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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2012
Reaction score
Victoria Australia
How do you know when you get a Mametchi?

Does it have to be a perticular weight? Because my V3 is pretty fat...... when I want it happy I play games with it yet the hearts never fill! So usually I just give him treats :p

Also.. Is the fat blob with the arms and legs a good toddler or bad one and is there a chance it'll evolve into a Mametchi?

AND.... sorry for asking sooo many questions.. but... how long can it take to become a teen then a teen to adult?


The character chart for V3 can be found here:

The length of time each V3 growth stage lasts is as follows.

egg to baby, 1 minute

baby to toddler, 1 hour

toddler to teen, 24 hours

teen to adult, 72 hours

These are unpaused times. For example, if your egg turns into a baby at 9:00 it will normally turn into a toddler at about 10:00. However, if it turns into a baby at 9:00, then you pause it from 9:30 to 9:45 (about 15 minutes paused), it won't turn into a toddler until about 10:15 (about 15 minutes later than normal).

Could you provide a picture? You could describe almost all Tamagotchi characters as blobs with arms, so please be more specific. :) It also depends on what generation you have- and if you don't get Mametchi this generation, there's always two generations from now. :)

The 'fat blob with legs' you are talking about is a toddler and don't worry it is good toddler. Also what i have found about the time/age relationship is:

Baby+about 1 day= toddler

Toddler+1 day= teen

Teen+ 1 day = adult

Sorry if info is not accurate! My first and only tamagotchi is a TamaTown and don't worry I have a mametchi :newmametchi: on it!

P.S. A mamechi's favorite food is cereal.

P.P.S. Do you just play and lose the games or do you play and win? I see that when i win my tama is much happier.


Madcat64 the :newmametchi: caretaker.

Also, some of the favorite foods have changed on the Tama-Go. I believe that Mametchi likes omelet, and he dislikes bananas. For other character's likes/dislikes click Here.

Also, MametchiBub=^X^=, try not to double/triple post :)

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Mametchi is gained by perfect care, and I wouldn't consider being fat "perfect" care. Try playing games to lower his weight.

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