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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
This week: Bahamas!

Dear Diary,

Today, Mango is in the costume again. I think that he is ugly, because he is a :lol: and they are ugly. Since he has big teeth, he should be rated PG or PG-13. His stats:




Age: 5 years

Current Wieght: 54 lb.

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1G

Points at 1:43PM: 279

He seems to be eating.

Meal: Hamburger

Snack: Apple

Current Treats Avalible: EMPTY

Used the Potty: once.

Game Stats:

Jump: 1/4

BUMP: 3/4

Heading: 2/4

Slot: 4/4

He has been praised: 2x.

He is my best tamagotchi. I think that he keeps watching television because he turns around and there is a little box with fuzzy things in it. He has come close to my screen so many times. I have put the costume on him everyday I have had him. I have had him since last Sunday. It feels good to be able to have a tamagotchi. It is like a pet. Anyway, I keep it unpaused when I wake up on weekends, even if he is alseep, so that he will soon change. I usually keep him unpaused all day until I go to bed. Sometimes, when I go to bed, I keep him unpaused. Then, when I wake up for school, his is asleep, so that I don't have to pause him all night. Since he is alseep at 10:00 PM and awake at 10:15 AM, I can just keep him unpaused.

Well, I really don't know what to say anymore.

I will update this later tonight and then for the rest of the week!


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Dear Diary,

It has been about 8 hours since I wrote the 1st post. Nothing has changed much. I got the snowman thing again.

Here are the changed stats:

Current Wieghtt: 44 lb

Points at 6:57PM:363

Used the potty:3x

He should change Tuesday at the latest, because on Sunday, when I asked people how long he took to change from a :( to the next stage, they all said 4-6 days. Let's hope that is right!

I like this guy: :) :when I was playing BUMP against him, he was so cute.

I took a look at the V3 characters, and the new furawatchi colors are kind of strange. My neighbor bought one and it is a little wierd. I like my V2. My mom will not get me a new one though because she says they are:

"So annoying and I am going to have to take care of it."

She hasn't done it once since Christmas.

Oh well!

I already bought extra batteries.

I have nothing else to right!


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I just got home from school and I thought that I would maybe make a log. Here are Mango's upadted stats:




Age: 6 years.

Wieght:28 lb


Febuary 9, 2006.

4:11 PM.

I think I should have said Yes to the matchmaker. Mango seems down and, well, the girl was cute!!! I think he wanted to mate. Well, I can't wait! I will have a new baby boy or girl. If it is a girl, I think I will name it Court, after my best friend, Courtney. If it is a boy, I might name is Mike after my brother, or maybe Tyler after my best "Guy" friend. NOT boyfriend. I have to watch the father, Mango, go to heaven.

Oh well.

His stats haven't changed much. His weight has been between and around 15 to about 35.

Well, bye!

Update coming soon.

My Mike ran out of batterys, so I just got new ones. Stats:

Name: Kevin

Gendeer: Boy

Hunger: ||||

Happy: |


Age: 0

Wieght: 8 lb

50 points

Generation: 1

So, he is not very happy. Shame...

Oh, and the reason I am posting, is because I will not use kitty_kat06, and also because Steph says "I hate this site". So, Valentine_Tama06 is mine, just if you are wondering!
