Male-Audino's Tama-Log.


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Apr 30, 2012
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Hello and welcome to my tama-log! It's been a while since I've done these, so please forgive me.

I received my Tama-GO 24 hours ago, and have just now started it. Here's a picture of the TG.


(sorry for the terrible quality of my photos, they're taken from my crappy phone).

I started up the TG, set in the date/time/username, and within a minute of doing so a beautiful baby boy was born!

I don't know what to call him yet, but ain't he just adorable?


Shortly after being born I fed him and gave him a nice snack to start with. He really enjoyed the beef and pasta with a glass of milk. (It actually sounds REALLY good). :/ I'm envious. Afterward I played a game of shoot the bug with him in which we won 600P. I'm so proud of my little bug blaster, even though it was at the cost of virtual bugs lives. He's a little upset that they had to die, but I took him to the park to forget about it. A kind Mametchi came and they swung on the swing set for a little while before returning home.

His potty-training is going very well, and he's a very hungry little fella. Fast metabolism, too, he hasn't gained a pound. He's gotten sick once, and now I'm just waiting for the little guy to evolve. When he does so, I'll post again!

Thanks so much for finding the time to read my short entry, and hopefully it'll be more interesting later on. 'Til next time!
