushi scone and umm...bread.she went to sleep yesterday at about 8pm and woke up at around 9 am.oh no she just beeped at me again,oh poor thing shes ill make u all better and give u a snack.there u go.well ashly says Bye she wants me to play with here ill write in my log soon.

now i am taking her to school. *owner says*"Ashly i will miss u,be good at school an dont be mean"i just want ashly to have the perfect tama life she can have.her dream job is to be a fashion designer.*taking Ashly to school*oh she singing with her teacher and messe up the first time.she got it the second time.Now me and ashly are gonna have some fun.lets go to tamatown.I will tell what she wins a how much points.*leaves to tamataow* i went to tamatown ,and i currently have 4780 gotchi points.i also got from TamaTown a organ and clothes.i might go to tamatown l8er and buy a teddy bear.iAshly still hasnt evolved yet and is still 0yrs.oh wow i noticed that shes now asleep.well.....Ashly luvs school and she wuld do anything to go back to kindergarten,but then she wuld be whay to she is such adorable,if she wuld realy talk to me id say,Ashly huns i luv u cant wait till u grow up and have a beutiful husand and child.i know that her son/daughter wuld love their ,mom and then their child would luv their :D

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yay!!!!!Ashly just evolved to this apple sort of looks like shes wearing a cute apple costume.She woke me at nine o'clock and evolved at nine o she is a teenager.shes so cute when she dances up close to the screen.Ashly's 1 yrs old now.And 22lbs.Oh snap :) i just droped ashly on the hard hardwood floor.Dang it ;) .her Ashly i am so sorry mommy will make sure u diidnt die.good thing the tamas all good-from-the-box and Ashly will be going to TamaTown now.

Ashly says bye!!

Srry i havent wrote in like a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG time,but ashly died,no not of old age becuze i left her without feeding her!!!wahh, :) :mellow: ill miss u ashly.ill tell u bout my new baby V.4 once i get them here.Bye!!*go gets 3 tamas*

omg i havnet been on my log fo like ever!!!!!!!!the reason i havent been on was because i lost interest intill like now i have a girl again her name is Hope and she is 4 yrs old!i love her so much but anyways she is an adult an has already graduated from school but now i am looking fo a job but evrybody said no!poor thing!she weighs about 22 lbs and she is on the first generation i havnt gone beyond 2 generations.well imma gunna go to tamatown to get a jackpot of money because all she has is 3,029 dollars or so!so bye peeps!! :p


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