Maria's Journey


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Well-known member
May 16, 2009
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In the middle of somewhere
Welcome to the log of Maria, my oldies tamagotchi trying to reach 99 years old! No, this does not mean no pausing. I do have a busy life, and there is no way to keep her alive without pausing. I'm not a tama murderer!

So anyways, Maria is a version 4.5 (maybe 4?) in a sunflower shell. She isn't my only tama, but she is the only one I have batteries in. I'm hoping to keep this log up, so here goes!

Today is Maria's 40th birthday! Here is her status

Hungry 4 ht

Happy 4 ht

Training 3 bars ( I kind of messed that up...)

Age 40

Weight 31

Generation 1

Points 94,309

Maria went on tamatown today and donated 10000 p to the king. This is not a good mail day for her, she has been robbed quite frequently. Other than that, it's been an un-eventful day. More tomorrow!

*tamateen* :lol:

Good Morning!

Well, yesterday was pretty un-eventful for Maria. She got robbed a few times though. Really not helpful! :( :( :( This morning Maria went on Tamatown and donated 10000 p to the king. That makes 20000 total. She got this scepter, which is like this really fancy pole like thing. IDK. Anyway, this is Maria's last full day off pause for awhile, because I start school again tomorrow!

:( :( And, of course, I'm a "perfect little angel" who would NEVER break school rules. Maria remains safe in my bedroom on pause. So, I'll be pretty busy, and if I don't post much that's why.

Hungry 3 ht (I'll fix it in a minute...)

Happy 4 ht

Training-still 3 bars... :(

Age 41

Weight 30

Points 89,999

*tamateen* ;)

EDIT Maria hasn't aged! She's still 41! I hope this is normal......I'll update tomorrow :( Not a great place for me!

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Hola Amigas!!!!

So it's all good for Maria, she turned 42! I don't know why she didn't age yesterday.....weird B) Anyway, today Maria was feeling lonely, so she connected with my sister's tama. Not her 4.5....that one is un-able to connect!!!!! (If anyone knows how to fix this, PLEASE message me!!!) She played some games too, so it's overall been a good day for her!

Hungry 4 ht

Happy 4 ht

Training 3 bars (aghhhhhh!!!!!!)

Age 42

Weight 31

Points 94,549

*tamateen* :(

(Hoping Maria will reach her 99th birthday this summer!!!!!! :D :p )

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Buenas Dias!

Today Maria is still 42!!!! :D Probably because she's on pause so much :D Anyway, not much happened today, she won shape and kept my sister's tama company on his wait for the matchmaker (who didn't come yet) Really nothing else....oh yeah! The king visited and gave her chocolate! I thought it was a heart! That's pretty much it!

Hungry 4 ht

Happy 4 ht

Training 3 bars

Age 42

Weight 30

Points 95,189

*tamateen* ^_^


So I got home late today and nothing really happened with Maria, except that she turned 43! :) Other than that......I didn't really have time to play with her! :(

Happy 4 ht

Hungry 4 ht

Training 3 bars (any way to fix this?!?!)

Age 43

Weight 31

Points 95,189 (I'll play with her soon!)

In other news, my sister's tama Obi got a visit from the matchmaker! He was blessed with a bouncing baby boy named Ian! It's kind of sad because he's going to leave, but still happy!

*tamateen* :)

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Maria turned 44 today. I was trying to connect he with my sister's tama (she found out that if you hold down the huge circle on the antena thingy, it works better) and her battery died! So now I am in need of a tama. I keep stealing my sister's lol Anyway, since I am already getting batteries for Maria, I will also get some for my V2 and V3. That means this will hopefully be for all three of them now! Until later, when Maria is back with a new battery!


(I am sure all her hearts were filled before the battery died, but no other info!) :huh:


So I started up my V2 and V3 today!!!!! My V2 is pink with flowers, my V3 is blue camo. Their names are Harry and Ron. They are both pretty much the same, even the same charector! (the one with the flame head.) So I will log for all three of them now.

Anyway, Maria hasn't done much today. She is still 44, and still reluctant to play unless I feed her snacks, which I don't do unless she is sad. Oh yeah, today she got a snake in the mail! All her hearts went down!!!!! I had to play with her a lot!!!! ^_^

Hungry 4 ht

Happy 4 ht

Training 3 bars

Age 44

Weight 32

Points 96,399

Harry and Ron are pretty much good. I played Jump a lot with Harry and Heading with Ron Harry is the 1st one

Hungry 4 ht

Happy 4 ht

Training 5 bars

Age 1

Weight 16

Points 6756 (I forgot how hard it is to get points on him!!

Hungry 4 ht

Happy 4 ht

Training 3 bars

Age 1

Weight 16

Points 9,599 (donated to the king a lot tody!)

*tamateen* ;)

Today Maria turned 45 and Harry and Ron turned 2. Sorry about the short reply, but it's been a busy week :D Not much happened today other than that. Since I have them on pause so much I can only really play with them without stop on the weekend so.. at least it's almost summer!

AHHH! Maria just got a mess in the mail!!! Now she's going to be all sad!!!! Gtg!!!!

*tamateen* ;)

They changed!!!! :D :D :D

Okay, Harry looks like a butterfly and Han has two really big teeth. I don't know names, sorry!!!!

:p Anyway, this is mainly about Maria, so first an update on her...

Maria's 46!!! That's four days to fifty!!! I can't wait! I've had Maria for years, but this is the first time I really played with her for like a long period of time! I just hope she can reach 99 before death takes her!!!!!!! She hasn't been playing a lot, but I'm planning on taking her and Ron to visit tamatown very soon. (it is my best friend's bday, and we've been hanging out a lot, so no time today)

Harry and Ron are dong good, both three years old and around 30 lb!! Harry has a full training bar and Ron has a really close one!! The matchmaker will come soon!!!! I have names picked out for each gender! I'll really miss them least Maria won't leave!

It's weird, having an oldie was originally an accident, but she's turned out to be a favorite of mine. I wonder what will happen if (when) she does die. Not sure I'll have the heart to try again...ah well, I'm not planning on killing her anytime soon! :D Love her like a real pet!

Thanks for reading!!!!

*tamateen* ;)


Sorry it's been a while, I have been really busy! Apparently, fourth quarter means try to murder students with insane amounts of homework! Anyway, about Maria..she is 49!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Almost half a century old!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! She donated another 10000 to the king, making her total 30000p. I think she gets a prize at 50000! Anyway, she's been pretty good, gotten some bad letters, but other than that she's great.

BIG news on the twins!!! THEY'RE SIX!!!! If the matchmaker comes, I'll update right away!!!!!! I'm so excited! Ron's been giving points to the king, and Harry's trying to reach 9999p, (NOT easy on a V2!) iF THEY HAVE A GIRL AND BOY BABY, THEY'LL MARRY! (sorry caps lock) I already have names picked out!!! YAY!!!! HAPPY!!!! :wacko: :( I'll really miss them though! At least I can visit Ron in tamatown!

That's pretty much it, so I'll update when matchmaker comes! Later!

*tamateen* :D

I'll ty to update more often, too! It will be easier in the summer!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :D :D :p :eek:

The matchmaker came! I got a boy and a girl! YEAH!!! TAMA MARRIAGE!!!!!!! Harry has a baby girl, who will be named Hope, and Ron a baby boy who will be named Artie. I can't wait! I'm going to miss Harry and Ron, though!

Maria's still going strong, and guess what, she's FIFTY!!!!!! HALF a century old!!!!! This is the best day ever!!!!!!! (Okay yes, a bit of an exaggeration, but still) I'm sooo happy!!!!!! I hope she makes it to 99!!!! (Since the age counter stops counting after that, and I have to pause her, i'll never know her age after that! :( :( )


*tamateen* :p

Goodbye, Harry and Ron!!! :huh:

Hope and Artie were born....well left by their parents, today. They're going to get married! Ha-ha. Hope is a white circle, and Artie is that with a Mohawk (sp?) They're 1 training bar each, and just had their first visit!!!!! More on them later!!

Maria is 51!!! She's still going strong! Had a star letter thing today, 3 stars for points and 2 for the others. Surprising how long she's lived!!! I'm only sad that in summer, I have to get up early to pause her before I'm ready to wake up! (That's what I usually do, just in case she needs something and I sleep for five hours!)

Oops, supposed to be dong hw! Okay, later!

*tamateen* :D


Sorry about taking so long. My after school club is ending next week, so I'll be able to post more! Anyway, Hope and Artie are at about 2 smiley faces. They have changed into teenagers, Hope has a huge mouth and Artie looks like a mini Mametchi....(in case you haven't noticed, I know barely ANY tama names!) They're 2 years old now. So by the time they evolve, they MUST have 4 hts! :( They're training bars are both about half full.

Maria is 54 today!!! She's going to be 55! Okay, I have reached a decision. Maria, if she were to reach 99, would not count for the record thingy. I've paused her for weeks straight, it's actually been many years (real years) since she was born. I went through a non-tama phase....anyway, this is just to see if she can reach 99, but NOT for the record. Just wanted to clarify. But, if Maria was ever to die....(I hope not) she would be reset and I would try for the record, NO pausing! Hopefully, that ill take a while!

Random thought...I wonder if I can reach 99 generations on my other two.....hmmm...

*tamateen* :D

Hola amigas!

Maria turned 55 today! That's older then my dad!!! Scary...haha. :kuribotchi: She is having a boring day......not much is happening. No mail, no games, nothing. Sigh...

Hope and Artie are up to a 4 smile relationship! They'll hopefully turn 4 soon!!!!! Then, they'll evolve! I can't wait, that's one of my favorite parts, seeing which characters I get! Anyway, that's all, since it's been a slow day!

Know what bugs me? I can't remember what character Maria was!!! I'm almost sure she was a :) but I don't know.....AGH!!!!!! Anyway, later!

*tamateen!* :D


ARTIE AND HOPE EVOLVED!!!!!! :wacko: :ph34r: :lol: B)

Okay, so you all know how bad I am with names....they look like penguins!!! SO cute!!!! It was weird, I un-paused them after school, and I looked away and when I looked down, Artie had evolved! So I freak out, right? Then I look away again, and I look down and Hope had evolved!!!!! I missed them both because I looked away for a second! Ha-ha.....

Something weird happened, Artie's family isn't showing up! I don't know why.,...but now I can't visit them in tamatown! :D :p :unsure: No idea why this happened, I think I'll look for an answer on here...

Hope and Artie have a relationship of 2 ht 2 smiles! I can't wait for them to marry! (I have boys names picked out, but what if they're girls...hmm.) They grow up so fast...sniff. At least it seems that way when you compare to a 55 year old!

Maria is still 55. She played shape today, and got 25 (I usually win.) So she ate some sushi, but other than that....another slow day. Ugh.

*tamateen* ^_^

Hello people of Earth!

Today is a very happy day! Know why? Hope and Artie MARRIED! :) :) :) THEY'RE BOYS!!!! It's sooo cool, I have names picked out and everything! Sooooo awesome! They're only five, I'm really going to miss them!

Maria got a snake in the maiL!!! It did NOT make her happy! I gave her an orange and played shape with her to make her feel better (her favorite snack and game, her fave food is sushi.) She turned 57 today, and is currently 31 lbs.

Not much more to report, but my after school club ends after tomorrow, so I can post mre, and they'll have more time off pause, plus summer's coming up!!!! Right after finals! Ugh..

*tamateen* :)

Yay! :unsure: :D

Two new babies started up today! Ali and Bae! They are toddlers now, Ali (V2) is the 5th one down on the first colum

and Bae has a mohawk. They're both rolling around on the floor right now! Bae has 1 training bar and Ali has two. Ali is at 9998 points!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bae'ss total donation to the king is 19,300. Bae's family came back....but it only shows Ani and Artie, it skipped over Ron! Odd.

Maria is 58 today! Not much happened with her today, as I was taking care of the babies until a few minutes ago. More on her later!

*tamateen* :mimitchi:

Buenas Dias!

Maria is sixty one today!!!! YAYYAYYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More than halfway to 100! I don't know how to count the years after 99, since I pause her.....ahhhh! Hoping I even get that far...... anyway, she got a snake in the mail, but then the king granted her a plant..oh wait, that turned out badly.....the king shouldn't be able to give bad plants. It's just mean. :(

Ali and Bae are now 2 years old. Ali is :unsure: and Bae has wheels....awesome! Bae got a fishing pole, but first it gave a small fish or something,, then a tin can. This depressed him. (I know Bae is a very odd name...I got it from a book series.) Ali reached 9,999 points and bought pasta and a pair of boots. :)

*tamateen* :ph34r:

PS I was tempted today to buy a new tama.......I want to, but I really really don't!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!

BAE LOOKS LIKE A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I look at him, and I'm like...wait a second, this is supposed to be a guy! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

Oh as you can guess, Bae and Ali evolved. Ali looks like a whale, I like that character.They're FINALLY 4, after like 5 days of being three...that was weird....

I can't win sprint! I tried like 5 tomes, and it just won't work? Hm...I'm gonna try again.

Maria is 62! YAY! She keeps getting mean mail, and it's annoying! :furawatchi: She's at 95,249 pts. I looked at her pencil count and it's 999! YAY! Not even sure what that is, but I think it's good!

Bae got 70 points on Sprint just now. I don't like the first two games, my favorites are heading and sprint. That's why I'm so happy when they evolve into teens! :ichigotchi:

Got to go study...summer, where ARE you?

*tamateen* :)

Ahh, what a......great day! (not! But that's not for tama reasons so forget I said it!)

Maria's 64! She got a heart in the mail today! YAY!!!! :lol: Not much else happening with her, as her 70th b-day draws closer! :lol:

Bae and Ali are still 5. Soon, they'll be six and the matchmaker will come I bought a really strange object in the shop on Ali to find out it was darts...weird! Bae is pretty good, he's taking a bath right now, lol.

Not much else is happening, but I plan to go to tamatown soon, on some weekend I'm not swamped in homework! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

*tamateen* :)

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