Matchmaker Help


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Active member
Jul 24, 2007
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I know that the normal age the Matchmaker comes varies from each version, but I can help you get ready for the Matchmaker another way![/color]

[SIZE=21pt]Times the Matchmaker comes!:[/SIZE]

10:30 am

3:00 pm

7:00 pm

I hope this can help some of you!(or atleast someone)


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Most people will already know about this because they've read other topics but thanx for posting anyway

But Many people still ask that question though around this sub-forum. =D But Thanks for posting the info, though. :)

Here's what I normally say

[SIZE=12pt]Locky458's Theory[/SIZE]

The matchmaker will come around 3 days/3 years or maybe a bit longer after your tamagotchi Adult, which is usually around age 6 and up.


Her most common times are 10:30 AM, 3:00 PM, and 7:00 PM, set it a one minute earlier.

I know that the normal age the Matchmaker comes varies from each version, but I can help you get ready for the Matchmaker another way![/color][SIZE=21pt]Times the Matchmaker comes!:[/SIZE]

10:30 am

3:00 pm

7:00 pm

I hope this can help some of you!(or atleast someone)

Yes, that's true, and the matchmaker is a girl :ichigotchi:

mametchi :mimitchi:

I know that the normal age the Matchmaker comes varies from each version, but I can help you get ready for the Matchmaker another way![/color][SIZE=21pt]Times the Matchmaker comes!:[/SIZE]

10:30 am

3:00 pm

7:00 pm

I hope this can help some of you!(or atleast someone)

I don't get it....... it was 3:00pm and the macht maker didn't come ...... :(

so wat do i do :D i mean my firend has a tamgotchi like me and

is the same age and hers got merried 2day and mine didn't :D


can you help me tell me how to do it plz!!!!!!

If you do i will be so happy :( so plz i really need help

P.S does the machtmaker 1 of the oldies?

coz i need to no~~~~ so yea thx

Love Candy [/color(devil_candy)

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It might come at a later time, say 7:00pm.

But is your Tama of age, {if a V4, then it's usually between 6-8 yrs} and did you hatch your Tama on the same day as your friend? It may appear that your friends Tama is a day older or something...x :D :D

Best Wishes,


I don't get it....... it was 3:00pm and the macht maker didn't come ...... :) so wat do i do ;)   i mean my firend has a tamgotchi like me and

is the same age and hers got merried 2day and mine didn't :mimitchi:


can you help me tell me how to do it plz!!!!!!

If you do i will be so happy ;)   so plz i really need help

P.S does the machtmaker 1 of the oldies?

coz i need to no~~~~ so yea thx

Love Candy [/color(devil_candy)
It comes at 3:00 for v3. I know that, because it SOMETIMES comes at 3 pm. It may not, and come at other times.


mametchi ;)


p.s. The matchmaker is an oldie, a otokitichi. :angry:

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:angry: Those times don't work!!!!! I tried it once and she just appeared on the screen and I had to reset it and download.!!!I need help!!! :D :D :kusatchi: :p :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
By the way, while you see the matchmaker reading from her book, press A for a girl, and B for a boy. For me, this has worked for ALL the versions. Don't ask me what C does, im afraid to press it as it might cancel the match.

~serenarini~ :unsure:

Ive got 2 V2s and one of them is 6. I set his time to 2.59 and it didnt work. 10.30 didnt work either. what age does the matchmaker come on V2?

Ive got 2 V2s and one of them is 6. I set his time to 2.59 and it didnt work. 10.30 didnt work either. what age does the matchmaker come on V2?
If you have paused it you may need to wait until your Tamagotchi is 7 or 8. Oh, and if you set the time to 2.59pm you need to wait a minute (so the time goes to 3pm) first.

I know that the normal age the Matchmaker comes varies from each version, but I can help you get ready for the Matchmaker another way![/color][SIZE=21pt]Times the Matchmaker comes!:[/SIZE]

10:30 am

3:00 pm

7:00 pm

I hope this can help some of you!(or atleast someone)


yes those are often used but it differs, usually it's at rounded times (10:00, 10:30, not 10:43, etc) in my experiance, thanks for posting this, I'm sure it helped many tama owners.


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