Mary The Newly Hatched One Life Through Her Eyes


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Dec 5, 2006
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This is going to be a Journal type thing.

Wednesday: Mary is now on her own. Her father... a Chomametchi, had left at 12:00 AM.

I named her mary because christmas is so soon. She is a female. And she has also finished her afternoon nap. I forgot to cleen a mess. So she had a mess by her bed. She is fully happy and 3 ibs. overweight.

Family History: Mary takes much pride in her history. She is the 3rd Generation of Healthy tama's that are very wealthy. Her grandparent's and parent had both gotten to 9999 points at least 3 times and she was left with alot of inheratence. The king of tama planet was also awaiting her arrival. Her parents had also gotten alot of social status from him, because her grandmother had donated 30000 points to the king.

1. Grandparent: Female, healthy, furawatchi-leaftchi whatever you call it. The matchmaker had come to her.

2. Parent: Male, healthy, like i said, a Chomametchi. The matchmaker had come to him also.

Third in line will be herself. Mary. In a line of healthy ones. She hoped she would live up to her name and her bloodline.

She is now crying. She is praised and happy.

She is now fed and full and very contented. She can't wait until she evolves.


So far she is staying and going with expectations... but will it work out in the end?

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For Thursday... sorry its late!:*The contraption is a computer if you don't get it*

Mary blushes with shame as her owner looks at her to see what she had evolved into. Her family blood line COULD NOT have ever evolved into how ugly she must look now. If only she would have evolved into a cute child... how could she possible be cute and healthy? Mary had evolved into a Kuchitamatchi... she lost most of her self esteem as she looked itn the mirror... she didn't think she looked healthy or cute at all. She saw her owner squeeling in a language she couldn't quite understand... "she is mad that i didn't evolve into a cute tamagotchi." she sighed.

~~~~*MY POINT OF VEIW*~~~~

HOW CUTE!!!! HOW PRECIOUSE!!!! I yelled as i saw what my tama had evolved into, she couldn't be cuter. She lookes just like her father when he was a child. She must be sooo happy!

~~~~*Back to mary*~~~~

She now couldn't hold it any longer, she needed to go to the bathroom. She made the wavy lines showing that she needed to go. but to no avail. Her owner didn't notice. Mary finally relived herself and suddenly felt a little hungry. Her owner finally paused to look at her, and to clean her poop. While looking at her hunger screen her owner say a missing heart on hunger. She was fed immediatly and mary thought ,"Great now im overweight..." But her owner had also noticed and started to play"get".

once she was comftorably in the right weight she saw her owner get onto a chair and start playing on the *contraption* that helped her go to tamatown to do things. "Yes... just what i wanted... to let my dad see me right now. When i am ugly and very ashamed." Mary watched the contraptions screen show her home planet. As she watched her owner type in a password to go to her fathers house she now wished she could run and hide. She was forced by the contraption to go and visit her parent. When she walked in the door, her father gasped and tears came to his eyes. "Dad... im sorry. Im sorry for disgrasing you with what i evolved into." His sad emotion quickly was hidden with a stern look, as his mouth formed words.

*to find out what happens... tune it later today!!!!*

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For Friday Sorry its late AGAIN! *sigh* i type it on wordshop and then forget to post well here it is:

Mary grinned as she remembered the words her father had so carefully chosen when he told her that he had been a kuchitamathi. She felt that a huge burden being slightly pulled off her child like shoulders. She wasn’t entirely happy yet. She knew there now was hope but only a slight trace. All of a sudden she felt that too familiar feeling of being squeezed and pulled and shoved at the same time. There really wasn’t any other explaination to the feeling of evolving. She didn’t entirely like the feeling but she couldn’t evoide it. “Maybe… I will someday grow accostomed to it.” Mary thought bitterly. Now her vision was starting to flask unbearably. Mary squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth waiting for this horrible encounter to end. She finally opened her eyes blinking and knew she was much taller and stalkier. Her owner had been watching her all this time she discovered. Her owner who Mary had yesterday decided to name Anna for that was her username, scowled in distaste but Mary didn’t notice. Mary looked in the mirror and when she saw herself managed a weak smile dispite the feelings rushing over her like wildfire in a meadow of wheat.

Mary had finally interpreted that scowl that Anna had shown as a bad sign. But that was just her opinion. Maybe it was good. Mary didn’t think she looked exacly ugly, but not exacly beautiful. Since the encounter with her father she didn’t really think the same way. She thought through everything more thouroughly now. Mary no longer dwelled on the negatives of herself, but the positives. Mary had evolved into a Obotchi. “Well, My first positive is that I have always wanted to be tall and now I am, my second positive is that I am one of the few tamagotchi that have hair.”

Mary giggled at this for it was just a curl of hair at the front of her head. But it was a start.

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For Saturday Its not late! yay:

Mary hadn’t ever visited her grandmother. So she was kind of worried when she saw Anna click on Grandparents on Tamatown. All she knew was that her grandmother’s name was DJ. Mary as you know, doesn’t worry about her looks as she used too but she was worried if her grandmother would like her.

All these fears were vain for when she first walked into DJ’s house DJ exclaimed, “ OH how big you have gotten!!!! Did anyone tell you you look just like me when I was a teenager? Oh and how tall you are! Almost as tall as me!” Mary asked immediately, “ I’ve never met you before, then how do you know how big I was?” DJ looked shocked and replied quietly, “Once your father told me that Mrs. Busybody had come I had promptly visited you both. You know men. They don’t know how to do things like hair, nails and such. So I did those things while I was with you. I know it’s against the rules to go back and visit your child and grandchild while they are still in the tamagotchi, but this will be our little secret.” Mary couldn’t help feeling pleased. Her grandmother had broken the rules for her! Mary had many questions but managed to get only three of them out, “But grandma, I didn’t know there was even such a thing of being able to go back, how did you do it? And, can you tell me more about yourself? And dad? Whenever I ask him a certain thing about when he was a child and baby he only says ‘ask your grandmother’ will you anwere them for me?” DJ got up and shuffled around until she opened a closet and took out a book. There were many wonderful pictures of Mary’s father, and by them was writing. Mary spent the rest of the evening asking questions and having fun with her grandmother. By dusk her grandmother had given her a Fishing Pole, a Pencil and many other treasures.

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Before I get people expecting me to post tomorrow im sorry to crush their hopes but i'm not going to post on sunday, i will write the sunday story and post it alongside with mondays. And please PM me if you like my log/story. Its real! I really have a tamagotchi named mary but i make her come to life in my mind of how she thinks, feels and *loves* lol the love part will come in a later post when i start connecting with my brother and when our tama's breed. I WON'T POST ABOUT BREEDING! I will just post her feelings about him and if she likes the other tama. His name will also be told then.


For Sunday: There is nothing to write really for my owner went to church and I was asleep most of the day.

For Monday: Mary sobbed and sobbed all through the day, her owner had obviously lost her because she hadn't seen her owner’s face since Sunday morning. All she could think was that there was no way she would live for two days without care. She might be able to if she was an adult… but a teenager? Impossible. She kept sobbing for at least another two hours before she felt she could cry no more and her last drops of tears’ were gone.

She finally had the courage for one last look for her owners loving face looking at her throught the horrible glass that seperated them, she felt that feeling of evolving…. AGAIN… but, it seemed different this time…the feeling of pushing and pulling and squeezing her unbearably lasted only for a moment and was soon replaced by a pleasant warmth that started at the tips of her toes and slowly rose like summer water.“This is something new…” Mary finally managed to whisper. She finally started to enjoy the feeling and when she felt it disappearing, tried to savor the warm feeling of peace. She started to realize that she was evolving into an adult! Once the whole wonderful experience was sadly over, Mary reluctantly pulled out her mirror and she had evolved into a... Memetchi! “Oh how wonderful! Now I am a healthy tama that lives up to her name!” All of a sudden she saw a curious face looking at her. It wasn’t Anna that’s for sure but it had a resemblence to her face…

The girl had taken care of Mary, fed her excersiced her made her happier, and all that. Now Mary knew that she could wait until Anna came. Some one in here family found Mary, and Mary was now taken care of. Out of the blue came Anna smiling and talking in that strange language all at once. Anna had a little boy with her, he too had a tamagotchi! Anna had picked up the little boys tamagotchi and connected them.

Mary was pulled by an unknown force, out of her screen where she had been all her life except to visit her grandmother and father. But Mary had never gone into another tamagotchi before. She wondered if it was a boy or a girl. She landed with a thump and saw a Pyonkotchi! She talkted to him a bit and discovered he was a male and his name was, as Mary would later sigh at it with love, “Entr”. At first Mary thought to herself that that name was very strange but she grew to love the sound of it. Mary and Entr constantly were connected and visiting each other. And further into the day, when they were connected on visit, they started to watch a beautiful sunset. All of a sudden Entr turned to her and kissed her. :) :( ;) :lol: :lol:

*The strange girl is my sister and this little boy is my younger brother and his tama... he named it himslelf and it was hard to make that name work in the story, lol*

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